04 WINNETKA TALK September 17, 1927 ofr 68 FOR SALE--USED CARS 70 ANTIQUES 71 FOR SALE--HSEHLD. GOODS Classified DURANT 4 CYLINDER TOURING, | THROUGH SEPTEMBER ALL AN-| FOR SALE -- ALL KINDS OF HOUSE- | cheap for quick sale; excellent condi-| tiques, including lovely china, glass, hold goods, bedroom, living room, : | tion, just overhauled, real bargain. Ph. pewter, lighting fixtures, screens and kitchen. Porch set, gas stove, china vertisements Glencoe 812. 68LTN51-1tc furniture, at 15% discount. Exclusive cabinet, dining room table, ete. Mon., FOR SALE -- BLECTRIC CAR, A-1 Christmas cards specially designed in Tues. & Wed., Sept. 19, 20 & 15, 575 i d fr 63 dition. 816 Lake Ave. Tel. Wil- Paris have just arrived. Little House Sheridan Rd. Phone Glencoe 194. - (Continued from page 09) Sond RT 7. : Ras S 68LTN51-1tp | of Interest. 312 South Ave. Glencoe. T1ILTN51-1te . -- EE m-- Glen. 732. T0TN27-2tc RD " TE PN to -- IRR JANTED TO BUY--HOUSES UPRIGHT PIANO, $75; DAY-BED; 2 60 WTD. TO RENT--HOUSES ad WANTED 1 X ANTIQUES-- QUILTS, FURNITURE, Fo boxes--1, 100 1b., other 75 1b.; 2 " ' EE T N . I. > lamps, glass, at 693 Walden Rd. Mar- brass beds; small gas stove; 2 dress- wtp _sBEDROOM HOUSE IN WIN-| North Shore Homes Wanted | garet' W. Farny. T0LTN51-2f2 | ers; single bed. Phone Winn. 1874 or netka. Good location with nice | you pgAyE NINE CLIENTS WHO DE- - ; call at 1133 Scott Monday between 10 grounds. Oct. 1st occupancy. rae 3d- sire $30,000 to $40,000 North Shore | 71 FOR SALE--HSEHLD. GOODS and 5. 71LTN51-1te dress Talk B-448 SOTN28-1tc Homes, Winnetka preferred. For re - - - -- - pm SS auiok motion, communicate with us at | MAHOGANY HIGH POSTER BED, | EDISON DIAMOND POINT PHONO- 33A WTD. TO RENT--MISCELLANEOUS Je ziving. full details dresser and dressing table; solid wal- graph. Mahogany cabinet, 54 records. + E ad at nut hand carved English dining room Cost $225 without records. Will sell for RELIABLE WILMETTE FAMILY DE- Dickenson, table, chairs, buffet, server; green lac- $100 including records. Winn. 1072, sires to rent grand piano. Best care. quered hand carved cabinet; occasion- 7TILTN51-1te B-446. 63ALT51-1tp Address Wilmette Life = a 68 FOR SALE--USED CARS FORD TOURING CAR, 1924 MODEL. Many accessories. $85. Lane, Winnetka. 68LTN51-1te Fine conditjon. 396 Hawthorne FORD TOURING. BARGAIN. EXC. mech. cond. New paint. 6 goed tires and tubes. Starter, bumper. Glencoe 499. 68L TN51-1tp 1924 HUPMOBILE SEDAN. 4 CYLIN- der. Mechanically perfect. New tires. $400. Phone Winn. 621. 68TN28-1tc 1926 BUICK BROUGHAM, RUN 10,000 miles. Call Winn. 2294, 68TN28-1to Aldrich & Hodges, Inc. 100 W. Monroe St. Phone Franklin 6201 66TN28-1te 0 ANTIQUES ANTIQUES Opening our Fall season with new and enlarged displays of choice antiques. Dutch corner cupboards, pine trestle tables, Dutch tavern clubfoot table. Walnut, mahogany and pine chests of drawers. Set of curly maple fiddle- back chairs with matching table. Rare Sandwich glass. Prints of all kinds. Beautiful coverlets. 808 WASHINGTON ST. EVANSTON al table; Venetian coffee table; Col- onial mahogany combination bookcase and desk; love seat; English fireside chair; needlepoint chair; Colonial mir- ror with convex glass: marble top con- sole and mirror. 