WINNETKA TALK August 20, 1927 BEAUTY SHOP PHONE 2176 WINNETKA We Specialize in SCALP TREATMENT Distinctive PERMANENT WAVING EXPERT OPERATORS ETHEL M. TAYLOR, R. N. Prop. 818A ELM STREET J. Milton Coulter, 1065 Chatfield road, is to be one of the six ushers Thursday evening at the wedding of Miss Beatrice Gale, daughter of Dean and Mrs. Henry Gordon Gale of the University of Chicago, to Kimball Val- entine, son of Col. and Mrs. Watts C. Valentine. The ceremony will take place in the Bond chapel of the Uni- versity. The Rev. Von Ogden Vogt is to read the service. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Thurston Naugle entertained Mme. Alma Clay- baugh and Miss Alma Claybaugh at dinner Tuesday evening. After din- ner, the Naugles and their guests at- tended the opera at Ravinia. -- Mrs. Clifford Miller of Cincinnati arrives in Winnetka next week for a visit with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Miller of 259 Ridge avenue. She will be here for several weeks. You Can Tell Even by the Garages 1 Construct . . . that I put only the most careful, practical, con- struction into what I build . . . So if you are 'planning a New Home or any Remodeling see Leland G. Vincent General Contractor 394 Center St.,, Winnetka Phone Winn. 1417 VISIT IN LONDON Miss Margery Windes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Windes of 873| Spruce street, and Miss Helen Schry-| ver of Chicago have just reached Lon- don from France, where they had been spending several weeks. They left here in June, to spend a number of months in Europe. Mrs. Howard Kennington, 508 Haw- thorne lane, entertained at luncheon and bridge Tuesday, August 16, in honor of Miss Mary Sappington of Frederick, Md., sister of Mrs. C. S. Tay of 134 Woodland avenue, who is making a prolonged visit with Mrs. Tay. a -- Mrs. Robert Gay, 985 Sheridan road, and her two daughters, the Misses Grace and Elizabeth Merrill, will not return from Fstes Park. Colo.. until September 15. Mrs. Gay and her daugh- ters have been summering there. A Bookkeeping Income Tax Cost Accounting Corporation Investigations call Paul F. Jones at Winn. 2100 16 Carlton Ct. Winnetka | Tr TT rrYTTY YY OY 1 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 1 1 4 1 4 4 1 4 1 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 > 4 4 4 ' 4 4 4 4 3 4 Accounting 2 3 3 3 3 4 2 4 4 4 > 4 4 4 4 Up With the Spoons! Look What's Coming YT's been a hot day. The youngsters come in from play happy, but warm and weary. Dad, too, is home somewhat fatigued from his day's That is an opportune time for your ap- pearance with a trayful of Smith's Home Made Ice Cream We deliver free OPEN SUNDAYS 9-12; 4-6 labors. Smith's 819 OAK STREET Delicatessen PHONE 112 Have You Tried Our Steaks and Chops? Besides carrying a full line of fountain goods, we also have a luncheon service that will more than satisfy the most particular. We reco- mend our steaks and chops. Delicious Food Drive by--and try it Indian Hill Eat Shop Near New Trier High School 464 Winn. Ave. Phone 2266 Skokie Playfield Tourney Schedules Saturday and Sunday, August 20 and 21--Third round Park Board cup. Eighteen hole handicap tournament, medal play, prizes for both low gross and low net. Saturday and Sunday, August 27 and '$--F'inal round Park Board cup. 36 holes, also 18 holes qualifying round "lub championship. Tuesday, August 30 -- (Woman's day). Flag tournament, three prizes. Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, Sep- tember 3, 4 and 5--First round club championship, blind bogey, match play against par. Prizes. Tuesday, September 5 -- (Woman's day). Scotch foursome, four prizes. Saturday and Sunday, September 10 and 11--Second round club champion- <hip. Sunday afternoon, mixed two ball foursome, two prizes. Saturday and Sunday, September 17 and 18--Third round club championship. Best ball class tournament, one prize for each class. Tuesday, September 19 -- (Woman's day). Eighteen hole handicap tourna- ment, medal play, two prizes for each low gross and low net. Saturday and Sunday, September 25 and 26--Final round club championship, 36 holes. Match play against par, sighteen holes, four prizes. Saturday and Sunday, October 1 and 9---Harvest Home tournament, many prizes. Earl I. Thornton of 143 Glenwood avenue, Glencoe, was vice chairman of the committee selected to greet Col. Charles A. Lindberg last Saturday. The committee was composed of com- manders and past commanders of legion posts and of legionnaires who have been of distinctive service to the American Legion. --O-- Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Morphett of 964 Tower road and their sons, Fred and Donald, returned home last Sun- day from an automobile tour around Lake Michigan. Included in the trip was a short stay at the Les Cheneaux Islands, in Lake Huron. --(-- Miss Edith Horsman of 978 Elm street has left Winnetka to spend sev- eral weeks with friends in Seattle. She will stop also at Portland and Van- couver. During her absence, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Kessel of Chicago are occupying her house. ---- Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Thiehoff and their daughter, Illeene, left Tuesday, August 16, for a trip through Canada and Niagara Falls. They will be gone about ten days. 847 Center Street William L. Wente Sheet Metal Works Roofing Tile Slate Asbestos Slate Flagging Walks Floors Terraces Telephone Winnetka 225 RI a