60 WINNETKA TALK September 24, 1927 Dennis Announces Changes in School of Speech Staff David Owen, graduate of Leland Stanford university, has been added to the staff of the School of Speech of Northwestern university, according to an announcement made by Ralph B. Dennis, dean of the school. Dean Dennis also confirmed the re- port of two other changes in the fac- ulty when he announced that Alexan- der Dean and Vance Morton, both professors of stage arts, would not re- turn to the university. The resigna- tion of Mr. Dean also deprives the North Shore Theater guild of a direc- tor. Mr. Morton has accepted a posi- tion as associate professor in drama- tics at the University of Towa. Mr. Owen will teach a course in act- ing and another in the history of the American stage. Last year he had charge of dramatic work in the de- partment of speech at the University of Michigan. Conduct Final Rites for Jesse B. Alton Funeral services for Jesse B. Alton, 577 Cherry street, were held from the home at 3 o'clock last Thursday after- noon, Rev. James A. Richards of the Winnetka Congregational church pre- siding. Burial was at Rose Hill ceme- tery. Situation Wanted as Governess or Companion by refined young German 'woman, 34. French educated, has traveled extensively. Teach . French, German and piano. "Competent dressmaker. Kind, patient, capable in managing children or caring for adult. \ . Telephone: Wilmette 3478 Realistic Method of Permanent Waving Eloy all the outdoor sports; swimming, golf and tennis free from the annoyance of coiffure worries. For a realistic 'perman- ent" the new European method is a most natural and beautiful one and assures you of all the joys of summer. Yes, we guarantee our permanents as we do all of our work. Marinello Beauty Shop Phone Winnetka 822 First Scandinavian Ev. 886 Elm street, Winnetka HOURS OF WORSHYP SCROOL "vis: ovina 83 30 a. m., Rally Day! Morning service ........... 5%. 11am, Rev. Ray Sunday Young People's society ..........50 p. m. Evening service ..................8 p. m. Rev. Ray Thompson Wednesday : Swedish service =... 4... uae 3 p.m Rev. M. Lindquist and Ev anston String band. Fire Destroys Bradwell's New Residence in Ravinia Monday night fire destroyed the new seven-room house at 1804 Pleas- ant avenue, Ravinia, one of the three new residences just completed in that section by J. B. Bradwell, of 908 Lin- den avenue, Hubbard Woods. The origin of the fire is unknown. The house had just been completed and placed on the market. The loss is partly covered by insurance. Mr. Bradwell will proceed at once to re- build. Faculty of Local Schools Holding Institute Today A meeting of the Winnetka public school faculty was held this morning at the Skokie school under the direc- tion of Superintendent Carleton Washburne. The meeting was in reality an extension of the institute which was held immediately preced- ing the opening of school and was conducted primarily for the purpose of outlining and discussing the work for the present term of school. Telephone Wilmette 3347 DR. FRANK B. ERWIN VETERINARIAN Specializing in the treatment of Your best friends the "Dog and Cat" All calls receive my personal attention 10h Ridee Ave. Wilmette, Ill. Quartet of Principals MARSHALL (JOHN RIDGELY PHOTO.) As far as has been definitely established, the four educators pictured above with Supt. Carleton W. Washburne do not appear publicly as a vocal quartet. They do, however, represent the four branches of the Winnetka educational system and are in every respect in harmony when it comes to acting as the Beauty Lies in Healthy EYES It's not so much <he size or color of the EYES that makes them beautiful. Rather, it's the glow which radiates from them. Ur» lesskeptalwayscleanand healthy, EYES lack this alluring lustre. Millions of women throughout the world promote EYE health and beauty with Murine. It cleanses EYES of irritating par- ticles and keeps them clear and bright. Contains no belladonna. Our illustrated books on "Eye Care" or "Eve Beauty" are FREE on request. The Murine Company Pept. 23, Chicago MEG URINE, or YOUR 'EYES mentors of four loqal schools. follows: Miss Hazel Hart, Schools Carleton Washburne ; Marion Elwell, Horace Mann school. Reading from left to right the group is as principal at Horace Mann; Superintendent of y Miss Florence Brett, principal at Greeley; S. R. Logan, assistant superintendent of schools and principal at Skokie, and Miss now principal at Hubbard Woods and last year principal at 'State O. E. S. Official to Visit Local Chapter A very important special meeting of Winnetka chapter No. 942, Order of | the Eastern Star, will be held Monday | afternoon. September 26, at the Ma- sonic temple. As this is the official visit of Ida M. Stacy, worthy grand matron of the Order of the Eastern | Star of Illinois, and members of her official family, a luncheon will be | served at 12:30 at the temple, and it | | is desired to have a large attendance. | Reservations may be made by calling | Mrs. Christine Wolter, at Winnetka 190. The regular stated meeting will be held Monday evening, September 26, at 7:30 o'clock. Northwestern Offers Classes for Teachers Courses especially designed for school teachers, administrators and supervisors now actively employed will be offered by the school of educa- tion of Northwestern university this | year. The classes will meet outside public school hours some late in the afternoon and Saturday mornings, and others at 4 o'clock in the after- noon two or three times a week. The courses will be offered on the Evans- ton campus both the first and second semesters. ter they will be offered on the McKin- lock campus in Chicago, also. Legion Plans Dinner and Initiation of Members Winnetka post No. 10 American Le- gion, at its meeting last Monday eve- ning received reports from its dele- ates to the recent convention at Joliet. It was also decided at this meeting to give the first fall dinner on the evening of October 3, at which time will also be held the initiation of new members. Mrs. O. S. Picher, 226 Sheridan road, Glencoe, and her daughter, Miss Char- lotte, left on Thursday for the East. Miss Charlotte Picher will sail for Italy, where she will be at school this vear. Marion School of the Dance Classes Begin Oct. 1st Assembly Room. Community House. | TEL. WINNETKA 1698 Keeney During the second semes-