= hr 18 WINNETKA TALK August 6, 1927 EVA KARON SCHUR Gowns and Sporiswear NORTH SHORE HOTEL - 1605 CHICAGO AVE. EVANSTON Saturday Dances Feature Golfers' Social Program A dance every Saturday night dur- ing the month makes up the August social calendar for the Wilmette Golf club. The dances are to be informal on August 6, 13, and 27, and August 13 is to be marked by a dinner-dance. The regular bridge afternoons are also to be Saturday features. The women's golf calendar at the Wilmette club is also particularly in- teresting this month. On August 9, play is to be for the best score on twelve holes; on August 16, the event is handicap play against par; and from August 23 to 26 the club cham- pionship is to be decided. On August 30 play will again become more social in nature, with guest day the feature, and the event is to be the best ball foursome. WED IN ST. LOUIS Announcement has been made of the marriage on July 9 of Miss Margaret Lutz, daughter of Mr. C. L. Lutz of St. Louis, to Alan Bruce Cameron, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Cam- eron of 510 Central avenue, Wilmette. The wedding was a quiet one which took place in St. Louis in the presence only of relatives and immediate friends. Mrs. Cameron attended the University of Missouri, and Mr. Cameron the University of Illinois, where he was a member of Beta Theta Pi. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron are now at home at 1121 Claytonia terrace, on Richmond Heights, St. Louis. HORSESHOE TOURNEY A horse shoe pitching tournament, to decide the State championship, will be held at the Illinois State Fair, com- mencing at 11:00 a. m., Wednesday, August 24, and continuing just as long as it takes to find out who is the best in the State. Ja XXXXX | AUGUST SALE or FURS Discount .our first annual August Sale of to 40% .and waited for. . 25% . just what you've watched for. . Furs. of Furs. usually advantageous prices too. XXIII IXXXXXXX) offering you immediate attention and guaranteed workmanship. Our August Fur Sale offers excellent means of saving money. For what you'd counted on as the cost of your fur coat, you can count on its costing considerably less in our August Sale Parisian fashions, the loveliest of pelts manipulated to maintain slender lines. Rich linings and fine quality of workmanship are all included to make these garments, and at un- FUR STORAGE AND REPAIRING Your wants in Repairing, Remodeling, Relining and Cleaning can be cared for in our shop at a cost considerably less than downtown prices. We also offer "A Call For and Deliver Service," XX XXIXXXIXXXXXXXXXXX] 4 YY YY YY YX I XX XX XXX IXXXXIXXX] English Festival Theme of Recent Ravinia Program "Ye Old English Festival" was pre- sented Thursday, July 28, at Ravinia by Bertha L. Iles, general director of the Children's Civic theater of Chi- cago, with music by the Great Lakes band. A number of local children took part. The pageant, given in period cos- tume, was in three episodes: Dawn, Noon and Afternoon, showing the Red Lord of the Realm, his Lady, the Princess, and the Knight of the Red Plume, in a romantic tale of old Eng- land which ends happily. Many archers, minstrels, wrestlers, dancers, knights and gypsies appeared, making a very colorful picture on the wide green at Ravinia. Presiding at the favor booths were the chairman of the Glencoe commit- tee, Mrs. George E. Orr, and Mrs. Harry S. Sandberg, while the Misses Jane Orr and Harriet Sandberg, in festive jester costumes of purple and cerise, with tinkling bells, were favor venders. "Just like old times" was the ex- clamation of one mother when the children began to arrive at Ravinia Park, gaily qostumed, the girls in orange and black, and, red with blagk, and the boys as Robin Hood pages, to take part in the Carnival. Mrs. Harry C. Champlin of the Glen- coe Ravinia committee, whose able directorship and diligent work in training and rehearsing the children made it possible to give the two folk dances, "The Circle" and "Reap the Flax," was responsible for the effective appearance and splendid dancing of the following children: Rubie Battey, Ruth Brown, Mary Jane and Shirley Burnett, Lesley Champlin, Roger Clarke, Kate Davies, Nancy De Beers, Louis Eisenstadt, Susan Goodnow, Janet Hall, Grace Hirshberg, Louise Keckley, Mary Louise Lepman, Katherine Jane Light- body, Margaret Loomis, Loretta and Marie Lorenz, Winifred Lundquist, Betty Jane Meyers, Carlotta Merry- field, Billy Miller, Betty Jane Morse, Frances Orcutt, Mabel Page, Mary Inez Potter, Rosamund Purdy, Jean Reichman, Ellen Sager, Katherine Scofield, Betty Sheldon, Betty and Margaret Simpson, Jane Tapping, Har- riet Thiele, Jean Louise Wagner and Joan Wilder. HOG CALLING CONTEST The second annual hog-calling con- test at the Illinois State Fair will form a part of the night program, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights, Aug. 23, 24, and 25. The cup-winner of last year will appear to defend his title as champion of the art of calling hogs. Spraying Expert Service for The Control of All Plant Parasites on Shrubbery Flowers Fruit Trees 368 Central Ave. HIGHLAND PARK Tel. Highl"d Pk.351 Thornhill Bros. Master Tree Surgeons Ph. 2295 415 Ridge Ave. Wilmette, Ill. Victor Brothers FURRIERS We Are Open Evenings for Your Convenience.