or July 2, 1927 WINNETKA TALK Red Cross Issues 4265 First Aid Certificates The Chicago chapter of the Red Cross reports that it has issued 4,265 first aid certificates to employes of the Chicago and suburban industrial firms during the twelve months ending May 31. Of this number, 222 lay instructors were appointed to teach the courses free of cost to their fellow employes. A toll of 75,000 lives is claimed each | vear by industrial accidents in the United States. To from this source, the Red Cross offers lits course of training in first aid to the | injured. | The General Electric company, like | the companies of the Bell Telephone company with which it is associated, | requires all employes to take the Red | Cross course. To set an | exarisie for their workers, all the high | executives receive instructions in the | emergency care of the injured along with the shopmen. As a result, this | company reports, there is a striking first aid reduce mortality | decrease of accidents and loss of time | from work. Dwight Chapman Is Cum Laude Man at Harvard Dwight Westley Chapman, Jr. of Wilmette, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight W. Chapman, 900 Elmwood avenue, a senior at Harvard college, has been awarded an A.B. degree magna cum laude, being one of about fifty magna cum laude men out of a class of 570. Chapman has been among the highest ranking men of his class throughout his four years, being a member of the | Phi Beta Kappa society. i Chapman, who has been active in |undergraduate affairs, prepared for Harvard at New 1 school. He delivere. tion on June 22. Walter Shattuck, Jr. 1 Kenilworth avenue, is leay week on the Campania for . where he will spend the summer eling with his fraternity bro Steve Adsit of Pontiac, a Sigma They will be gone until Septemb. when Mr. and Mrs. Shattuck will mo- tor to Quebec, accompanied by their daughter Miriam, to meet the boys on their return to this country. C oA On Out-1o CEDAR POINT PARK. ON LAKE GENEVA AT WILLIAMS BAY Leave the big city's smoke, dust and grime for a few days and come out to America's most beautiful lake--where unbounded joy and radiant health are found in abundance. Take the children off dangerous streets and bring them out to this wonderful Garden Spot--where they can romp and play in fresh, invigor- ating air and health-building sunshine. There is no place like Lake Geneva--and CEDAR POINT PARK is the Most Beautiful Spot on the Lake. CEDAR POINT PARK is a Completely FINISHED Subdivision--the Kind That Others Merely Attempt Today, the only desirable homesites available on Lake Geneva are to be found in CEDAR POINT PARK--a subdivision masterpiece. The last section on sale now. A few choice lake front lots, with full riparian rights, still available. An excellent Investment--as values here are rising steadily. CEDAR POINT PARK is only a half mile from Williams Bay Station on the Northwestern. Fuil shopping facilities near by. All improvements in and paid for. Light and telephone, lake and spring water piped to each lot. landscaped, for at 2865 No. Clark Street Four spacious parks, beautifully Ground is high, dry and heavily wooded. Practically no mosquitoes. Rigid restrictions insure having most desirable neighbors. Whether you plan a summer home or choose it for investment, CEDAR POINT PARK offers a wonderful opportunity. All authorities agree that the greatest advance is yet to come. Come out over Sunday and actually see this Wonderland. Or, drive out on smooth motor roads. Write or telephone our Chicago office for full information and folder. CEDAR POINT CEDAR POINT PARK SUBDIVISION CHICAGO OFFICE Every Summer Sport GOLF--Several fine clubs lo) | within short distance of i grounds. homesite owners. "Muskies." Tel. GRAceland 3110 CEDAR POINT PARK. TENNIS--Private courts | are right on the Park | finer BATHING--No beaches anywhere. The pur- est water in all of America. FISHING--Bass, Pickerel, Pike, Perch, Blue Gills and BOATING -- Everything from canoeing up to speed- PARK / Seneva ap y