| Be July 30, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 19 From District Taxes ........ 1,136.271.43 Tuition paid by pupils ..... 4,533.57 Sale or rent of School Property «vv. tsa ives vin 16,670.84 Sale of School Bonds ...... 165,870.01 Private subscriptions ...... 160,648.07 Bank Interest, ete. ......... 34,043.58 Insurance adjustments ..... 1,683.80 Anticipation Warrants ....... 250,000.00 POA] vc vvvvsinovyessessite $2,667.491.49 DISBURSEMENTS School Board and Business office <<... cio dvinrene $ 51,109.03 Compulsory attendance .... 31.03 Salary of Principals....... 28,308.00 Salary of Teachers ........ 631,149.26 Teachers' Pension Fund .... 2,655.00 Textbooks and stationery 41,206.22 Interest on Anticipation Warrants. ov. vv vos odie 4,691.63 Salaries of Janitors and Engineers .....iiiscee es 70,940.64 Fuel, Light, Power, Water, RSE IE Lr SRT 58,163.63 Repairs, Replacements, Insurance 35,773.31 Libraries "....... i. 15.426.89 Promotion of Health ....... 12,055.67 Anticipation Warrants paid 230,000.00 Grounds, Buildings and Alterations - ...:.......o. 503,706.32 New Equipment ........... 68.518.35 Princinal of Bonds .......... R6.000.00 Tnterest on Bonds.......... 54,712.25 Other Township Treasurers 40.00 Balance on hand June 30, LL er RN SR CE 793,004.26 Ce $2,667.491.49 Westmoreland Scene | of Rising-Durham Wedding Saturday Summer flowers in variety and | gowns in pastel shades formed the colorful background last Saturday eve- ning for the wedding of Miss Frances Rising, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Rising of Evanston, and Arthur B. Durham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Durham of Kenilworth, at the Westmoreland Country club. | The ceremony was performed by the Rev. A. S. C. Clarke. Tall baskets of the season's dowers bordered the long | aisle running the length of the room| to the improvised altar. The bride wore a white satin ard lace gown fashioned in period style. The lace in her long tulle veil which was held in place with orange bios- soms was an heirloom of Mrs. Ris-| ing's, and the plaited cap fitted the head. closely. The bridal bouquet was of lilies of the valley and roses. The matron-of-honor, Mrs. Franklin B. Albright, who is a sister of the bride, wore a period style dress of orchid colored taffeta, and the brid:s- maids, Miss Emilie Durham, sistc: of the groom, and Miss Iska Morgia, | wore gowns of the same style in pea_n | and green taffeta. The little twin flower girls, Frances and Marian] Beeler of Winnetka, were dressed in| pink organdy. The mothers of the] bride and of the groom both wore gowns of georgette crepe, that of Mrs Statement of the Finances of Town- ship 42, Range No. 13, in Cook County, Tilinois, from July 1st, 1926, to June 30th, 1927. PERMANENT FUND RECEIPTS Cash on hand July 1, 1926....% 16.99 Bonds on hand July 1, 1926.... 800.00 Mota) iv sons e gts sugaon ies $ 816.99] EXPENDITURES | Cash on hand June 30, 1927....8% 16.99 Bonds on hand June 30, 1927.. 800.00 Ji Ee SO a 0 $ 816.99 DISTRIBUTIVE FUND | RECEIPTS Balance of cash July 1, 1926.. Income of Township Fund..... From County Superintendent. "$39,661.81 | DISBURSEMENTS Incidental expenses of Trustees and publishing Annual State- ABIL. ov ereie es Pain od vain ee PY wa $ 300.60 Compensation of Treasurer 2,000. 00 | Distributed to districts ....... 34,378. 92 | Balance June 30, 1927 ....... 2/982. 29 $39,661.81 DISTRICT FUND RECEIPTS Balance on hand July 1, 3926... cei heres $ 863,391.27 Distribution of Trustees.... 34,378.92 Rising being lavender and Mrs. Dur- | ham's green. Franklin S. Albright attended Mr. Durham as best man, and the ushers were Walter Mead of Wisconsin Rapids, brother-in-law of the groom, and Gerald Cope of Champaign. Mr. and Mrs. Durham left soon after the ceremony for a lake trip arouud Lake Michigan, and will be at home after August 3 at 7517 Kingston av:- nue, Chicago. Mrs. Virginia Noe, and her daugh ter, Miss Virginia, returned this week from New York, where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Noe for two weeks. --O-- Miss Frances E. Weld of 315 Sun- set road is spending the summer as the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs. R. N. Koblegard, at Walloo lake, Mich. FOR DISTINCTIVE PERMANENT WAVING Large, Deep, Natural Waves Negrescou's Pure Steam Process AS LOW AS $15.00 HAIR GOODS Transfor- mations. Bob Wigs with nat- ural parts as low as $35.00. NEGRESCOU'S DRAPE WAVES, ETC. For discriminate requirements consult Mr. John Negrescou, 30 years on State St. Expert Beauty Parlor Service and Artistic Hair Cutting THE WIGGERY SUITE 1314 STEVENS BLDG. 17 N. STATE STREET TEL. RANDOLPH 1035 ACATION the right clothes boi inspire the mood for the outing vacation So rg- -50 sporly- 50 nexspensive EVA KARON SCHUR owns and Spor i NORTH SHORE HOTEL - 1605 nisin er A EVANSTON Na i! ) ¥ Furs. of Furs. XXXXXXXXXXXXX % FRANK A. ANDREW, "Township Treasurer. "| AUGUST | SALE or FURS! NOW IN PROGRESS . just what you've watched for. . Our August Fur Sale offers excellent means of saving money. For what you'd counted on as the cost of your fur coat, you can count on its costing considerably less in our August Sale Parisian fashions, the loveliest of pelts manipulated to maintain slender lines. Rich linings and fine quality of workmanship are all included to make these garments, and at un- usually advantageous prices too. FUR STORAGE AND REPAIRING Your wants in Repairing, Remodeling, Relining and Cleaning can be cared for in our shop at a cost considerably less than downtown prices. We also offer "A Call For and Deliver Service," : : +3 offering you immediate attention and guaranteed workmanship. Victor Brothers FURRIERS We Are Open Evenings for Your Convenience. .and waited for. ..our first annual August Sale of 368 Central Ave. HIGHLAND PARK Tel. Highl'd Pk.351 XXX XXX XXX XXX