WINNETKA TALK October 1, 1927 R. E. CROSBY Contractor & Builder Building homes which are architec- turally correct and beautiful yet con- triving to make them cost no more than structures called "Just Homes." Estimates and consultation cheerfully given and without obligation of any sort. REMODELING INSULATION REPAIR WORK : R. E. CROSBY "Artistic Homes at the Same Price" Ph. Winn. 2032 WINNETKA 566 Center St. Teacher of Dance Care of Your FURNITURE 30 years of experience in up- holstery, assures you of perfect satisfaction. We do Small Jobs too. Furniture Upholstering -- Repairing New Made to Order Mattresses Antiques and Box Springs given special attention. Renovated Slip Covers ¥ Cushions New Made to Order Made to Order Hubbard Woods UPHOLSTERING CO. 897 Linden Ave., Hubbard Woods Telephone Winnetka 3014 Florence Webb, who has recently taken a home at 527 Chestnut street, Winnetka, announces the opening of her school of dancing at the Winnet- ka Woman's club on Wednesday, Oc- tober 12. Classes for adults are to be held every Wednesday evening during the winter season, beginning at 8:30 o'clock, while classes for children are scheduled for every Saturday morning at 10:30. The children's classes will begin Saturday, October 15. Miss Webb's school of dancing was established in Regent street, London, in 1911 and has achieved a notable suc- cess in the world metropolis. Miss Webb is one of the few really well- known London teachers of dancing and possesses the distinction of having in- structed some of the outstanding Eng- lish stage stars. She was selected some time ago to coach Dorothy Gish in her dancing in connection with the famous motion picture, "Nell Gwynne," done in England and in which Miss Gish had the title role. peared with Diaghileff"s Russian ballet. The dancing classes will include in- struction in both stage, ballet, and so- cial dancing, it is explained. Among the Kenilworth students de- parting for college last week were Clifton Osgood, who went to Exeter: Gilbert Osgood, John Robert Murray, Phillip and David Burnham, and Jack Rathbone, to Princeton; Roswell Coyne to Westminister, Mark Cresap to Hill, and Walter Marx to Williams. Let us help you in en- tering upon the con- siderations that will precede the actual selec- tion of the North Shore home you will eventually buy. T &- F SMARGLE, 1564 SHERMAN AVENUE EVANSTON UNIVERSITY 285 BUC kingham 6011 UNIVERSAL Window Supply Co. Window Shades -- Draperies Wrought iron curtain poles. New Shades on Yeur Old Rollers. Screen and Metal Weather strips. 1223 ADDISON ST. Miss Webb ap-| promises to break all records for the RADIO SHOW OCT. 10 Marvelous Scientific Devices to Be Demonstrated for First Time at Chi- cago Exposition The latest developments in radio re- ceiving sets, speakers and power units backed up by a display of the most re- cent and sensational discoveries in the use of wireless from the laboratories of the General Electric and Westing- house companies will be shown when the sixth annual Chicago Radio Show is held in the Chicago Coliseum from October 10 to 16. The show will be open to the public every afternoon and evening. A piece of steel suspended in the air hy magnetic repulsion, a tube so sen- sitive that a puff of smoke causes it to operate a fire alarm, another tube that will pick up the energy from a human hand passed over it and build up this energy sufficiently to start an electric motor, will be in the "Theater of Wire- less Wonders." The atom will be heard and seen and even measured by the scientific devices on display at the Chicago show this vear. The oscillations of a wireless wave will be made visible to the naked eye by another scientific discovery. The Cathode tube, developer of the mysterious "deathray," will be demon- strated for the first time in public. More than twenty scientific demonstra- tions, so startling as to be almost be- vond human belief, will be exhibited twice each day at the show. A feature of the display of up-to-the- minute radio sets will be the large num- ber which are now equipped to operate directly from the light socket. FEngin- eers have now solved this problem which for a time appeared to defy solu- tion. The new AC tubes of different types will be shown as integral parts of many new models of standard ra- dio recieving sets. The amateur set building contest number of entries. Dealers report a boom in home set building and this is reflected in the many entries being received for the contest. Cash prizes will be awarded in each of six divisions of the contest and a silver trophy will go to the constructor exhibiting the best home-made set in the show. En- try blanks can be obtained at the Radio Show office at 127 North Dearborn street. The Neighbors will open the season of 1927-28 with a reception to the new members of the club at 2:30 o'clock next Tuesday afternoon. The recep- tion will be followed by a musicale given by Mme. Ella Spravka and Mrs. Gilbert Smith. --0-- McLean county, having 707,262 acres under cultivation, has the largest farm- ing area of Illinois' 102 counties. Iroquois county is second with 670,957 acres in farm lands. --0-- Mrs. Arthur Ruf, 236 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, entertained at luncheon last week in honor of Miss Teresa Neuberger, who is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Walter Shattuck. LOANS Juma COMMISSION On Desirable ffomes and Apartment Buildings John Hancock Mutual Life Insur- ance Company A. D. LANGWORTHY, Loan Agent 112 W. Adams St.,, Chicago 5v%,% MONEY Have funds to loan on choice im- proved North Shore Suburban resi- dence property at 5409, interest. See us on renewals. E. G. Pauling & Co. 5 N. LaSalle St. Main 0250 pe