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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 25 Jun 1927, p. 56

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June 25, 1927 WINNETKA TALK | f[ won 44 FOR RENT--HOUSES 53 FOR SALE--VACANT 68 FOR SALE--USED CARS 3 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS 8§ ROOM HOUSE. THOROUGHLY cleaned and improved. In 1st class loca. Winn. 573-R after 6. 44T14-1tc FOR RENT -- 5 ROOM COTTAGE, stove heat. Phone Wil. 1403. 44LTN39-1tp -- ' p-- 15 FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSES ROOM HOUSE. LARGE LOT, FACING [y park. 1% blocks main station. 4 mas- ter bedrooms. Sleep. porch. 2 maid's bedrooms and bath. For July, Aug. Sept. $300 a month. Phone Winn. 1016. 45TN16-1te ROOMS HOLLOW TILE, COOL AND ow airy. 2 screened porches, 2 baths, gar- age. Beautiful wooded lot. July 1 to Sept. 15. Winn. 878. 45T16-1te § ROOM HOUSE, SLEEPING PORCH and garage. For July and August. Winn. 648. 45LTN39-1te DURING JULY AND ANGUST. 8 ROOM house. Sleep. porch. Garage. Near trans, Winn. 648. 45T14-1te AND OCT. 385 Ridge, 45TN16-1tc 7 ROOM HOUSE FOR SEPT. Garage, large liv. porch, Winn. Tel. 1246. 47 FOR RENT--GARAGES FOR RENT -- GARAGE WITH CON- crete drive and wide turn around. 426 Maple Ave. Phone Winn. 2021. FOR SALE -- NORTH SHORE LOT near lake, ready for building. Original subdivision price. Will trade good used auto, or bonds. Some cash; balance, terms. Phone Winn. 2235. 53TN16-1tc 54 FOR SALE--ACREAGE BARRINGTON OWNERS OF A 100 ACRE TRACT DE- sire a quick sale. Located on County Line Road in midst of extraordimary exclusive development, this piece is suitable for strictly high class country estate. High, rolling and wooded, it has many building sites and fine views of the surrounding country. Frontage on two roads. Priced low. Terms. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. Fountain Square, Evanston Univ. 2600 54TN16-1tc BARRINGTON WE HAVE A TRACT OF SELECT FOR- est, hill and stream country, location ideal, beauty unsurpassed and priced under surrounding sales. Can deliver 100 to 400 acres or more; owners anxi- ous to sell. Good transportation, ex- cellent for golf club or subdivision. Best buy in this section. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. Fountain Square, Evanston Univ. 2600 54TN16-1tc 47T16-1te 147A FOR RENT--ACREAGE BHA SUMMER RESORTS FOR RENT -- 65 ACRES OF GOOD : crop timothy hay. Also large barn, 40 Three Lakes, Wis. x80. Phone Morton Grove 29-R. LONE STONE LAKE LODGE ' 47AT16-1tc | COMPLETELY FURNISHED LOG CAB- -- ins, $25 per week. 4 and 5 rm. cot- a 48 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT -- VERY DESIRABLE OF- fice space, about 10x10 ft. Excellent ground floor location, at 736 Elm St. Phone Winn. 142. 48L.TN39-tfc 52 FOR SALE--HOUSES FOR SALE -- WINNETKA, MODERN English type house in fine condition; 4 family bedrooms and bath on second floor; maid's room and bath on first; sun porch ; floored attic; hot water heat. Good lot with big trees. $17,500. Reas- onable terms. SMITH & BROWN 736 Elm St. Phone Winn. 142 52LTN39-1tc OWNER MUST SELL HOME, ON beautifully wooded lot 87x165 ft. Seven room stucco dwelling, 4 bed- rooms, open porch, best oil heat, and 2 car garage. Most desirable location in southeast section. This is a bar- gain at $24,000. P. W. BRADSTREET & CO. SOLE AGTS. Headquarters Winnetka Real Estate 788 Elm St. Phone Winn. 162 52T16-1tc Big Value in East Winnetka CHARMING 7-ROOM HOME, HANDY to Lake and Depot, 2 baths, screened porch, fireplace, 2-car garage. Quick sale price of $23,000. Terms. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 746 Elm St, Winnetka Winn. 2199 52T16-1te FOR SALE OR RENT -- GLENCOE--5 room stucco bungalow, large living rm. with fireplace; screened front porch, $11,000. Rent $85 per month. FRANK A. REID 954 Linden Ave. Winn. 1300 Hubbard Woods 52LTN39-1tp BRAESIDE Six rooms, solid brick Bungalow with half acre lot, new plumbing; near trans- portation, for rent or for sale. RAVINIA New 7 room, brick veneer home on a large wooded lot, 66x162 ft. Near trans- portation and lake. Phone Winn, 489. 52L'TN39-1tp FOR SALE--WONDERFUL COUNTRY home in Glen Oak Acres. New 7 room brick ; 2 acres wooded ; gas heat; 2 car garage. Bargain at $29,000. E. P. Con- ley. Wil. 1582. 