12 WINNETKA TALK May 7, 1927 SHOE REPAIRING Backed by 'i 4 years of Experience Let us repair your shoes and you'll get months of wear from them. A trial will prove satisfactory. Electric Shoe Repair Shop 906 Linden Avenue, Hubbard Woods HEADS INDUSTRIAL CLUB Howard Fenton, 818 Bryant avenue, an official of the Harris Trust and Savings bank, was elected president of the Industrial club of Chicago at the annual dinner given at the Blackstone hotel, April 29. Mr. Fenton succeeds Frederick H. Scott. The Ravinia Sketching class will hold the first of the outdoor meetings of this year this afternoon in Ravinia. ---- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Prindiville mov- ed this week from 151 Euclid avenue to 717 Rosewood avenue. Ce ir)i ATLTRY M+ Frawomical Transportation Glencoe. ern Quality Car. and now ~ Announcement In order to better serve residents of the North Shore, Wm. Ruehl 8 Company announce the opening of demonstrating headquarters at Kurschner"s Garage, 666 Vernon Avenue, You are invited to inspect the Most Beautiful Chevrolet in Chevrolet History -- The World's Lowest Priced Mod- Our moderate terms of payment places any desired model of the Chevrolet within easy reach of almost everyone. Mr. Harry C. Thomson will be in charge and he will be glad to arrange appointments to suit your convenience. Hlowine' 525 re 02D ir '©95 Sr "715 ie... '745 666 Vernon Avenue %TmTyd 4395 The Most . . Limiyd J495 Beautiful Coach In Chevrolet History! AB Buioes Ea Fis Mistigud Climaxing all of Chevrolet's previow ¢alue triumphs, the Chevrolet Coach of today is Ballocn tires Maul acclaimed as the outstanding closed car value of all time. Beautiful new Fisher bodies Squipmenton --paneled and beaded, rakishly low ard finished in new colors In addition to these of genuine Duco . . . fullcrown, one-piece fenders ... bullet-type low Jekces Chevro- headlamps ... AC oil filter and AC air cleaner . . . finer perform- jes d vered prices ance, greater riding comfort and remarkable steering ease! A car so andi ee Ai marvelously beautiful that you must see it to appreciate it-- Yet ing charges available. the price has been a to . . - . . . HARRY C. THOMSON AT KURSCHNER'S GARAGE-- GLENCOE 595 £. 0. b. Flint, Mich. Tel. Glencoe 800 Legion News Urges Flood Relief The efficient work of American Le- gion posts in the 'flood areas of the Mississippi valley was praised by Howard P. Savage, national comman- der, in a nation-wide message just is- sued asking Legion support of the special committee appointed by Presi- dent Coolidge to raise funds for the American National Red Cross relizf work in behalf of the flood sufferers. Commander Savage sent the follow- ing special telegram to the com- manders of ten states, Texas, Arkan- sas, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennesses, Mississippi, Kansas, Louisiana, Illi- nois and Oklahoma: "I commend you and the posts in your department for the prompt and efficient service rendered in holding the breaking levees and giving needed aid to flood sufferers. "I now call your attention to the president's proclamation asking all or- ganizations and citizens to assist in every way the work of restoration and the relief of the stricken people in thz flood area. let our Legion take the lead in giving the Red Cross all pos- sible assistance." The national commander made the same plea to the heads of the Legion in all states to support the Red Cross and the president's special committee in its campaign for funds for flood re- lief activities. The request of Com- mander Savage will automatically reach all of the ILegion's individual posts which number more than 10,000, and its membership of three-quarters of a million. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Stevens of 655 Lincoln avenue are occupying the H. I.. Timmins' home at 71 Warwick road for the summer, while Mr. and Mrs. Timmins are in Furope. ane Rev. and Mrs. 5. Ashley Gerhard of 482 Linden avenue, Winnetka, left last week for California. They expect to remain there until early in June. Painting or Decorating Done by experts at a $§ reasonable cost. PHONE WINNETKA | 2231 |