WINNETKA TALK May 21, 1927 0) General Notice -- GLENCOE NEWS. 156 cents a line in one paper. Rates - 30 cents a line Average of five words to the line. 109 discount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 1222 Central Ave. Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. papers. CHARGE 50 cents. used. ; M Classified adverti t Deadline f or I nsertions-- °° up to ey 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three WINNETKA TALK and Friday 6 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Classified advertisements will to residents of the district from Evansten to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or Telephones : Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. be charged only 26 cents a line in all three papers. in any two MINIMUM No black face type will be ac- papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. 10 DRESSMAKING MISS KINGSROD, EXCL. DRESSMAK- er. $6.00 a day. Gowns, remodeling. Univ. 7929. 10LTN34-1tp LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR dressmaking and remodeling. Phone Winnetka 2022. 10T11-tfe PLAIN SEWING, MENDING AND AL- tering, $5.00 per day. Miss Thiem. Winn. 1686. 10T11-tfe SEAMSTRESS BY DAY. UNIV. 1867. 10LTN34-1tp 21 PAINTING AND DECORATING PAINTING, PAPERING, CALCIMIN- ing, tloors refinished, general house- cleaning. 15 years exp. Reas. prices. Estimates furnished. Home Service Co., Univ. 8517. 21LTN34-1tc YOUR DECORATING -- NOW'S THE time. Get estimate. I save you money. Brandt. Glencoe 971. 21TN11-tfe 32 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework for June and July. Ph. Winn, 1939. Address 1171 Oakley Ave. 32T11-1te WANTED ----- YOUNG WHITE GIRL FOR mother's helper. Assist with housework and care of 3 year old child. Phone Winn. 651-R. 32TN11-1te CAPABLE WHITE GEN. MAID. SMALL adult family. No laundry. Good wages. 33 HELP WANTED--MALE 37 SIT. WANTED--MALE WANTED -- SALESMAN TO CALL ON our customers. Permanent position if you qualify. North Shore Gas Co. Phone Winn, 2600. 33TN11-1te WANTED -- RELIABLE MAN, MUST be capable of handling dogs. Wil. 3347. 33LTN34-1tc 35 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WOULD LIKE TO GET INTO DRUG business on the North Shore and will purchase part or whole of established drug store or will open up new place with a live partner. Would consider as partner wide-awake, young man who may at present be employed as clerk, who knows North Shore trade and has small amount of capital. Will be glad to furnish the major portion of capital and make it possible for partner to buy out my share on fair terms within a year or two. Not interested in a booze deal. If interested please reply in strict confidence, giving name and address, where employed at the pres- ent time and record of your previous employment. Address Talk B-322. 35LTN34-1tp 36 SIT. WID.--FEMALE REFINED TRUSTWORTHY WOMAN; capable secretary and office assistant; familiar with details, real estate and selling, needs position. References. Ad- dress Talk B-319. 36T11-1tp CAPABLE, EFFICIENT GIRL, AS PAR- lor maid or waitress. White, Protestant. Mrs. McMahon, 509 Washington, Glen- References. Address Talk B-317. coe. Glen, 836. 32TN11-1te 36LTN34-1tp COOK AND FIRST FLOOR WORK.|INFANT'S NURSE, 12 YEARS EXP. Nurse kept. No laundry. $20-$23 for | $25-330 week. Jewish family pref. A. best worker. Phone Winn. 682. Oinas, 4114 Clarendon Ave., Chicago. 32TN11-1te 36TN11-1tp WANTED -- EXPERIENCED MAID for general work; good salary; protes- tant; references. Phone Glencoe 700. 32TN11-1te 21B GARDENING JOHN OSTROWSKY NURSERY HAS SOME REAL BARGAINS ON A variety of A-1 shrubs and perennials. West Park Ave. Highland Park. Tel 2098-Y-1. 21BLTN31-4tc MATT CARETTA BLACK DIRT, MANURE, LANDSCAPE Gardening. Private Driveways and Hauling Service. 411 Randolph. Tel. Glen. 491. 21BTN11-1tp A. SCOTT, LANDSCAPE GARDENER and contractor. Places taken care of by the month. Trees taken down, and general garden work. 896 Spruce St. Phone Winnetka 2482, 21BLTN34-1te 24 REPAIRING AND REFINISHING WANTED -- CAPABLE WHITE GIRL for general housework. Must be good cook. Five in family. Have references, Wil. 1128. 