---- "% October 1, 1927 WINNETKA TALK ISSUE PROCLAMATION ON FIRE PREVENTION North Shore Communities to Have Special Programs Dur- ing Week of Oct. 9-15 Under the proclamation of Governor Len Small all cities and towns in the state of Illinois are asked to observe the period of October 9 to 15 as Fire Prevention Week with the holding of appropriate programs impressing upon the residents of the communities that losses by fire are generally prevent- able. Villages in New Trier are pre- paring special programs for the occa- sion. The proclamation calls attention to the fact that a clean, well kept house seldom burns, and that every citizen owes it to himself and loved ones to see that rubbish is cleared up, that furnaces and flues are cleaned out and put in good shape and that every pre- caution be taken to relieve fire haz- ards. The Proclamation The proclamation reads: "Property worth $560,548,624 was wiped out by fire last United States. Fifteen thousand lives were sacrificed. Illinois suffered $24,- 968,006 of the loss. "This vast waste is wholly unneces- sary. Carelessness is responsible for at least three-fourths of it. If every individual would exercise ordinary care, the fire loss would be very small. "Illinois, which has been a leader in so many movements can also be a leader in the great campaign to reduce fire waste, if public officials and citi- zens will co-operate. "Now, therefore, I, Len Small, gov- ernor of Illinois, do hereby appoint and proclaim the week from October 9 to October 15, 1927, to be observed year in the in the State of Illinois as Fire Pre- vention Week. "A clean, well-képt house seldoni burns. Every citizen owes it to him- self and his loved ones to see that rubbish is cleared up, that furnace and flues are cleaned out and in good shape, that electrical wiring and gas connections are safe, that gasoline and HARTNETT RIDING STABLE 437 Chestnut St. Winnetka Open to the Public Riding Lessons Saddle Horses for Hire Under the personal direction of Mr. Hartnett former Riding Master of the Indian Hill Club. For Appointment Phone Winnetka 3040 oils are not used near fires and precautions are taken in all things which involve danger of fire. Word to Business Folk "Every business man and manufac- turer should see that his place is kept scrupulously free {from unnecessary fire hazards, that inflammable products are properly stored and that hazardous processes are kept under strict control. "School officials are responsible for the safety of the children and it is their duty to provide fire-safe build- ings, ample exits and to have regular fire drills. "A similar responsibility rests upon those having theaters, hospitals, churches, public halls and other places fire would endanger lives. "Public officials should enforce strict fire regulations by proper ordinances and systematic inspections. Ask General Co-operation "Mayors, fire chiefs, chambers of and duty charge of hotels, where that | | er i x commerce and Civic organizations should co-operate to see that a prac- tical observation of Fire Prevention | Week is had in every community. In- | structive talks and programs should | be held in schools. It is suggested | | that civic organizations devote a meet- ing in October to fire prevention and | that this meeting be during Fire Pre- vention Week, if possible. Co-opera- | tion of press and pulpit is also in- vited." | Miss Pauline Stregel, niece of Mrs. Oliver Barrett, Abbottsford road, Ken- ilworth, recently has returned to Ken- | ilworth after a year's absence spent at her home in Austria. Mrs. Barrett has | had as her guest during the past week | her daughter, Mrs. Oscar Procter, of | Seattle, Wash., and her two grand- | children, Sally and David Proctor. | Doctor Procter has just been elected to the National Board of Surgeons. FOR DISTINCTIVE PERMANENT WAVING Large, Deep, Natural Waves Negrescou's Pure Steam Process AS LOW AS $15.00 HAIR GOODS Transfor- mations. Bob Wigs with nat- ural parts as low as $35.00. NEGRESCOU"S & DRAPE WAVES, ETC. ? in For discriminate requirements consult Mr. John Negrescou, 30 years on State St. Expert Beauty Parlor Service and Artistie Halr Cutting THE WIGGERY SUTTE 1214 STEVENS BLDG. 17 N. STATE STREET TEL. RANDOLPH 1035 & WII Evening Art Classes in Evanston He who sits yonder--in the not distant future his name will be signed to illustrations for out- standing national advertisements--there, intent upon her sketch, is a girl who will create exquisite covers for magazines--style shops before long will bid eagerly for this woman's work--that young man is on the threshold of a career in advertising layout--they are typical of those who are invest- ing several evenings a week, here in Evanston, to acquire practical proficiency in Commercial illus- trating. Each student follows a program arranged ac- cording to his or her ambitions and ability. Draw- ing from life, some evenings. Other evenings-- evolving layouts for advertising, studying color theory and practice, composition, design, symmetry, lettering. Carefully directed individual progress, under 'skilled tutorship. The beginner, the art student, or the professional is welcome to join the classes, Monday, Wednes- day and Friday evenings, 7 to 9:30. Tuition is nominal. Spare time Saturday morning and after- noon classes may also be attended. Enrollments now. Evening and Saturday afternoon classes, in In- terior Decoration, Dress and Costume Design, are also open at this time. Call, write or telephone. Day classes are in session, Monday to Fridays in- clusive, 9:00 to 12:00, 1:00 to 4:00. Children's classes, Saturday forenoons, 9:30 to 12:00. Visitors are invited. The EVANSTON ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS CARL SCHEFFLER, Director Carlson Building Tower, Church and Orrington Telephone Greenleaf 1674 HUTT ET TTT TT A TEER 1