WINNETKA TALK May 21, 1927 LAWNS Nature with the help of Krenn can provide you with the finest of green carpets. . . . See me for SEEDING or GRADING. ... BLACK DIRT for Sale. Phone Winnetka 2435 FRANZ KRENN Stone and Grading of T 1 -- ERE Landscape Gardener Lawns i Belin 1036 Oak St. Fhe pd "I Sell Vigoro, the Lawn and Plant Fertilizer Food" Let Us Estimate Your Cement Driveway A Pool for Your Yard We do all repair work on property-- including Brick, Stone, Cement, Plaster and Stucco Wash. We give each job our personal attention. Shortridge & Saxton 419 Richmond Road, Kenilworth Phone Ken. 2735 Your Shoes Rebuilt ...not Repaired There's a great difference in having your shoes rebuilt and repaired. Try our Rebuilding Service. You'll be more than pleased with the results. All work guaranteed Annex Shoe Rebuilder's Store R. Wagner 8 Prouty Annex--Opposite C. N. W. Depot Telephone Winn. 991 * Eugene Permanent Our shop is the place to get your Eugene, because our operators un- derstand the various textures of on Both men and women available for haircut- ting. Hubbard Woods Beauty Shoppe 1081 Gage St. Hubbard Woods Ph. Winn. 857 Preston-Cox Wedding Event of Last Week The marriage of Florence Deily Preston, daughter of Mrs. Frederic Herman Deily of Winnetka, to Ed- ward Allen Fox of Chicago, took place Saturday, May 14, at 8 o'clock, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Wein- stock of 1323 Asbury avenue. Dr. J. W. F. Davies performed the ceremony which was attended by relatives and intimate friends. Mrs. Earl L. Weinstock attended the bride as matron of honor, and Miss Frances Fox, the groom's sister, as bridesmaid. Earl L. Weinstock acted as best man for Mr. Fox. One of the features of the wedding was in the playing of the wedding march by Earl I. Weinstock, Jr., the bride's young nephew. Little Patricia Weinstock, her niece, attended as flower girl. A reception followed the ceremony. After a honevmoon trip of several weeks in the East, includnig Washing- ton, D. C., and New York City, Mr. Fox and his bride will make their home at Rogers Park. They will be at home at 7323 Clayton Court, after July 1. Miss Eilween Thiehoff of 1172 Hamp- tondale road will entertain a few friends Monday, May 23, for luncheon and bridge, in honor of Mrs. Charles Merriman of Reading, Pa. Mrs. Mer- riman and her daughter Elsa are in Winnetka as the guests of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aspen- wall of 1195 Tower road. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Owsley of 337 Cedar street have left Winnetka on a motor trip to Virginia, where they will visit Dr. Fred Owsley. Announcement Mrs. H. E. Odhner wishes to announce that she will continue the business of the late Mr. H. E. Odhner, of Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing and Repairing of both men's and women's garments. All work will receive prompt and careful attention. Your kind consideration and patronage will be appreciated. 1050 Gage St., Hub- bard Woods. Tel. Winnetka 278. Adv WHAT'S THE PLUMBING YOU'VE PLANNED ? | WE ARE YOURS [<6 COMMAND W HAT"S the plumbing you've been planning? Don't make a secret of it--tell us about it, because we are sure we can be of service to you. Ask some folks you know what they know about our prices and our work. We know that what they tell you about us will send you to this shop. Phone 874 ~ 464 S.J. STEFFENS Group of Boys Spend Week-End on Island Camp The vanguard of Adventure Island- ers, consisting of a group of north shore boys returned recently after spending a week-end on the island. The bovs were in charge of Charles A. Kinney, director of the camp. The trip was the first to be taken by dif- ferent groups of boys before the clos- ing of schools permits a general exodus to the island. The camp fleet weathered the winter in first class shane, and the bovs are impatiently awaiting the dav when the winter canvas can be hauled off and they can start getting the fleet in com- mission. A new addition to the fleet is a coast guard surf boat bought by Mr. Kinnev this snoring. The craft has a powerful heavy dutv motor, is unsink- able. and will weather anv cea, making it an ideal boat for the camp. An interesting experience of the boys was the discovery on the island of a pair of American bald eacles, ap- parently nreparine to make their nest there. What will happen when the colony of great hlue herons arrive from the south to build their nests is a mat- ter of exciting speculation. especially as the herons have been coming to the same location for the past forty or more vears. The hovs are merely non- ing thev can be on hand when the meeting takes place. PASTOR ON VACATION Rev. Thomas A. Goodwin, of the Winnetka Congregational church, left Tuesday for a week's vacation on the Chain-of-T.akes. Waupaca, Wis. Tn his ahsence. Rev. Tames Austin Richards will preach at both morning and eve- ning services on Mav 22. The Young Men's class next Sunday will be con- ducted by Ralph Morphett. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis B. Springer of 430 Maple avenue, Wilmette, accom- panied by Mrs. William McClan and Mr. Lochlin of Evanston, spent last week-end at Mirror Lake, Wis. 'MARINELLO BEAUTY SHOP 733 Elm Street For Appointment Phone Winnetka 703 OAK ST. WINNETKA,ILL. General Contracting New Homes Built All Kinds of Building Repairs--Jobbing Remodeling-- Alterations Estimates Submitted Plans and specifications prepared if desired Ist and 2nd Mortgage Loans A. J. Johnson Ph. Winn. 344 or Deerfield 254 Box 527 Deerfield 550 Center St. ee ---- La