WINNETKA TALK April 30, 1927 Why You Should LIVE in DEERFIELD Deerfield Village Improvements Review of Work Accomplished and to Be Done Sewer, water and concrete pavements amounting to $1,000,000.00 put in last year. Concrete pave- ments and other improvements to be put in this year, for which majority of contracts have already been let, amounting to $2,000,000. County board is now constructing bridge across West Skokie ditch on Deerfield road, which road will be paved this summer. Two public schools. Free trans- portation for high school students to the Deerfield- Shields high school. Municipal Band being organ- ized. Public Library now in operation. Four churches. No road houses. Three miles to Lake Michigan and splendid bathing beaches. Taxes in Lake County Are Low! What Can We Do For You? DEERFIELD CHAMBER of COMMERCE Deerfield, Illinois N. T. Musical Department An invitational concert will be given by the musical organizations of the New Trier High school in the school auditorium Saturday evening, under the direction of Mrs. Marion Cotton, musical director. Both of the Glee clubs, the band and the school orches- tra will be represented and the pro- gram will offer an excellent opportuni- ty for the friends and parents to learn what has been accomplished during the past term. Hardin Van Deurson, baritone, an alumnus of New Trier, will be the soloist during the concert. BENEFIT JUNIOR SCHOOL Two successful bridge parties were given last week at the home of Mrs Andrew E. Buesh, 831 Ingelside place, to benefit the Chicago Junior school. The first affair was a bridge luncheon for 48 covers given last Thursday, and the second took place Friday evening in the form of a supper bridge. There were 14 tables in play. Assisting Mrs. Buesh were Mesdames lester C. Sing- er, Evanston; Frank L. Davis and Fred Witteborg, Chicago, Mrs. Perry Ullrich of Glencoe and Mrs. George Karnes of Winnetka. ALPHA PHI Patronesses for the Alpha Phi benefit card party to be given at the Evans- ton Country club Saturday, May 7, in- clude Mrs. Budd Clarke Corbus, Mrs. G. R. Sanders, Mrs. Thomas C. Mould- ing of Wilmette, Mrs. Walter Dill Scott, Mrs. C. A. Rich, Mrs. R. C. Wie- boldt, Mrs. J. L. Turnbull, Mrs. Royai J. Whitlock and Mrs. Allen Mills, the latter of Glencoe. Proceeds from the affair will be devoted to the house furnishing fund for the new sorority house on the campus. Mrs. Arthur Bowe is chairman of arrangements. Illinois produces thirty commercial minerals. Maria Is Moving Watch for Announcement to Give Concert Saturday | Woman's World's Fair to Take Place in Late May The Woman's World's fair is to be held in Chicago in the Coliseum from May 19 to 27, inclusive. plishments of women in art, science, The accom- literature, business, professions, and industry will be exhibited. Helen M. Bennett is managmg di- rector, and the board of directors in- cludes Mrs. Joseph T. Mrs. George Bass, Mrs. Howard Linn, Mrs. Medill McCormick, Mrs. W. T. Robin- son, Mrs. George R. Dean, Mrs. Rock- efeller McCormick, Mrs. Joseph G. Coleman, and Miss Helen Bennett. Seek Out Rough Spots to Test Out the Elcar Elcar dealers are reversing the usual demonstrating methods by hunting for the worst streets they can find, in- stead of seeking smooth ones, it is said. The ability of the Shock-less Chassis to ride with astonishing smoothness over ruts and ridges has become the basis of demonstrations, and other features of the car, important as they are, are almost forgotten in the pros- pect's amazement at the riding quali- ties of the Shock-less Chassis. F. L. Fridman of Wilmette is the north shore dealer for the Elcar. E. L. Nygaard Re-elected Association Secretary Superintendent E. L. Nygaard of the Joseph Sears school was re-elected secretary of the Lake Shore division of the Illinois State Teacher's associ- ation in the meeting held last Monday at the Evanston High school. Over 2,500 educators for North Shore edu- cational institutions were in attend- ance. Bowen, AID FLOOD SUFFERERS The Birchwood Country club Min- strels in Rogers Park are to stage a benefit performance Sunday night, May 1, to raise funds for the flood sufferers in the Mississippi Valley. Snow Shoe Al of Line O' Type fame is to be a fea- tured performer with the Minstrels. The Minstrels are to give a perform- ance for members of the club and their guests Saturday night, April 30. G. W. Swiney and A. F. Moeller of Wilmette are prominent members of the club. tionable. 660 Center St. Driveways! For 22 years we have been building drive- ways for particular people of the north shore . . . . that is why our reliability is unques- If you are contemplating a new driveway or repairs to your old one, a call from you will bring our representative to your door. B. W. BLOW Established 1905 Phone Winn. 201-202 a---- - eg