REE WINNETKA TALK June 25, 1927 V ® A For Better Things to Eat Dine at i WELCH'S CAFETERIA I Continuous Service A 549 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka |f I " » A Beautiful Green Lawn Throughout the Summer No matter how small or large your lawn is, no matter how many disappointments you may have bad with it--this year you can easily make it worthy of your pride as a home-owner. Grass needs certain elements to make it deep green and broad- bladed. It needs other elements to make it sturdy, deep-rooted, thick and velvety, to produce richer, smoother, more abund- ant growth. Vigoro for Better Lawns And these elements are found in Vigoro--the new plant food for lawn and garden use. Vig- oro is the result of years of ex- periment by highly-trained plant experts and chemists at the Swift ¥ Company labora- tories, who sought to perfect: . 1. A scientifically balanced plant food that would give to grass, flowers, trees, shrubbery and garden plants, just the proper elements, in exactly the 'right proportions, for rapid, "beautiful and sturdy growth. + | F 5 Lawns Flowers Gardens Shrubbery Trees IGORO Specially prepared plant food 2. A concentrated food from which plants could get nourish- ment quickly. 3. A clean food, free from unpleasant odor. 4. A food easy to apply. Vigoro can be taken in the band and scattered as you would sow grass seed, or it can be scattered with a moderately coarse sieve. Apply Vigoro T his Summer You can buy Vigoro in con- venient sacks of 25, 50 and 100 pounds. A 100-lb. sack will furnish food enough for lawns ranging in size from 50x50 feet to 50x100 feet. Get some today. and apply it at the rate of two to four pounds to every 100 square feet of lawn or garden. And this summer have finer vege- tables, more luxuriant flowers, leafier shrubs and trees and a lawn of which you can be proud. E.B. TAYLOR HARDWARE CO. 546 Center St. Tels. Winn. 998-99 SKOKIE DRAINAGE BILL BEFORE STATE SOLONS North Shore Backers of Measure | Hope for Favorable Action | as Session Wanes A resolution seeking aid from the state legislature in the Skokie drain- age problem was to be introduced at Springfield this week. The north shore sponsors of the measure, however, "view with alarm" the measure's plunge into the legis- lative maelstrom which it encountered with unwelcomed companions such as the gas bill, transit bills and a lot of other bills crammed into the legislative hopper as the close of the session ap- proached. Final arrangements for the intro- duction of the resolution were made at a dinner at Skokie Country club, Sunday, June 12, attended by repre- sentatives of various north shore vil- lages. Senators Huebsch and Swift, the latter from Lake county, are piloting the measure at Springfield. The Resolution The resolution reads as follows: "Whereas, The lack of proper drain- age, sewage and flood control in the district lying just west of the city of Waukegan, and the villages of Lake Bluff, Lake Forest and Highland Park in Lake county, and the villages of Glencoe, Winnetka, Kenilworth, Wil- LLSSSSSSSISLLISLLLSSS LLL ISLS ISLS SSSSSIL SS SS SSS S SSS SSS S11 LLL diz r7ziiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiizzs. Building and Remodeling A builder's best recommendation is the home he can show. .Construc- tion, not conversation, guarantees whatever job you have in mind. .. The house pictured above is lo- cated at 509 Jackson Ave., Glen- coe. It is open for inspection on Sun- days from 2:30 to 8 P. M., or by appointment. Max Ekelmann Builder ¥ Contractor Phone Glencoe 420 222777 Zaz iaiaziiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiuiuuuuuiuiiiiiiiiiid N NY NY NY NY NY NY 3 N Ny NY NY Ny 3 NY N Ny N N N Ny N NY NY NY N NY NY NY NY NY N NY NY NY Ny NY NY AN NY X N NY NY 3 NY NY RN NY BN 3 3 AN N 3 NY AN NY NY 3 3 NY 3 N N NY A N NS NY N NY BN 3 N Ny NY N NY N N » R777 riiiiiiiiiiiiiiizriidiiiiid mette and the city of Evanston, in Cook county, which is drained by the Skokie river and branches of the north fork of the Chicago river, is a serious menace to the health of the people residing in such district and causes a great loss to the property owners of that populous and progressive district, and "Whereas, That part of the district which lies in Lake county is within the North Shore Sanitary district and that part of this district which lies in Cook county is within the Sanitary district of Chicago, and "Whereas, The Skokie river has a slightly greater fall in its course through Lake county than in Cook county, where it is but a slow, slug- gish stream into which settling basins and Imhoff tanks discharge and have discharged their putrescent effluvia, the odor of which contaminates the air; and, "Whereas, The North Shore Sani- tary district has excavated a straight deep channel to the Cook county line, and in times of heavy rains and floods the waste-laden waters from this channel spread over the lands under the control of the Chicago Sanitary district, this water lying stagnant thereon, furnishing a breeding ground for mosquitoes and flies, and a men- ace to the health and well being of the people resident in such district; now, therefore, be it "Resolved, By the Senate of the Fifty-fifth General Assembly, that this Senate, in order to aid in the solving of the problems in this district and in order to prevent sickness and proper- ty loss, urge that the Chicago Sani- tary district give serious consideration to the problem of taking care of this water, either by continuing the chan- nel excavated by the North Shore Sanitary district to the North Branch of the Chicago Sanitary District canal, there being a fall of about twenty- five feet between the mouth of this channel and the level of the Chicago Sanitary District canal, or by any other means which engineers may recommend; and be it further "Resolved, That the County Com- missioners of Cook county, the County Board of Lake county, the Park Com- missioners of the parks, and the city and village engineers of municipalities situated in such district, and the State Department of Public Health unite to study and attempt to solve these prob- lems; and be it still further "Resolved, That the Senators of the State of Illinois representing the Seventh and Eighth districts in the next General Assembly be requested to report to that Assembly as to the progress made and to recommend any legislation necessary to remove this menace to the health of these people and to curtail the unnecessary loss in the value of the property situated in this district occasioned by these un- healthful and unsanitary conditions." IN NEW HOME Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Gordon, who formerly lived at 780 Foxdale avenue, are now living at 615 Hill road, Win- netka. They purchased the new house through C. P. Rorick and company, Franklin building, Winnetka. Nort SHORE HoMES INC. Builders of Better Homes We will WILMETTE, [LL. Plan A Finance Chicago Office - First National Bank Bldg. & Build For Yeu