32T11-1te WHITE GIRL OR WOMAN FOR GEN. housework. Small family. Good home. Give refs. and phone. Talk B-323. 32TN11-1te WANTED -- LAUNDRESS, WHITE, thoroughly experienced for Monday only. Washing machine and mangle. Winn. 1379. 379 Ridge Ave. 32T11-1te WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Three in ramily. Experience unnecessary. 1034 Cherry St. Winn. 2374. 32T11-1te WANTED -- REFINED WHITE GIRL for general housework. No laundry; small family. Tel. Kenil. 1738. : . 32T11-1te FURNITURE SLIP COVERS AND UP- holstering work done at your home by reliable party. Call Rogers Park 8738. C. E. Johnson. 24T11-1tp i. --.. EXPER. WHITE MAID, GEN. HOUSE- work. Upstairs work once a week only --other help. Small family. Winn. 1254. 32TN11-1te 27 GENERAL REPAIR HAVE YOUR LAWN MOWERS SHARP- ened. Will grind any size mower. Called for and delivered. G. A. Soderblom. Phone Glencoe 1025. 27TN11-1te A ------ WANTED -- GIRL TO HELP WITH housework, need not be experienced cook, but must be neat and cheerful. Tel. Winn. 1173. 32L.T34-1tp SIT. WTD. -- REFINED, NORWEGIAN girl, honest, capable nurse wishes posi- tion in Winnetka. Wages $25-$30. Ad- dress Talk B-325. 36T11-1te COMP. WHITE WOMAN WANTS cleaning, cooking, serving, day or meal. Dinners especially. Highwood 1303. 36TN11-1tp A COLORED MAID WANTS GENERAL work or second maid. No laundry. Ph. Glencoe 1272. 36LTN34-1tp CATERING, CLEANING OR LAUNDRY work. Colored. Best references. Drexel 7770. 36LTN34-1tp EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WISHES work by day. Good references. Wil. 864-W. 36LTN34-1tp MAID COLORED FOR SMALL FAMILY. References. Kenwood 10485. = 36LTN34-1tp HIGH SCOOL GIRL WOULD LIKE position as child's nurse. Winn, 2795. 36T11-1te POSITION AS NURSE GIRL TO WALK- ing child. Willing to do light upstairs work. Diversey 4071. 36LT34-1tp «a. wiv. -- LAUNDRY, CLEANING and extra dinners. Call Univ. 5569. 36LTN33-2tp IXP. LAUNDRESS WANTS POSITION by the day. Refs. Phone Kenwood 2236. 36LTN34-1tp WANTED -- YOUNG GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; no washing. Phone WASHINGS WTD. WET, ROUGH DRY, or finished. Will do blankets also. Ph. 30 PERSONAL Wil. 3287. 32LTN34-1te Winn. 859. 36LLTN34-4tc GLENCOE PRIVATE LAUNDRY. ALL| SECOND MAID TO GO TO COUNTRY.| EXPERIENCED WOMAN WISHES hand work. Call for and deliver. Phone Assist with laundry. Mrs. Lindsay. laundry work or cleaning. Call Winn. Glencoe 106. 30TN10-2tc| Winn. 1450. + 32LTN34-1tp 2567. 36LTN34-1tc a -- 31 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- WHITE WIRE HAIRED FOX terrier, on Monday, May 16th. Answers to the name of "Pal." May be injured. Reward for return or for information leading to return. Glencoe 713. 31LTN34-1tc LOST -- BOY'S BROWN LEATHER jacket on Greeley School playground on Friday, May 13th. Call Winn. 2170. Reward. 31T11-1tc ------------------------------------------------ 32 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- EXPER. WHITE GIRL for general housework. 3 in family. Call Glen. 961. 32LTN34-1tc LAUNDRESS WITH GOOD REFEX- ences. Also housecleaning. Wil. 3600-Y-4. 36T11-1tc WANTED -- WHITE GIRL GENERAL housework. No experience required. Winn. 2325. 32T11-1te DAY'S WORK, LAUNDRY, CLEANING, getting dinners. Kenil. 2826. 36TN11-1te REL., EXPER., WHITE GIRL FOR general housework. Call Winn. 1925. 32TN11-1te INTELLIGENT, EXPER. WELL-EDU. stenographer. Address Winnetka Talk B-307. 36TN11-1tp WANTED---2 CAPABLE WHITE GIRLS for housework. Permanent position. Wil. 1561. 32TN11-1te WANTED -- SEVERAL NEAT AP- pearing floor girls for cafeteria work. Pleasant working conditions. Experi- ence not necessary. Apply Central Cafe- teria, 1131 Central St., Wilmette. 32LTN33-2te WANTED -- CAPABLE GIRL IN DRY cleaning office for bookkeeping, tele- phone orders and able to meet the pub- lic. Call at A. W. Zengeler Co. 899 Lin- den Ave., Hubbard Woods. 32TN11-1te COMP. YOUNG GIRL FOR OFFICE work. Experience not nec. Excellent working conditions. Phone Winn. 44. 