August -6, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 37 oy oo | i Village Th bo N age 1heatre ec (@ a | S ! Cw S WILMETTE, ILL. i i J. B. Koppel, Managing Director 4 2 | Phone Wilmette 1441 ee | iid de Milton Hosking at the " " Welte G le Organ hi oy T h oi COMMIT HOUSE , Modern Commandments" | Site Srande EB I "The Devil's Saddle," featuring Ken | Evenings 7:30; Mat. Tues. 3:30 T 1S an at | Maynard, will be presented at the Comes to Norshore Sunday Saturday Mats., 2 and 4 on Actors and Plays Rl Winnetka Comunity House on Tues-| _Fsther Ralston in "Ten Modern Mon., Tues, Wed. Aug. 8-9-10 | . wi I | day, August 9. The picture is a typical | Commandments comes to the Nor- THREE DAYS ONLY By Hub Maynard vehicle and is well done. | shore theater starting Sunday. | The Only. Showing on the In these pictures, "The Unknown" | The following Friday, August 12, The fret! protey st ey Reson, "THE NIGHT Hise : Los biarye wl " ten commandments is "Get Your Man and "The Poor Nut," are the two ex- | IT'he Scarlet Letter," taken from a tl Fh iv d -. tremes--the one a typical Chaney, the | story by the same name written by and the-rest 'of them are equally moc- OF LOVE combined weird, mystic and sinister, | Nathaniel Hawthorne. will be present- ern. In this picture Esther is a thor- With the other, an absolute farce. RvB aE os pra oughly modern young woman. A "go- | Ronald Colman, Vilma Banky eis ed. "The Scarlet Letter" is a tragedy | getter" and how she gets her man is Also 2 Reel Hal Roach Comedy "The Unknown" drama and in it Lillian Gish and Lars| one of the most delightful sequences | Pathe News M-G-M ~ production; Tod Browning, | Hansen present what is considered by that haye been seen this season in pic- Thursday, August 11 director ; Chicago theater presentation. | _ as thei : ! ui jtures. Suffice to say that Esther as the ONE VY SU8) AIOTI0 v5 ne Lon Chaney | SOme, as their greatest characteriza-| chorus girl sweetheart of a rising Resi WW enny§ Malabar . Nosy RY tions. young song writer forms the center of eginald Denny In L-strellita Joan Crawford. | - = a plot that is at once novel and ro- "FAST Zanzi .. Nick de Ruiz E mantle COI rit. od oh 5.045 wir ionr Sots John George | and Elliott Nugent, made its debut this : AND FURIOUS" nd * x i ch | week as a screen hit. With Jack Mul- | The rie Hemet of fife behind the| Also tér you've seen Lon aney in " ? . a _ | scenes oOadway musical show, f fhe Unions." you may go home 10; hall playing the lead and Charley Mur | form the locale of the story. Esther, | Review, News, Comedy bed but you'll look under it before you | a¥ doing a close second, and with | ike all good Broadway chorus girls, | Fri., Sat, Aug. 12-13 limb in. | the start it obtained through its stage | has her own car and driver, to say TWO DAYS ONLY c ) g¢ | : 4 This new one of Lon's is worse than | career, the comedy could hardly help | nothing of fur coats and jewels, given One of the World's the "Unholy Three"--it's a holy ter- | pei Bf ; "Ito her by the producer of the play. Funniest Comedies 104) | being a success, and it turned out even | ns : EE : ror. He's been a hunchback and a| pore so--as a farce-comedy. It is a| The pity of it is that her boy friend "ROOKIES" Chinaman bu y aver befor 4 . . " thinks the usual thing which causes ama t never, no never belore,| jecidedly clever picture ; gh With has he depicted anything so sinister Jack, as: ihe: bot : sally > inclined no end of complications. The true rea-| Karl Dane and George K. Arthur as Alonzo, the armless wonder of the| ie » a Io auica y ng med son for this arrangement forms one of | Alo "Getty Gobblers™= Spanish circus. And never has he pro- | 2 en a ii