| HH f | = . WINNETKA TALK October 15, 1927 5 (| News of the North Shore Clubs Club Committee Has Meeting in Charge Woman's Club to Hear Talks by Carleton Washburne and Mrs Alfred Alschuler The education committee of the Winnetka Woman's club will have charge of the club program at the next meeting on Tuesday, October 18, at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. S. George Levy is chairman of the committee. The hostesses will be Mrs. Warren Craw- ford, Mrs. Marshall Forrest, Mrs. John Edgar Freeman, Mrs. Maurice Leigh, Mrs. Theodore Rockwell, and Mrs. Charles L. Trumbull. Mrs. Alfred Alschuler, director of the nursery school, will give a report on the progress of this school, now in session in the Greeley school building. . Carleton Washburne, superintendent of Winnetka schools, will be the speak- er of the afternoon. His subject will be "The World Conference on New Education at Locarno, and Education in Russia." He has just returned from a trip abroad, in which he had wonder- ful opportunities to visit schools all over Europe, and was honored as an educator everywhere he went. He made a very interesting trip into Rus- sia, including an airplane flight from Berlin to Moscow. Guest tickets for this meeting will be sent to all Win- netka school teachers. Introduce Drama Review as Woman's Club Activity In previous years, drama has not played a really distinct part in the activity of the Woman's club of Wil- mette. Interest for it has been felt, however, and continually increases. Plans now are formative to make things dramatic an increasing power in club affairs, and with this in mind, two of the members, Mrs. C. P. Evans and Mrs. Rush Smith, club delegates to the Drama league of Chicago, are arranging for a series of reviews of current plays to be given as the last part of the morning program on regu- lar club days. Drama reviews will be introduced next Wednesday morning, about 12:15 o'clock, with Mrs. Marguerite Taylor giving the first play. Later in the season, as interest develops, Mrs. Alonzo Coburn will give a talk on the playwriting class of Northwestern uni- versity. Her program will be given in January or February, in all proba- bility. Welfare Meeting Monday The Winnetka branch of the Infant Welfare society will have its regular monthy business meeting Monday morning at 10 o'clock, at the home of the president of the branch, Mrs. George Stanley Parker, 200 Linden street. Routine business will be trans- acted. TO LECTURE FOR NEIGHBORS The Neighbors club of Kenilworth anticipates a very instructive and en- tertaining afternoon on Tuesday, Oc- tober 18, when Prof. Arthur Guy Ter- ry of Northwestern university will deliver a lecture on "China." The talk will be given under the direction of the department of education, of which Mrs. George Richards of 530 Essex road, Kenilworth, is chairman. Gives Lectures The committee of the literature and drama department of the Woman's Library club of Glencoe that is spon- soring the lectures on current events by Mrs. Anthony French Merrill, an- nounces that the date for the lectures has been changed definitely to Wed- nesday mornings, instead of Tuesday mornings before Christmas and Mon- day mornings after, as previously an- nounced. The lectures begin Wednesday, Oc- tober 19, at 10 o'clock, in the Glencoe Union church, in the room used for the course last year. Those who at- tend are urged to be there promptly at 10. These talks will be given for six weeks and then resumed on Jan- uary 11, for six more Wednesday mornings. Attendance at these lec- tures is open to anyone in any locali- ty, for all will be welcomed most heartily. Tickets for the course of twelve lectures may be secured from any member of the committee, or at the first lecture. Tickets for single lec- tures may be purchased at the door each week. Garden Club Elects Nominating Committee The Wilmette Garden club met Fri- day, October 7, at the home of Mrs. John F. Weedon. It was experience day and each member gave a short talk on her garden of the past summer. The following members were appoint- ed by the president to serve as a nominating committee at the Novem- ber meeting, Mrs. John F. Weedon, Mrs. E. H. Burge, and Mrs. C. P. Berg. At the close of the meeting a plant sale was conducted by Mrs. Edward Moore. This was held for the benefit of the community wild flower garden. Thursday, October 13, the members of the club met at 11, at the home of Mrs. Walter Gore Mitchell and went together in cars to Barrington, to the new country home of Mrs. C. D. Ewer, where they spent a delightful and long to be remembered day. A picnic luncheon was served at noon. The members took lily bulbs as a little remembrance to Mrs. Ewer for her new garden. Winnetka Music Club Has First Meeting of Fall Mrs. Dwight Orcutt, president of the Winnetka Music club, opened her tome at 185 Green Bay road, Glencoe, for the first fall meeting of the club last Monday. Luncheon was served at at 1 o'clock and was followed by a musicale in charge of Mrs. Burton At- wood, chairman of the program com- mittee. Mrs. Charles Byron of Winnetka told something of the lives of the artists who will appear in the Artists' Recital series this year. Mrs. William Sherman Hay of Win- netka, playing the