Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 15 Oct 1927, p. 62

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WINNETKA TALK CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General Notice -- Classified advertisements will to residents of the district be charged only from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Rates "papers. 30 CHARGE 50 cents, cents a 15 cents a line in one paper. line Average of five words to the line. 26 cents a line in any two in all three papers. MINIMUM No black face type used. 109% discount on all cash with erder advertisements when brought to our office at 1222 Central Ave.,, Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave, Deadline for Insertions-- Classified cepted up to Wednesday § o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 o'clock for Winnetka, advertisements will be ac- Thursday 5 o'clock for the the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones : Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. 10 DRESSMAKING 31 LOST AND FOUND FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKING, GOWNS and coats. French models. Sigrid Bengston, 379 Rosewood Ave. Phone Winn. 1681. 10T31-tfe LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR dressmaking and remodeling. Phone Winnetka 2022. 10T31-tfe 10A2 GARDENING LANDSCAPE GARDENER; REPLANT- ing of trees and bushes; overhaul flow- er beds. Also housework; refs. Tel. Wil. 2709. 10A2LTN3-1tp 108 GARDENING JOHN OSTROWSKY NURSERY Real bargains in trees, evergreens, shrubs, and perennials. Phone Highland Park 2098-Y-1. West Park Ave, Highland Park. 10BLTN2-tfe 13 INSTRUCTION REMEDIAL TUTORING By experienced teacher. Often children need individual help in starting the year's work. Kenl, 248. Kenl. 1865 13LTN2-2te PIANO PLAYING TAUGHT AT YOUR home. ELEANOR CONWAY 412-10th St. Wil. 832-R 13LT3-1tp SCHOOL OF DRESSMAKING. opens October 17-27. Mrs. Bengston, 379 Rosewood Ave. Winn. 1681. TERM Sierid Phone 13T31-tfe 2 17 MASSAGE GERDA M. NELSON, MECHANO- Therapist. Massage and Hydro-thera- peutic treatment. Consultation free. 1005 Greenleaf Ave., Wilmette. Wil, 652. 17TLTN3-1te 19 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE -- VEGA TENOR-BANJO; used only 3 times; will sell 1 price. 1033 Elmwood Ave. Wilmette. 19LTN3-1tp 21 PAINTING & DECORATING YOUR DECORATING -- NOW'S THE time. Get estimate. I save you money. Brandt. Winnetka 185. 21TN31-tfe 23 RADIOS FOR SALE -- NEW RADIO SET IN- cluding batteries, Pfanstiehl Overtone Model 10; in handsome walnut cabinet over 4 feet high. Tel. Wil. 3121. 23LTN3-1tc FOR SALE -- RADIO 3-TUBE, GOOD batteries, loud speaker; console, All ready for use. $30, Tel. Glen. 403. 23LTN3-1te 28 WINDOW SHADES SHADES CLEANED. NEW SHADES made to order. Skokie Shade and Awn- LOST -- BLACK AND BROWN, HALF- grown puppy named "Lindy"; missing since Sept. 24; appreciate information. Reward. Virginia Johnston, 321 Mel- rose Ave. Kenilworth. Tel. Kenil 2051. 31LTN3-1te LOST -- CAMEO BROOCH IN OLD- fashioned setting; in Glencoe or Ev- anston; reward. Mrs. Charles W. Spooner, 435 Grove St., Glencoe. Phone Glen. 1126. 31LTN3-1te REWARD FOR COLLIE PUP, FIVE months old, sable and white, weak in hind legs. Please return to Mrs. Al- bert Pick, 445 Sheridan Rd., Winnetka or call Winn. 454. 31LTN3-1te LOST -- ON MON. OCT. 10, MONGREL Collie dog, male, tan with black and white markings, left hind leg slightly short; had harness on; tag No. 827. Phone Winn. 2522. 31TN39-1te LOST -- ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT BE- tween No. Shore Elm St. station and 1082 Cherry St, a 2-skin small fur neckpiece. Rew: 31T39-1tc LOST -- IN THE VICINITY OF GREE- ley school, a gold signet ring, initials C.; a keepsake; liberal reward. Tel Winn: 1050. 31T32-1te LOST -- LARGE GREEN PARKER Puofold fountain pen. Reward. Winn. 31L'TN3-1tp rp ---- o2 HELP WANTED--FEMALE October 15, 1927 36 SITUATION WTD.--~FEMALE WHITE MAID, EXPER. GENERAL SIT. WTD. -- EXPERIENCED WOMAN ; housework and cooking; no laundry; 4 washing, ironing or cleaning; by the in family ; permanent position. Tel. Wil. day. Greenleaf 1142. 