28 WINNETKA TALK September 3, 1927 September 3, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 29 PSL IOI SIS SIS Le LOSS LS ISIS LS LS LS LS SLOSS SS OS LS SSS SS LSS SS DSS SS SSDS SOS 808 LOSS SS SS SS NS SS SS DSS DLS DLS SS SSS LSS DSA DS LSS SS 8 SS BSS SSS DSS LS LO SL LS LOLS = RN SE COATS FOR FALL ARE FUR TRIMMED Here are some early ones for Fall and Winter. They are excellently durable for school--and just the right weight to wear up to fur coat time. NSN LNSNSLNS/ NS NSLNS/IS CII University 1024 Place Your Order 1 for Cash's Name Tape Now! r Wilmette 3700 One Group at $29.50 Small plaids in tans and browns for sports and semi-sports wear. Fur edged collar, silk lining. POI OT Second Floor Suggesting a Few Interesting Accessories Glazed calfskin is made into most attractive purses--small enough to be convenient yet large enough to be useful." They are imports and come in colors in three different styles, at only $4.25 and $5. T he increasing demand for combined good ap- _ pearance and long wear in a silk stocking has popularized our Ruby Ring Service Chiffon. Priced at $1.75, 3 for $4.90. POO OOOO OOOO OO OOOO] French prints and pure linen handkerchiefs-- all white or colored--are here in great variety at 6 for $1. A box of good-looking Deauville scarfs has just been unpacked. And so that you can af- ford one to wear with each sport costume they are priced as low as $1.95. First Floor Fountain Square--Evanston OOOO OOOO OOOO OO OOOO OOOO ATO A ® S S S = & & > Fal % = >» x >) = > = & = IX = I 8 2 » = = LD) = 2 x = ® ¥ X Others at $69.50 and $105 Large fur collars, some with fur cuffs. Small checks and large plaids. Models by Shagmoor and Printzess. The Jersey Frock All wool; made well in the newer colors and tail- ored styles. In sizes 16, 18, and 20. Priced at $15, $17.50 and as low as $12.95 New Crepe Dresses In both afternoon and sports types. Of crepe ro- maine and satin in black and the varying new shades of red, green, and blue. $17.50 Second Floor Just to remind you that it is easier to get even the trifling cosmetics before leaving. We have com- plete stocks of Arden, Coty, Houbigant, Hud- nut, Yardley -- and others. First Floor A RA RA RA A A 4 Rt NA RC Ro RR A RA RA RA RA RA Rt A NA RA Re RA RA NA NA NA Ra RA No Kr Uy PACKING: HER TO SCHOOL Now comes the flurry of shopping for school--so interesting and yet a wearisome job! a This time why not simplify the whole problem-- as so many do each year? > For here at Lord's--apart from the crowds of the city--you can buy in comfort practically every go- ing-away need from lingerie to luggage! AY A XI7@V 1 781 T@Y I 781 781) 78) /@Y 1s V@ Ii V@Y Ii 7@Y Ii /@Y 1 /@Y 1) /@Y Ii /@Y Ii /@X 1. AOI TOV 78X17 IVAN VY @Y 1 7@Y 1 T@Y 1 7@Y 1. /@N 1 781i 7@Y 1 781i 7@Y IL T@N LI 78) 1/8) 4 /&Y L878 1 781 78Y I 781i 7aY I TaY I TAY YAY! 7aYi avi Taxi axl ravi ravi ravi /axire SOOO FOR THE SMALL ¢; COLLEGIATE In our Junior Section will be found, in sizes 13, 14 and 15, many styles suitable for the young adult--and priced so reasonably, too! So if you're size fifteen or smaller don't fail to see what we have here. Tvavivaivavivavivaiie Pn YI YL7aYL av veY The New Hat of Austrian Felt $10 and $12.50 With the Doeskin Finish that -makes felt look and feel like a glorified velour. Flattering small shapes, simply ornamented or en- tirely of one material un- adorned. The colors form a motley display of many blues, dull greens, rich reds, wood tans and browns--and black, al- ways. Other Felts and Lustrous Velvets as Low as $6.50 Second Floor In choosing linens for school, you would do well to buy Pequot sheets and pillow cases and Martex towels and wash cloths -- for these are practically everlasting! First Floor T he velveteen sport suit is a safe choice for Fall. We have it in a vivid red, somber green, glossy black, and midnight blue. The jacket is bound with silk braid and may be had separ- ately for $10.95. The skirt is a wrap-around, generously cut so it will not gap. The two pieces are $16.95. Nothing is more practical for school than an all-wool jersey. Many of these are hand-em- broidered--some more strictly tailored. Priced as low as $7.95. Fur-collared coats, lined with silk or kasha, are individually styled--and for such quality sur- prisingly low in price. Sizes 13 to 16. $29.50 to $40.50. Second Floor Flowered Broadcloth Makes These New Pajamas $2.25 A bright array of small flowers is printed on the blouse and on the cuff of the white trousers of these dainty pajamas. Sizes 15 to 17. With wide blazer stripes, $3.50. First Floor--Center Aisle Fountain Square--Ewvanston <r \ [Yavii7aviivavii7aviivaviivaxivaviva iva iivaviivaviivaxiivaxiivaxiivaxivaxiivaxiivavivaxivaxivaxivaxivaxiivd rai raviivaxl rarlivax Yii7aY 7a A = '@ = = = ~ & = q = = i ZZ le 5S < = 5S = 5S = @ N= 5 N= . = Ke = = o = he = iN 'a I~ Ne = \5= @ = e 5S = o "= & e =