1108 Ash St, Win- netka. Tel. Winnetka 2091. TILTN51-1te Bargain in Furniture SPANISH LEATHER COUCH AND chair, with loose leather cushions, ma- hogany frame, will sell for one-third of original value. Can be seen at Warble Storage, 521 Main St., Wilmette. TILTN51-1te 1 Block South of Main St. 7T0TN28-1te FOR SALE--ONE BOY'S er bicycle. Almost new. 1346. PATHFIND- Phone Winn. 73T28-1te Bi ou. LER To car owners difficult to please It is a significant fact that the betterments so evident in the New Cadillac are not mere re- finements but, in repeated instances, represent major developments in a mechanism already established as standard among fine cars. Ride in and drive the New Cadillac, and you in- stantly sense this wealth of exclusive advantages. When may we place a car at your disposal? CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPAN 1810 Ridge Avenue . EVANSTON BRANCH Evanston BABY BUGGY, EXC. COND., COST $65, sell for $20. Tricycle, Kiddie Koop, 2 child's desks and chairs. Chautauqua blackboard. Tea cart. Odd chairs. Tel. Winn. 1267. 71T28-1te FOR SALE -- CHILD'S BED, STAND- ing bird cage, fixture, lamp shades. Call rear door. Phone paintings, dining room 695 Lincoln Ave. Winn. 1045. 71T28-1te FOR SALE -- BEAUTIFUL Sarouk rug, 12% ft. x 183; ft. like new, used only two years. 'Warble Storage Co., 521 Main St., Wilmette. TITN28-1te ROYAL FOR SALE--54 INCH MAHOGANY table and 6 chairs. Queen Anne style. Terms, if desired. Winn. 1416. T1TN28-1te 2 BOOKCASES, $40. GO-CART, $10. Baby scales, $5. Winn. 1466. T1ITN28-1tp SHIRK REFRIGERATOR, EXCEL- lent condition, 100-lb. capacity. $18. Glencoe 804. TITN28-1te NEARLY Also, NEW refrigerator. BLUE RAG Winn. 729. 71T28-1t RUG. RADIO brary 'Winn. AND CABINET. table. Small 2294. : LONG LI- table. Chair. 7T1TN28-1tp FOR SALE--$250 victrola and records. Perfect condition. Very cheap. Winn. 1205. 71TN28-1te FOR SALE SIMPLEX MANGLE; cond. like new; $45. Phone Winnetka 734. 7T1ILTN-1tp FOR SALE -- 60 INCH MAHOGANY round dining room table and chairs. Tel. Wilmette 2603. T1LT51-1te FOR SALE--2 BRASS BEDS, SPRINGS and mattresses. Winn. 396. 7T1LTNG1-1te FOR SALE -- FURNITURE OF 5 ROOM apartment. Winn. 2488. T1ILTN51-1te FOR SALE -- GAS RANGE, EX. BAK- er. $20. Phone Winn. 2010. T1LTNb51-1tc DETROIT JEWEL GAS STOVE. GOOD condition. Winn. 1072. 71LTN51-1tc FOR SALE -- VICTROLA AND REC- ords, cheap. Winn. 1313. TILTN51-1te reer a ett: 72 WTD. TO BUY--HSEHLD. GOODS WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND HAND Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Ev- anston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. T2LTN51-tfe Jre-- 73 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE -- BETIFUL GENUINE cocoa Ermine coat, 36, collar, cuffs and border of cocoa fox, $250. Heavy black cloth coat, 36, lavishly trimmed, genuine kit fox; perfect condition, $40. Ex- quisite lavender evening gown, 36, cost $175, now $20. Winn. 433. T3LTN51-1te RUG. APEX MANGLE. SET FIRE- place tongs. Upright piano. Telephone desk. Cot and mattress, 2 qt. freezer. Man's suit, 42. Miscellaneous articles. Tel. Winn. 388. 73LTN51-1tp CAMELS HAIR COAT, 1 CHIFFON dinner dress, size 36, 1 walnut liv. room table, 2 pairs full length liv. room drapes. Reasonable. Glencoe 1359. 73LTN5H1-1te FOR SALE -- BLACK SOIL, MANURE and cinders. We also do expressing and general hauling. Wil. 3428. 73LT51-1te FOR SALE--PRACTICALLY N EW Holland furnace, reasonable, Phone Winn. 73TN28-1te 1200. 74 WTD. TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS pt WANTED--ONE REED BABY BUG- gy. Call Winn. 206. 74T28-1te furniture and other household goods. -