521. T39-1tp FOR SALE -- 1719 ELMWOOD AVE, Wilmette, 8 room frame ; hot water ht. ; terms. Owner Phone Wil. 2399. 52LTN39-tfc FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE AT- tractive 8 room home. Wonderful lo- cation. $25,000. 457 Grove St., Glen- coe. Glencoe 83. 52LTN39-1tc 53 FOR SALE--VACANT GLENCOE. BEAUTIFUL LOT, COR- ner of Crescent and Lincoln Drive. Call Glencoe 1025 or Winn. 1047, e 53LTN39-1tp tages, $35 and $40 per week. Lone Stone Lake (spring fed, sandy beach). Surrounded by virgin timber and chain of 27 lakes. Tennis, golf, game fishing, hunting in season. Day's drive from Chicago--concrete practically all the way. For reservations phone Ravens- wood 8818 or 2550. Fredk. H. Olson, 1963 Wilson Avenue, Chicago. 55ALTN39-tfe >6 REAL ESTATE Glencoe -- Near School and Golf Club HAZEL AVE. 8 rms., 2 baths, large porches, $22,000. GREENWOOD AVE. 9 rms., 2 baths, sleeping porch, $25,000. BLUFF ST. Unrestricted view of Skokie, 9 rnis., 2 baths; new sun and sleeping porches, $28,000. SOUTH AVE. Facing Golf club, early American brick, 9 rms. 3 baths, toilet rooms. A won- derful new home, $48,000. BLUFF ST. Extending 453 ft. to the Golf club, 9 rms, 3 baths, sun, dining and sleeping pches. ; beautifully landscaped, $57,500. VACANT On Franklin Road, $135. South Ave. Opp. Skokie Club, $135. Grove St. Opp. Skokie Club, $125. These are all exceptional bargains. Easy terms. Full particulars cheerfully given. Ernest M. Kimball 140 S. Dearborn St. Randolph 0880 770 Bluff St., Glencoe Glencoe 170 56LTN39-1tc Best Real Estate Values This Week VACANT WEST WINNETKA 600 ft. x 125 ft., $25.00 per ft. SOUTHEAST WINNETKA 5 large wooded lots, 2 blocks to lake. $125 per foot if sold by July 1st. Will not divide. WILMETTE NORTHEAST SECTION Modern 8-room brick, H. W. Ht. large slp. pch.; sun pch.; 2 baths, tiled vesti- bule, Maid's quarters, two car garage. Trees, flowers and shrubs. 75 foot frontage. Owner moving. This is a real buy at $28,500. Call McDougall. INDIAN HILL CLUB Bargain vacant. $175 per ft. In center of North Section. Lot 183x221. Call Anderson. List your For Sale and For Rent prop- erties with: Bills Realty, Inc. 1603 Sheridan Rd. Tel. Wil. 3740 : G6LTN39-1te USED CARS ON EASY TERMS OUR STOCK IS CONSTANTLY CHANG- ing. If we haven't what you want to- day, we may have it tomorrow. Buy with confidence from WERSTED MOTOR CO. FOR SALE -- DRESS COAT FOR CUL- ver Naval Summer School, one-half price. Girl's bicycle, $15. Three-quar- ter bed, box springs. Round din. table; chairs. Winn. 1611. 73T16-1tc JOHNSON MOTOR BIKE, ¥WSED month. Cost $125, sell for $90. Heavy carrier basket on front. License paid 562 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winn. 165 for. Winn. 1367 or Harrison 7949. 68LTN39-tfc T3LTN39-1te FOR SALE--1925 FORD TON TRUCK, | FOR SALE CHEAP. 1 TYPEWRITER open express Winn. 885. body. Tom Edwards, 68L/TN39-1tp 0 ANTIQUES FOR SALE NEW SHIPMENT OF English, French, and early American antiques just received, including rare old china, glass, pictures, prints, and furni. of unusual interest. Rare old pink Lustre tea set, little house de- sign. Crown Derby and Davenport China. Floral screens and many small, decorative objects. Old Governor Win- throp inlaid desk, dated. 312 South Ave., Glencoe. Tel. Glencoe 732. T0TN16-1te MAHOGANY DESK, RUSSIAN BRASS tea pot, Pineapple high chair, old blue coverlets, hooked rugs, lovely glass prints, silver. 7 TALLY HO SHOP 1428 Sheridan Rd. Wilmette "In No Man's Land" T0LTN39-1tc in good working condition. Cheap if taken at once. G. L. Zick and Co., Hub- bard Woods. Winn. 1887. 73TN16-1tc NO. 9 OLIVER TYPEWRITER, PER- feet condition, $18. Small oak roll top desk, $15. Phone Winn. 628-M. 73T16-1te 74 WTD. TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS S. GOLDMAN JUNK DEALER HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR RAGS, magazines, old clothes, tires, tubes, Tel. Wilmette 3334. 