32IL.TN34-1tc EXPERIENCED WHITE LAUNDRESS; small family; good laundry and ma- chinery. Call Glencoe 459. 32T11-1te WANTED--WHITE, GENERAL HOUSE- work girl; small house; small family. Phone Winn. 1296. 32TN11-1te GIRL, WHITE, FOR 2ND WORK AND help with children. Winn. 1261. 32LT11-1te WORK. EXPER. 32T11-1te MAID, WHITE, Refs. Glencoe COOK, WHITE, EXPER. REFS. GLEN- coe 1210. 32T11-1te 2ND 1210. WANTED -- LAUNDRY WORK TO DO at home. Winn. 2373. 36T11-1tc DAY WORK. MRS. TURNER, UNIV. 3640. 36LTN34-1tp WANTED--BUNDLE WASHING, FIRST class work. Univ. 10416. 36LT34-2tp 37 SIT. WANTED--MALE EVANSTON INTERIOR HOUSE CLEANERS Expert paint and window washing. 1906 W. Railroad Ave. Evanston, IIL Phone University 5535. 3TLTN32-4tp WANTED --- CHAUFFEUR POSITION. Willing to take care of garden. Good references. Glencoe 782. 37LTN34-1tp CHAUFFEUR, MARRIED, ENGLISH, wants position with private family. Good mechanic. Able to do small repairs needed around house and garden. Am now employed as such, for last 2 1-2 years in Winnetka. Winn. 2635. 37TN11-1tp EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS CE- ment work ; driveways and walks, base- ment floors, garage; grade and seed lawns. Louis Pantle, landscape gard- ener. Tel. Winn. 1813. 37T11-1te SIT. WTD. -- CHAUFFEUR; SINGLE; white ; age 26. Live on premises if pos- sible. Permanent. Euclid 8707. 37T11-1tp HOUSECLEANING, WINDOW WASH- ing, floor polishing, lawn and garden work. References. Wil. 3428. 3TLT34-tfc WANTED -- MAN WILL CLEAN WALL paper, window shades, rugs. Polish floors and furniture; do general house- work. Talk B-324. 37TTN11-1tp EXP. COLORED GENTLEMAN DE- sires pos. as butler. Can furnish best of Winn. refs. Phone Winn. 1353. 37TTN11-1tp FILIPINO, EXPER. COOK, AND SERVE dinner parties. All kinds of work. Call Glencoe 940. 3TTN-1te JFENERAL WORK--LAWNS, GARDENS, houses. Experienced. Winn. 2382. 3TLT34-1tp DAY'S WORK -- CLEANING, work, or anything by hour or Kenil. 2826. YARD day. 37TN11-1te A. L. COOK OR CHEF WISHES POSI- tion, regular or extra. Catering a spe- cialty. Glencoe 367. 37TN11-1tc 38 SIT. WID.---MALE & FEMALE KENILWORTH 1847 KENILWORTH EMPLOYMENT AGCY. Reliable domestic help furnished. 421 Richmond Rd., Kenil. over Post Office. 38LTN34-3tc WANT TO PLACE MY EXCELLENT col. couple from July 1 to Sept. 15. Call Winn. 498. 38T34-1tc 41 FOR RENT--ROOMS COMFORTABLE ROOM. TWIN BEDS. Hubbard Woods. Reas. for 1 or 2 busi. people. Also kitchenette apt. Only to resp. couple. Beg. May 22. Glencoe 940. 41TN11-1te CENTRAL HOTEL -- LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms for transients and resident. 629 Main Street. Phone Wilmette 1080. 41LT34-tfe FOR RENT -- 2 NICELY FURNISHED rooms for couple employed. Garage space if desired. Wil. 776-M. 41LTN34-1tp FOR RENT -- 2 FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping. Everything fur- nished. Phone Wil. 3429 or call at 1138 Oakwood, Wilmette, 41LT34-1tc STEADY, CONGENITAL MAN WOULD like a roommate where there are 2 beds. Large, light, convenient room, near trans. Winn. 650-R. 41LT11-1te FOR RENT -- FOR SUMMER, 3 ROOMS, sleeping porch and bath, kitchen privi- leges. Two blocks to trans. Wil. 3087. 41LT34-1tc WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping room, % block to all transportation and stores. Phone Glencoe 770. 41TN11-tfc LARGE ROOM, SUITABLE FOR 2. 1 block to trans. 1006 Chatfield Rd. Phone Winn. 2524 or, after 6, Winn. 2481. 41T11-1tp FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. Gentlemen only. Winn. 2420. 554 Cen- ter street. 41T11-1te FOR RENT -- IN HUBBARD WOODS, 2 pleasant third floor rooms. Winn. 1525. 41T11-1te FOR RENT -- 2 ATTRACTIVE FRONT rooms in east side home. Tel. Wil 1940, 41LT34-1tc -------- 12 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS WINNETKA. PART OF A BEAUTIFUL home. Large grounds. Sleep. and liv. porches. 4-5 bedrooms. Furnished or unfurn. Baths and showers. Conven- ient location. Oil combustion, hot water heat. Call owner for further in- formation.,, Winn. 2664. 421. TN34-tfe FOR RENT -- APARTMENTS, FUR- nished and unfurnished, all sizes. Heated. Phone Wil. 2399. 42LTN34-tfc wal 4 ene