May 28, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 0 EE Save Money on -- -- TIRE MILEAGE Every day in the week, we feature values in tires. Our values mean more mileage at economical cost. Here you get Silvertowns just packed full of miles -- Silver- towns at prices that cut their cost per mile the lowest it has ever been. More deliveries for the Name your price; commercial car we have the tire . 4! Delivery car owners can tell you the facts to match it! about tire costs. They figure the cost of In our stock of Silvertowns. their tires by the number of deliveries one Goodrich Radio Cords and Bal- set of tires will give. More miles mean loons -- we can offer you any- more deliveries--at lower cost. That's thing you want, in low price why commercial car owners use Silver- savings or long run economy! towns. FREE GREASING SERVICE Ask attendant at station for particulars HUBBARD WOODS GARAGE 1010 Tower Road Hubbard Woods Phone Winn. 617-1834 0A - - ma -- ---- o ? Headquarters for 'KELLY- SPRINGFIELD | TIRES ~All Sizes -- Immediate Service oe Auto Glass: Installed and Polished | We have special equipment, and have developed this business to such a point that we are able to do this work for less money than anyone else on the North Shore. Open Evenings and Sundays Indian Hill Auto & Electric Supply Co. | "The Up-to-Date Hardware Store" Phone Winnetka 782 462 Winnetka Ave. Phone orders receive prompt attention. Winnetka, Illinois