74T16-tfc WANTED CLEAN WHITE RAGS, 10c per 1b. 1222 Central Avenue, Wilmette. T4LTN39-tfp WANTED TO BUY--PONY CART AND harness. Address Box 475, Barrington, 7T4LTN39-1tp WANTED -- SECOND HAND ORGAN. Wil. 2948. T4LTN39-1te A NEW LOT OF ANTIQUES AT 808 WASHINGTON ST. EVANSTON 1% Bl Main St. "IL." 13 Bl. E. Ridge Ave. TOLTN39-1tc ANTIQUE FURNITURE. HANDSOME and plain pieces, consisting of daven- port, tables, chairs, small objects, etc. 457 Grove St. Glencoe. Glencoe 83. T0LTN39-1tc 71 FOR SALE--HSEHLD. GOODS POOL TABLE, EXCELLENT CONDI- tion. Extra rubber cover, balls, cues, all accessories. Two accompanying chairs. 100 Green Bay Rd., Hubbard 'Woods. Tel. Glencoe 1383. 71T16-1te FOR SALE -- JACOBEAN OAK DIN- ing Table, 7 chairs and china cabinet. Mahogany twin beds; library table. Conover dishwasher; practical print- ing press and type; and other items. Phone Winn. 1303. T1TN16-1te REMOVING FROM HOUSE TO APART- ment. Will sell surplus furniture at bargain prices. Apply at 776 Prospect Ave., Winnetka, Phone 70. TILTN239-1tp LILLIBRIDGE OIL BURNER, GRAVITY feed, 50 and 200 gal. tanks and 100 gal. of oil. $150. Phone Winn. 694. TILTN39-1tp SIMMONS BED WITH SPRINGS AND mattress. Call Winn. 1412 Saturday or Sunday morning only. T1ILT39-1tp FOR SALE -- LAUNDRYETTE WASH- er, 1st class condition. Good as new. 903 Ash, Winnetka. Winn. 2119. 71T16-1tp SINGER SEWING MACHINE, WITH electric motor, $25.00. Wil. 1341. T1ILTN39-1tp MAHOGANY DINING TABLE, 10 chairs, and buffet. Good cond. Winn. ; . TILTN39-1te SPINET WRITING DESK, ANTIQUE mirror, chaise lounge, fernery, baby buggy. Glencoe 948. T1TN16-1te MAHOG. DIN TABLE, 6 CHAIRS, BUF- fet. In fine cond. Bargain, $65. Small antique chair. Winn. 1816. 71TN16-1tp EE ------------------------------------------ 72 WTD. TO BUY--HSEHLD. GOODS WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Ev- anston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. T2LTN39-tfe EE -------------------------------------------- 3 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--SEVERAL NICE DRESS- es, sizes 18 to 38, $5.00. Also, boy's Rowe sailor suit, from Field's; like new, $7.00. Black satin coat, Kasha lined $175.00. Sell for $25.00, like new. Winn. 1372. 73T16-1tc ELTO OUTBOARD MOTOR ALMOST new, $75. Winn. 2170, 337 Sheridan rd. T3LTN39-1te YELLOW CHIFFON EVENING DRESS, size 16, $15. Winn. 2170. 73LTN39-1tc Kenilworth News Mrs. Henry Riggs Rathbone of Sheridan road, Kenilworth is at home for the summer months after her usual winter in Washington and in Florida. For many years she has made it a practice to spend the summertime in Kenilworth where she entertains gen- erously and lavishly. Her luncheons and dinners are always examples of the genial hospitality and careful thought. Mrs. Rathbone is now president of the Illinois branch of the League of Amer- ican Pen Women and is very busy in this work and in her writing. A new book of her poems is soon to come from the press. -- There was an error in the announce- ment last week regarding the new Bel- nap Hawkes baby. The baby is a boy and is named for his paternal grand- father Benjamin Carleton Hawkes. Mrs. Hawkes is leaving the last of June for a three months' trip to Europe. He will visit Spain. Norway. and Sweden, sailing from New York on July 2. Many Kenilworth residents will remember her clever and beau- tiful niece, Miss Louise Hawkes, who has occasionaly visited here. Miss Hawkes will act as hostess on the steamer and has arranged the party. --_--0-- Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hedrick of Kenilworth with Phebe and Marion, left Thursday for Leland, Mich., where they have a cottage for the rest of the summer. Virginia Hedrick is just returning from a trip to Duluth on one of the large freight boats which ply the lakes, the guest of Julia Fleming of Evanston, whose father owns the boat. Virginia will attend the sum- mer school at Northwestern universi- ty this year. -- Skokie club card parties are proving the usual lure to members of the club and a number of Kenilworth women entertained last Tuesday. Among these were Mrs. E. John Hicks, Mrs. George Jones and Mrs. George Kings- lev. Mrs. Hicks had a small dinner on Tuesday evening for a few of her friends whose husbands were busy at the golf clubs that evening. : ins Mrs. Frank Cherry and Miss Jean- nette Cherry of Kenilworth are enter- taining this afternoon at a tea from 4 to 6 in honor of Mrs. James Crowell Cherry, formerly Miss Frances Dockery of Memphis.

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