May 21, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 7 Residents Warned to Beware of Fake Needy Service Men France, so they say, has its blind; Rome its peddlers; London its beggars and India its wooden legged men. In all probability, Mark Antony paused to tip a stillus vender as he finished his post-mortum oration on the quali- ties and virtues of Caesar. All of which is to say that Winnetka has its needle sellers. At a meeting of the Winnetka Post of the American Legion last Monday evening, a descussion of the situation surrounding the selling of magazinne subscriptions, needles and the like, by men posing as ex-service men, re- sulted in the members of the post passing a resolution requesting Win- netka people to refrain from purchas- ing such articles. "While the Legion realizes that many of the men are worthy of the support of the people, stated Thomas J. Lynch, past commander and active in all Legion activities. "The majority of them are commercializing the uni- forms and the service records of others. The American Legion main- tains a service bureau at 160 North [.a Salle street, Chicago, under the supervision of an experienced director, where these men may obtain employ- ment if any may be had. In case the men are in poor health the bureau will file claim and see that they are admitted to a government hospital. All ex-service men in poor health are eligible at any time to enter a govern- ment hospital for treatment. More- over, compensation may be had by those whom it is due." "Service officers of the Winnetka Post are always willing and eager to find employment or file claims for compensation, or otherwise aid in any way, worthy ex-service men. The Legion will not, however, permit the public to be hood-winked by misrepresenting themselves and ask that the general public send all ex- service men who approach them under such conditions, to the officers of the American Legion for investigation. If they are really in need they will be given aid." Set June 7 for Hearing on Locust Road Project An adjourned public hearing will be held by the Board of Local Improve- ments Tuesday evening, June 7, at 8 o'clock on the question of paving Lo- cust road from Pine street to West- moor road. All interested property owners are requested to be present at this hearing. On the same evening there will also be held a public hearing on the im- provement of the intersection of Green Bay road and Tower road by widening the intersection and paving with con- crete, by special assessment. Mrs. H. E. Odhner and her daughter, Alice, wish to express their appreciation for the kind words and deeds of their friends and neighbors during their be- reavement. Adv. DON NN NN NN NN NNN NN NY AN NN NN NN NN NN J) D the \ Stretch... Tr 4 The Greatest Drive Ever! g SORA ZN NN NNN NN NN A AN how well they can do it. Some ness. etc., than is ours. 1083 Gage St. Merchants, large and small, buy space in all sorts of papers, books, etc., to tell about their wares, what they have, and what they can do, and and proof, some get recognition by increased business, and the con- fidence of their patrons, an absolute necessity to any individual or busi- No store in this vicinity is better able to serve you more promptly or conscientiously, with reasonably priced quality Meats, Groceries, Fruits, Will you let us prove these facts with a trial? Home Dressed Squabs and Broilers. Choice Fish, Live Lobster. All Sea Foods. The Best Beef and Lamb Grown. Woodland Grocery & Market HoME DRESSED POULTRY OUR SPECIALTY Hubbard Woods FINE GROCERIES the exclusively handled by "us better grade are be- we would not carry in- those of cause ferior kinds. We must live up to our reputation for quality, for that is what every sensible wom- Economy an demands. comes next, and in that we always score heavily. back up their statements with facts Tel. Winn. 1980-81 those | Ne S{OISVANRINIC, senaees~TelWin. 344 r nul & " g wish I a perp v " i E = 5 ET F = i a 1 = | T - 2% | 1 /3 { : g & i; | NX i Se | : 3 3 HH ¥ . 3 | = MH N - aid TaN Ee Z ® ® Don't Forget Your Lesson on Thrift! You, who come forth in June with diplomas and degrees, can forget the intricacies of higher mathematics without much material loss. But. you should never forget the principles of thrift. Now, when you are about to earn money, is the time to put into effect what you have learned. Open a SAVINGS ACCOUNT. Save a definite amount regularly. Save for a purpose. Start your account with this BANK with one dollar. We'll do all in our power to help you grow with us. You'll appreciate this advice later. BANKING HOURS Daily Saturday 7:30 A.M. to 3 P. M. 7:30 A.M. to 12 M. Saturday Evenings 7 P. M. to 8 P. M. Hubbard Woods Trust & Savings Bank | 952 Linden Avenue Hubbard Woods