ahve Ths Ps the most refreshing plots that has] 2 Reel Christie Comedy duced a character more unusual or so ik Delis, Is Shestn as hy i De or been concocted for the amusement of | Pathe News filled with dramatic vitality. It is un- | an in IG oe Se ool movie-goers in a long time. lo . SE a like anything that the has done before and the theme develops in intensity throughout until it reaches the crescendo in an unusual climax. Only Lon Chaney could produce | "The Unknown." Cast as the semi- | demented knife-thrower in a circus who is apparently without arms, the "eighth wonder" uses his feet for both hands and transportation facilities. It is uncanny to see him use them. "Will you have a drink?" remarks Alonzo to himself, "or a cigaret?" and forthwith his toes produce the desired result as easily as you or I could do it with our fingers. And when it comes to knife throwing--it'll be "step aside Mister lest ye find interference in yer ribs." The story is just as weird. Alonzo covets the fair daughter of the circus owner--who being Joan Crawford, is far from hard to gaze upon. The Estrellita (Joan), however, has a hid- den love for Malabar, the strong man, and the only reason that she doesn't play Juliet for her Romeo is because she has a queer fear of all men's arms. Alonzo feeds this mental quirk by auto-suggestion and thus uses it to further his own interests. But Estrellita's papa doesn't like Alonzo and makes matters difficult. Alonzo choses a dark night and Estrel- lita becomes an orphan. But Alonzo fears that when the lady finds that he is equipped with arms that his chances will do a marathon elsewhere, so he promotes an operation in order to loose them. In the meantime, how- ever, Malabar is doing some promotion in his own interest and when Alonzo returns from the hospital it is to find that he will have to remain a bachelor. He organizes another annihilation act and--then comes the climax. "The Poor Nut" First National production; Richard Wal- lace, director; Oriental presentation. John Miller Jack Mulhall EY .Charles Murray .. Jean Arthur overcomes his inferiority complex, does the 4-40 in a little less than 2 nothing flat, makes a fraternity and gets the right one of the two girls. lacking in good sub-titles or gags and you'll find it a good evening's enter- tainment. [BALABANGKAT 7 ORFHOR (=1»} Fa\"4 N hegp --Now Playing-- GEO K. ARTHUR KARL DANE "Rookies" --On the Stage-- BILLY SWEDE HALL "HILDA" WHITESIDE and LANE REVUE with BAUMGARD and PEARCE --Starting Sunday-- The First was 'Get Your Man" ESTHER RALSTON "Ten Modern " Commandments --On the Stage-- ODDITIES OF THE JUNGLE . Jane Winton 'ornelius Kease Magpie Welch ..Glen Tryon Hub Smith ............ Maurice Regan Prof. Denning ........... Henry Vibart Coach Jacobson .......... Bruce Gordon Col. Small Wally Pierce .. with EVA and TOPSY CARNIVAL CAPERS 4 Sparkling Regus "The Poor Nut." hich was at one time a stage comedy created by J. C. It is not | Y ALWAYS 68° COOL \ ONLY ICE REFRIGERATING PLANT ON THE NORTH SHORE MARTINELLI The Italian Humorist LEO CARILLO "At the Ball Game." SONG OF THE VOLGA BOATMAN Double Male Quartette of Russian Singers VIA VITAPHONE ----FEATURE PICTURE---- BABE RUTH -- ANNA Q. NILSSON A Smashing Home Run Hit! "BABE COMES HOME" No Advance in Prices Continuous 2°to 12 P. M.--Vitaphone 3:30, 7:30, 9:30 Solo From "Aida" COMING MONDAY Ben Lyon -- Pauline Starke "DANCE MAGIC" OIL TO BURN A Grade for Every Burner HUGHES OIL COMPANY General Offices, 844 Rush Street North Shore plant, Howard at McCormick Blvd. Superior 6481-2-3-4 Telephones: Niles Center 217 Greenleaf 3456 Rogers Park 0982 vv vv vvw ee a a -- vv vvvvw ethic cialhcfieih chu err TC Tow eh