rm-- mand an | August 20, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 25 Rare and Beautiful Books and Pictures at Wightman Home (Continued from Page 14) of the period with a lexicon of their painters. "Memoirs of George IV" Vignettes by Turner illustrate the morocco and gold original edition of poems by Samuel Rogers, published in 1834. Among the several volumes which are extra illustrated with prints relating to their contents added to the book's original illustrations, are the "Memoirs of George IV" in four vol- umes, intimate and fascinating. Tt is not generally known that in the early days of government printing in America there were produced artistic treasures which now have considerable value. Mr. Wightman owns a finely bound volume of portraits and vign- ettes of the presidents of the United States down through Benjamin Harri- son, published by the treasury depart- ment. He has also a copy of the limited edition of the replica of the Bible prepared by Thomas Jefferson for the Indians, printed in parallel columns in French, Greek, Latin and English, consisting of moralistic pass- ages from the Scriptures designed to educate the savage spiritually. Two specimens of fore edge paint- ing, which one may see by slanting the gilt edges of a handsome volume of the "Lays of Ancient Rome" and an- other of Cowper's works, both done in the 1850's, are a fascinating novelty to the uninitiate. The one is pictured with a delicate hand painting of a view of the Tiber and the capitol of Rome, the other with a dashing rider in rural scene. Fore edge painting is practically a lost art now, and these two examples are excellent ones. Original Edition of Shakespeare One of Mr. Wightman's treasures among the. classics in fine bindings is an original edition of the complete works of Shakespeare illustrated by Charles Knight. These are in their original binding. He has a copy of the "Darro" edition of "The Alham- bra," and the original English edition of Buffon's natural history translated rrom the French in 1828, copious with the hand-colored plates that were made for the first French edition. : The 48 portraits of the members of the famous English "Kitkat" club whom Walpole declared were the "wits who in reality were the patriots who saved England," adorn a pre- cious volume and are the work of Godfrey Kneller. This has an auction sale price of $500, and carries the memoirs of the celebrated men of London of that time, presenting their vices as candidly as their virtues in no minced language. Days, weeks, yea, months, could be spent in study and perusal of these few books alone, and they are multi- plied many, many times in value and interest in the hundreds of the collec- tion. Bibliophiles and plain book- lovers may each reap rich reward from its acquaintance. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde P. Ross and their two children, Shirley and Carleton, re- turned to Kenilworth last Tuesday. They have been vacationing on the seashore in New York and New Jersey, and have returned to their home at 1321 Chestnut avenue after an absence of about ten days. BUC kingham 6011 UNIVERSAL Window Supply Co. Window Shades -- Draperies Wrought iron eurtain poles. New Shades on Your Old Rollers. Screen and Metal Weather strips. 1223 ADDISON ST. BEAUTIFUL HOMESITES TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION SATURDAY, AUGUST 20th--2 P. M. NORTHBROOK MANOR SHERMER ST. 1 BLOCK SOUTH OF WALTERS AVE. NORTHBROOK, ILL. NorTHBROOK MANOR is ideally located in the rapidly growing, ac- tive city of NORTHBROOK. Conveniences are at your door -- stores, churches, rapid transportation and good roads. Each lot is ready to be built on Now. SEWER -- WATER -- SIDEWALKS YOUR PRICE IS OUR PRICE AT THIS SALE! Investors, Homeseekers, Contractors, Speculators, this is your GOLDEN OpPORTUNITY. Every lot offered at this sale will be sold to the Last and HicHESsT Bipper. None can afford to let this chance pass without giving it serious consideration. SALE TAKES PLACE ON THE PROPERTY. COME ouT SATURDAY, PICK OUT THE LOT YOU WANT AND BID WHAT YOU THINK IT IS WORTH. THIS IS AN AUC- TION SALE! R. E. Gross & Co. REALTY AUCTIONEERS 139 N. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. Selling Agents UnioN BANK oF CHICAGO Trustee