= hd October 1, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 47 Changing World Has Its Effect on Boy Problem Martin H. Bickham, prominent so ciologist, in speaking before the men enrolled in the training course for Scout leaders and fathers of Scouts, being held at the Glencoe Union church, told the men last Monday eve- ning of the tremendous importance of the sympathetic understanding of the complex forces that come to play in boy life. "Many significant changes have taken place in American life during the last twenty years," he stated. "Our world is their world, but with a differ- ent perspective. The background of the present world is of vast signifi- cance to boy life. The urbanization of life in America creates many changes. Nine million people live within a fifty mile radius of New York city. Four milion within a forty mile radius of State and Madison streets. "Great changes have come in our conception of the human being or per- sonality. The position of America has changed in the contemporary world. Our isolation is gone. No one can live entirely as an individual. We live to- gether. We are all a part of each other's life. These changing factors in the background of America are of deep and abiding significance to boy life." Mr. Bickham spoke of the idealism that bound the north shore communi- ties together in the united team work of scouting. The course continues on each Mon- day, Wednesday, and Friday uight until October 7. Evening Rush Hour Time of Most Motor Mishaps Available statistics show that the largest number of accidents occur be- tween five and six in the afternoon when business men and workers are returning hurriedly to their homes, ac- cording to the accident department of the Chicago Motor club. At this period of the day congestion on the streets and highways is at its height. The psychological phase also enters into the fact that accidents are numerous at this hour, Drivers and pedestrians who are wearied from a day's work are not as mentally alert as during the earlier hours of the day, and as a rule, are in a hurry to reach their homes. Confusion and careless- ness result, and, from them, accidents. Men's Club Representatives Meet With N. T. Boy's Club The first meeting of the year of the New Trier Tri-Ship club was held last Thursday evening when members of the club had as their guests repre- sentatives of the various men's organ- izations on the north shore. The meeting was held for the pur- pose of fostering a more cordial re- lationship between the men's clubs and the high school club and in order to allow the members of the organiza- tions to plan for a more extensive co- operation in the promotion of move- ments in the interest of the commun- itv. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Chatwin have leased their house at 972 Spruce street to a Mr. and M¥s. McConnell of Chi- cago and are now living at 1278 Broad- view avenue, Ravinia. Their son, Hunter, who was graduated from New Trier in June, has. entered the en- gineering college at Northwestern uni- versity. ---- Talcott Griswold, son of Mrs. Howard C. Phillips of 985 Hill road, left Saturday for another year at Princeton. New = Closed Coupled SIX-80 SEDAN "1505 (1, 0. b. factory) By all means see this New 1928 PEERLESS before you BUY. And not only see it--not only admire its low, graceful lines and its colorful beauty « ++ but ride in it +++ drive it+«« relax in the comfort of its deep, pillow- cushioned seats. You'll find a trip at the wheel of the 1928 Six-80 refreshing « « « restful. Its Ross Cam and Lever gear makes it so easy to steer, to turn, to park. Night driving too, is easier because the Tilt Ray lights are controlled from the steering wheel. This new car's freedom from vibration will amaze you. It not only has a big, heavy 7-bearing crankshaft, but also Nelson Bohnalite Pistons for added smoothness --added power--added speed on the get-away. You'll like the fine upholstery--the dainty fittings--the flawless finish. For in spite of its low price, the Six-80 close-coupled sedan is faultlessly groomed--from the handsome grooved bumpers in front, to the substantial, useful trunk at the rear. It is the kind of car value that means the soundest sort of an investment. Ask us to send it to your door for you to try. A phone call will do. PEERLESS MOTOR CAR CORPORATION -: Cleveland, Ohio Manufacturers of the famous 90° V-type Eight-69, the Six-80, the Six-90 and the Six-60 [= 1735 North Shore Automobile Co. BENSON AVENUE PHONE UNIVERSITY 1048 PEERLESS - HAS - ALWAYS BEEN - A - GOOD - CAR