EJ . { Asan Si A Se & 'Kreisler. _ Leon Rothier as General Garrido. Oth- August 20, 1927 WINNETKA TALK OFFER ITALIAN MUSIC) Joel D. Hunter to Concert of Unusual Interest to Be Given at Ravinia Sunday, August 21; Lazzari Soloist nation | The concert to be given at Ravinia Sunday afternoon, August 21, by the Chicago Symphony orchestra, under di- | rectino of Eric DeLamarter, has been arranged by Louis Eckstein in honor of the Italy America society, an or- ganization the purpose of which is to create and maintain between the United States and Italy an interna- tional friendship, based .upon mutual understanding of their national ideals and inspirations, and of the contribu- tions of each to progress in science, art and literature, and upon cooperative effort to develop international trade. A special orchestral program, consisting of works of many of the great Italian composers, will be presented, and Vir- gilio Lazzari, beloved Italian basso of the Ravinia forces, will be the solist on this occasion. Fritz Polesny, violinist, will likewise be heard in a solo group. The orchestra program will include the "William Tell," overture by Ros- sini; "Dance of the Angels," by Wolf Ferrari; intermezzo from "Jewels of | the Madonna," - which is -perhaps the] most popular of Wolf Ferrari's operas; | "Italia," by Cassella; the prelude, "A Basso Porto," by Spinelli and Cheru-| mini's "Anacreaon" overture. Mr. | Lazzari will sing the celebrated aria | "Tl lacerato spirito" from Verdi's opera | "Simon Bocconegra" and Mr. Polesny | will play "Variations" on a theme by Corrella, arranged by Tartini and This concert will be open tor, the general public and there will be no | charge for reserved seats, the general admission at the gate covering every- | thing. | The opera performance in the eve-| ning will consist of a double bill, "Cav- | alleria Rusticana" and "La Navarraise" | being presented. This arrangement per- | mits the appearance of a 'arge number | of Ravinia's best known singers. Mad- ame Elisabeth Rethberg, who took her avdiesnce by storm recently when for the first time in her career she sang Santuzza in "Cavalleria Rusticana" will again have this highly dramatic role, and Mario Chamlee will appear oppo- site her as Turiddu. Desire Defrere will be Alfio, Gladys Swarthout will ap- pear as Lola, and Anna Correnti as Mama Lucia. Gennaro Papi will con- duct. Madame Ina Bourskaya will be heard in the title role of "l.a Navar- raise" with Jose Mojica as Areauil and ers in the cast are Louis D'Angelo, Giordano Paltrinieri, Paolo Ananian and Louis Derman. Louis Hasselmans will conduct, For the opera performance in the evening the regulation reserved seat change will be made, but those who wish to remain after the concert may do so without extra admission charge at the outer gates. Add Costume Designer to Faculty of Academy Jerry Eddy, well known Chicago costume designer, has become a mem- ber of the faculty of the Evanston Academy of Fine Arts, teaching dress design and crafts. A class of Evanston and North Shore women is working under Mr. Eddy with much interest. The instruc- tor has designed costumes for the theater and opera, directed the cos- tuming of stage productions for impor- tant Chicago theaters and private night clubs, has been associated with MacAvoy's, Madame Alla Ripley and other modistes, and was at one time connected with Crocker's, New York City. He works now as a modiste in addition to his teaching. His former pupils have attained great success in their occupation. Address Illinois Welfare Conference Joel D. Hunter of Evanston, general uperintendent of the United Charities oi Chicago, is on the program for the Illinois Conference on Public Welfare » be held in Joliet in October. He is 1 member of the study course com- mittee. A two days' course of study will precede the conference. It will not be offered as a substitute for regular pro- fessional training, and therefore is open only to those already engaged in or directly concerned with social ser- ice work. The instructors will include C. C. Castern, executive director of the Child Welfare League of America, New York; Francis H. Hiller, field secretary of the National Probation association, New York; Mary F. Bogue, state supervisor of the Moth- ers' Assistance Fund, Harrisburg, Pa.; Dr. Herman M. Adler, director of invenile research, Chicago, and Miss Illa M. Weinfurther, associate field director of the American Association for Organizing Family Social Work, New York. W. S. Reynolds of Evanston, dirce- tor of the Chicago Council of So:ial Agencies, is also a member of the study course committee. Illinois farmers have 8,469,000 acres planted in corn this year. The 1927 crop is estimated at 212,403,000 bushels. During 1926 Illinois produced 3,081 ounces of silver, valued at $1,922. NOTICE Notice is hereby given to every prop- erty owner in New Trier township to have his Canada thistle cut on or be- fore July 5. Any property owner who does not heed this warning shall be liable to prosecution and a fine of from $5 to $100. John Balmes, thistle commissioner of New Trier township, 839 Cherry street, Winnetka. courses: FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE comes at the end of a successful career. in a line where advancements come by taking one of the following Secretarial, Commercial, Stenographic, Comptometer, Typing and all combinations. ENROLL NOW for SEPT. 6th Catalogue Free--Phone, Write or Call METROPOLITAN BUSINESS COLLEGE 37 South Wabash Ave., at Monroe St. Prepare yourself for a position Randolph 2205 well filled pieces or Mark Twain. The Library--A Special Feature Georgian Guests Appreciate AED to the many charms of The Georgian, the library gives still another touch of home. shelves, book to suit your mood-- one of Thackeray's master- something lighter vein from the pen of Here, from you can select a no attendant. in a EARLY RESERVATIONS INSURE BEST ACCOMMODATIONS Fall and winter will soon be Georgian apartment now you can be certain of the arrange- ment of rooms best suited to your needs. with private dining room and kitchen. Complete hotel service. here. By selecting the (georgian "AN ADDRESS OF DISTINCTION" DAVIS STREET AT HINMAN AVENUE There is no charge for this feature of Georgian service--no library card-- You select a book as you would in your own home--read it in the pleasant library en- vironment apartment, or carry it with you for your afternoon in the park or at the beach. | 1 to 6 rooms in your own 11 your TELEPHONE GREENLEAF 4100