violin, was one member of a string quartet, the other members being: Herman Felber, viola; Herman Felber, Jr., violin, and Carl Fassauer, 'cello. They played Haydn's "String Quartet in D Major" and Mozart's "String Quartet in C. Major." Mrs. Everett I. Harris of Winnetka accompanied Mrs. Robinson, also of Winnetka, who sang "IL'Anero Saro Costante" by Mozart; Donaudy's "Freschi Luoghi"; and Poldowski's "Dansons La Gigue." Mrs. R. Redheffer of 411 Lake ave- nue, Highland Park, will be the hostess at the next meeting of the club, the second Monday in November. This is to be a guest program. Greeting Day Observed by Southern Woman's Club The Southern Woman's club of Chi- cago, of which Mrs. Edgar Foster Al- den of Winnetka is president, celebrat- ed Greeting day Thursday last, in the Red ballroom of the Hotel La Salle. Guests of honor for that occasion were Congressman Henry Riggs Rathbone and Mrs Rathbone, of Kenilworth. A reception at noon opened the festivities. Luncheon was served a half hour later, and the program com- menced at 2. Ida Mae Cameron gave the special feature of the afternoon, a costume recital. She was assisted by Linda Sool, violinist, with Beulah Tay- lor Porter, at the piano. Other officers of the Southern Wo- man's club are Mrs. Daniel Taylor of Hyde Park, treasurer. and Mrs. Rich- ard Crofton of Oak Park, correspond- ing secretary. Drama Readinas at Club Open to Those Interested On Tuesday, October 25, in the Win- netka Woman's club rooms. Mrs. Taliaferro Milton will read a modern play, which was very popular in New York last season. This is the first of four afternoon readings, given on the fourth Tuesday of October, November, Tanuarv, and February and sponsored by the Wom- an's club, but given under the auspices of the Community Drama club. These readings are open to all who are interested, and will be given at 3 o'clock. The second of the series will be given on Tuesday, November 22. Grove House Board Meets The Grove House board, of which Mrs. Heyliger A. deWindt of Win- netka is president, met early this month at the House. All the business that had come up during the summer was taken care of at this time. The next meeting will be held the first Tuesday in No- vember. Indian Hill riding club is giving its annual dinner and dance this evening at Indian Hill club. Catholic League Open Its Season Parliamentary Law Classes and Philanthropy Card Party An- nounced on League Program The opening meeting of the North Shore Catholic Woman's league, held Tuesday at the Winnetka Woman's club, was a most interesting one. The board met at 1 o'clock, with Mrs William Schildgen presiding. Plans are being made to arrange a group of parliamentary law lessons, under the leadership of Mrs. Maurice Lieber, sometime during the.club year. Mrs. Lieber spoke for a few minutes on the necessity of Parliamentary rule as an asset to citizenship. She gave the three principles of parliamentary law: justice to all, courtesy to all, and let the minority be heard. Announcement was made of the philanthropy card party to be given by the league on November 16, at 2 o'clock, at the Evanston Woman's club. There are three chairman in charge of the party: Mrs. Schildgen: Mrs. William Pavey, the social chair- man; and Mrs. N. P. Anderson, philanthropy chairman of the league. Mrs. R. McCall, president of the Catholic Woman's league of Chicago. was present and personally invited the members of the North Shore league to attend the meeting of her league this Saturday at 2:30, in the Fine Arts building, 410 S. Michigan avenue. It is expected that a number will respond to this invitation, as a most attractive program is planned, with Judge Wil- liam Brothers as the speaker. The president of the Highland Park Wom- an's club spoke for a few minutes about the Better Homes Exhibit held there this week. Mrs. Robert McArdle, who was to have given a group of songs, was un- able to be present, so Miss Lannigan of Evanston provided the musical part of the program, with a number of piano selections. Mrs. Arthur Whitely of Evanston gave a group of readings, including a dramatic play of Robert Browning, and told something of the history of the time in which Browning wrote. At that time, his works were not nearly so much appreciated as those of his wife, although now Robert Browning is held in much higher esteem than is Elizabeth Barrett Browning, she stated. Railway Woman's Club to Open With Musicale The Chicago and North Western Railway Woman's club will begin the activities for its new season with a reception for its president and officers Wednesday afternoon, October 19, at 2 o'clock, in the club rooms. 3 A musicale will be given with Miss Dorothy Tatman, violinist; Robert Lewis, 'cellist; Miss Elaine Rich, ac- companist ; Edwin Sach, piano soloist. Officers for the club for the 1927-28 season are: Mrs. E. B. Hall, presi- dent; Mrs. N. M. Breeze and Mrs, J. Balz, vice presidents; Mrs. E. Holm- quist, recording secretary; Mrs. F. J. Byington, corresponding secretary: Mrs. E. I. Mead, treasurer; Mrs. F A. Scheel, assistant treasurer. Refreshments will be served at the close of the program. The first general meeting of the Friends of Council of Evanston took place Friday afternoon at the Orring- ton hotel.