a May 14, 1927 WINNETKA TALK HUBBARD WOODS HAS NEIGHBORHOOD SOCIAL Good-will Party 'Sponsored by Improvment Association Achieves Popularity The first social evening ever spon- sored by the Hubbard Woods Im- provement association was their Bridge and "500" party held in the auditorium of the Hubbard Woods school last Tuesday evening. The slogan which helped make the party a success was, "Neighborliness." The appeal made by the directors in their sale of tickets was "Come Out and Meet Your Neighbors--the Party is Informal." As the hour to start playing ap- proached, remarks by those about the tables were heard like these--""There are John and Margaret Jones, we haven't seen them for months," "I had no idea there would be such a crowd." Erskine Wilder, with Mrs. Norman Copthorne at the piano, led in group singing. Mrs. Stanley Farwell with her group of directors' wives, served refreshments a la hotel Drake, putting the best of caterers to shame. "T'ed Farwell, president of the asso- ciation, introduced the guests and di- rectors and diplomatically pointed a finger at George Miller, the treasurer, who hung around the door most of the evening to make sure that no one escaped who might want to join the association. Backed by Merchants Meanwhile the Rules committee was busy checking up scores. Everyone was anxious for the results and only two or three couples failed to remain. The party was a great success and fre- quent expressions were heard that there might be many more of them. The following merchants contributed liberally toward the success of the party: Pauline Shop, Frank A. Reid, A. W. Zengler, Hubbard Woods Garage, A. Vickery, Hubbard Woods Fruit Store, Dean & Brown, Hubbard Woods Coal &Lumber, Electric Shop, Pullom & Re- gan, Hubbard Woods Pharmacy, Hub- bard Woods Shoe Repair Shop, Glen- etka Garage, Hubbard Woods Battery Grocery, Service, Hubbard Woods (NOTHING CAN BE VER, WRONG -- |F YOU'RE FEELING WELL AND 'HERE can't be anything seri- 'ously the matter with a man except ill health. The most serious thing that ever ailed a house is bad heating facilities or other inferior plumbing. Your health depends upon the sanitary condition of the place you live in. Telephone us. Phone 874 ~464 S.J. STEFFENS 723 OAK ST. WINNETKA,ILL. ---- ---- | Denni Brothers, G. L. | Hearthstone Tea | Pharmacy, Mrs. + Hardware, Zick & Co, | Shop, North Shore | McArthur, Florentine | | Ba Peter Pan Shop, Hubbard W oods | Barker Shop, A.| Bakery, Bert Smale | I P. Grocery, George Wood, Vic Kil- liam, E. Jachechi, North Shore Ice Co, Shell Gis, Hubbard Woods Tire Sho 1 Electric Shop, Woodland Grocery Market, Florence Hat Shop, Content Dr. H. Lynn, Gift Shop, R.| W. Schell, John Odh and National Tea | Co. The Scandinavian Pleasure club will | hold its monthly dance at the Odd Fel- | lows' hall in Wilmette tonight. Harold | Anderson's orchestra will furnish the | music. ----= Two hundred and fifty members and | guests attended the annual members' meeting of the Wilmette Golf club Wednesday night of this week. The event was a stag affair. Your Shoes Rebuilt ...not Repaired There's a great difference in having your shoes rebuilt and repaired. Try our Rebuilding Service. You'll be more than pleased with the results. All work guaranteed Annex Shoe Rebuilder's Store R. Wagner 8 Prouty Annex--Opposite C. N. W. Depot Telephone Winn. 991 BANK Your Earnings... Who Gets Them? Most everyone works hard enough for the money he is paid, but in so many cases loses out by not realizing that a definite plan should be made, and in turn. .. money work for him. The successful man saves by a practical plan of daily thrift and comes in possession of a sum of money which is the result of bank deposits and their earnings. Why not call and arrange to open an account with us. T he Oldest Organized Bank in Winnetka "WF fome Bank for Winetka /eople" Qficers and Directors HENRY R. HALE Fresidlent L.B.AKYUPPENHEIMER Vice~/Fesiadensd JANBORN HALE Coshier CLEORGE W. MEAINNEY Asst Costier VICTOR ELTING ~ NOBLE HALE .have the WINNETKA STATE BANK LIM S7. LAST OF LINCOLN 2 VE, [ BANKING HOURS | Solurdays 8am.Lo 12-30rm. and 7 lo Bm. |