a as hE | | | : 10 WINNETKA TALK May 7, 1927 TI I I I I I I III INININIIIINNNNNNNOOOOIgggogOoIOOoOLIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIITIIIIIIIITIIIIIIIIZI I RE A A ABBA $200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 How 1s Your Lawn Mower 92 ® Are you going to struggle along another year with that old mower that cannot give your lawn the ap- pearance that a new mower will give. Short clipped, smooth and well dressed lawns looking like beautiful heavy green "rugs." It's no work at all keeping them that way with one of our "ball bearing mowers." Easy running, and built for hard service with care, they will last a life time. . PRICES AS LOW AS $11.50 LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED AND REPAIRED E. B. Taylor Hardware Co. 546 Center Street Phones 998-99 GIVES LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Editor's note--The following 'is an ex- cerpt from a lecture on Christian Science delivered Friday evening, April 29, at the Winnetka Masonic temple before the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Win- netka, by John W. Doorly, member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. No body of people on earth holds a higher estimate of Christ Jesus than Christian Scientists. We know that his way is the only way. It is true that we do not believe that the human Jesus is God. We know that, as he himself declared, he is the Son of God. The Christian Scientist's love for Christ Jesus is beyond any words, for' is it not the life and work of Jesus which led to the discovery of this Science and which has enabled him to come out of bondage to sin and disease and to see those he loves dearly freed from these ills? It might truly be said of the honest Christian Scientist that - ] Vail Nabors COLD TABLETS (REI They will cure any Cold or Cough. Will prevent Pneumonia, and Flu. General Contracting New Homes Built All Kinds of Building Repairs--Jobbing Remodeling-- Alterations Estimates Submitted Plans and specifications prepared if desired Ist and 2nd Mortgage Loans A. J. Johnson Ph. Winn. 344 or Deerfield 254 Box 527 Deerfield 550 Center St. WINNETKA FOLKS By C. R. Patchen YES THAD A QUARREL 7 HE'S LEFT ME FOREVER! Such things will happen in the best regulated families. Noth- ing like little gifts now-and then to keep love alive in the home. We wait upon your wants with courtesy. COMMUNITY PHARMACY 750 Elm Street WANT HIM TO BUY YOU - SAW HIM START BACK FROM CHINA A MINUTE AGO/ 1 COMMUNITY MA RIACY and Cards for | Mothers' Day. Phone Winnetka 164 | his chief aim and endeavor in life is i to know more of Jesus and of his teaching, which is reveanny God's presence and power. Thus he learns that "Christianity is the basis of true healing" "(Science and Health, p. 192). No one who understands and appre- ciates Jesus' mission and his fulfill- ment of that mission can ever be satis- fied to be a merely nominal follower of Jesus. Christian Scientists recog- nize clearly that the promise of Jesus, "He that believeth on me, the works that T do shall he do also," is not mere- ly a promise but is also an unmistak- able demand on his followers. They realize that slowly but surely the world is beginning to see and to appre- ciate that the spiritual understanding of God and of His Christ is the only way of deliverance from evil of any kind. As this demonstration of Christ is made manifest there will be a truer appreciation of Christ Jesus and of his overwhelming sacrifice for the salva- tion of men. Until the works are per- formed in some degree, by healing the sick, reforming the sinner, and raising the dead, Christianity has not fully grasped the deep significance of Jesus' mission. His life and work were a complete proof that "whatever holds human thought in line with unselfed love, receives directly the divine power" (Science and Health, p. 192). It is sometimes misrepresented that we Christian Scientists make too much of the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy. Let me say to you that it would be im- possible for us to make too much of Mrs. Eddy. The salvation of every member of the human race depends on the honest recognition of the truth taught by Mrs. Eddy as God's mes- senger. She never demanded of her fol- lowers any human praise. her mental status was too high to be influenced by such praise. She knew, however, that if men were to be redeemed by Christian Science they would, in com- mon justice, have to recognize through whom Christian Science had been brought to them. Those who knew Mrs. Eddy well, found that she was pure and tender, wonderfully unselfish, always thinking and laboring on be- half of mankind. Strength and poise Gardening Seeding Trees Trimmed and Removed J Work by experienced gardeners--at a small cost-- Phone WINNETKA 2231 »