36LT3-1te 1430. 32LTN3-1tp HERR HAND LAUNDRESS WILL GIRL, WHITE, FOR GEN. HOUSE- call and deliver. Wilmette 734. work. 4 in family. No washing. Refs, 36TN32- -4tp required. Winn, 2421. 32T32-1tp - NURSE-GIRIL, EXPERIENCE AND WHITE; GENERAL HOUSEWORK; 1 reference ; call Winn. 334. 36T32-1tp to 8 p. m., six days; small house and EE family. $10.00. Winn. 2572. 32TN32-1tp| 37 SITUATION WANTED--MALE WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSE-| LANDSCAPE GARDENER. THIS IS work. Go home nights. Winn. 1730. the time to re-cover your lawn with 32TN32-1te black dirt and manure. Take care of furnaces. Overhaul flower beds; take CAPABLE WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- down trees. Very handy man on any eral housework. Family of 4. Good kind of work and does cement work. wages. Winn, 2313. 32T32-1te Tel. Winn. 1813. 37T32-1te 33 HELP WANTED--MALE SITUATION WANTED--FIRST CLASS housecleaning, trimming of trees and SALESMAN WANTED FOR SELLING OF IMPROVED AND vacant in finest development along the immediate North Shore, Every co-op- eration supplied. H. F. Ritter & Co. Wagner Rd. North of Lake Ave. directly west of Wilmette. Phone Glen View 26-R1. 33LTN2-tfe Salesman Wanted HIGH CLASS MAN WANTED TO SELL Domestic Electric Refrigeration, pro- duct of old established firm, in guar- anteed exclusive North Shore terri- tory. Training and field assistance given to man selected. Write Wilmette Life B-474. 33LTN3-1tp WANTED--WIDE AWAKE MAN TO sell real estate on the North Shore; one with initiative and confidence in himself. Must have car. This means a permanent and profitable position for the right man. F. Coleman Bur- roughs & Co. 1157 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 640. 33LTN2-tfc i 34 HELP WTD.--MALE & FEMALE WTD. -- EXPERIENCED WHITE couple. 29 Indian Hill Rd. Tel. Winn. 34T32-1tp 35 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED TO BUY -- HARDWARE store between Wilmette and Highland Park. Private party. Wilmette Life B-472. 2B5LTN3-1tp RRS GITI OI IIT i -- -- = Pu 0 ==|"6 SITUATION WTD.--FEMALE 2 HELP WANTED--FEMALE GIRLS SEEKING A PROFESSION, here is your opportunity for an inter- esting line of work. Telephone work is a very desirable occupation and you have the advantage of working near home. We provide a vacation with pay each year. Also, a liberal benefit plan, pleasant associates and sur- roundings. If you are interested, come in and look over the office and have a personal interview with the chief oper- ator at 740 Elm St, Winn. 32T31-tfc Wanted -- Experienced maid for general housework. Call Glen. 909. 32LTN3-1tc EXPERIENCED WHITE MAID FOR general housework; 2 in family; refs. required. 946 Oak St.,, Winn, 320. 32TN32-1te BY YOUNG WOMAN; 5 YEARS EX- perience in real estate and insurance field ; general office position on North Shore; refs. furn. on request. Phone Wil. 463. 36LTN3-1tp GERMAN WOMAN WISHES POSI- tion as cook; private family; good references. Phone Northbrook 74. 36TN32-1tp taking down trees and cutting up by machine, housepainting. Han Jorgen- sen. 506 Oakdale Ave. Glencoe 1186. ('all after 6 in the evening. 37T3l-tte RELIABLE BOOKKEEPER; 4 YRS. building material experience; 10 yrs. other clerical exper. Glencoe 1029, 3TTN32-1tp CHAUFFEUR WILLING TO WORK around private home. Trustworthy American. Married. One boy 3 yrs. Tel. Winn. 1571. 3TTN32-1tp (CHAUFFEUR, IS WILLING TO WORK around house and care for furnace. (tood reference. Call Winn. 1994. 37TN32-1tp HOUSEMAN -- NOV. 1. AT PRESENT employed--people going away. Lake Forest ref. Handy all round. Talk B-477. 3TLTN3-1tp SIT. WTD.-- 1ST CLASS COOK OR butler with years of exp.; refs.; re- liable and trustworthy. Glen. 367. 3TLTN3-1tc MAN WITH GOOD REF. WANTS housecleaning. Tel. Wil. 911-J, 37LT3-1tp FURNACES TAKEN CARE OF BY THE month. Housework by the day or hour. Winn. 2632. 37TLTN3-1tc AS A HOUSEMAN, FURNACE, AND garden work. Tel. Winn. 1552. 3TLTN2-tfe HOUSE AND WINDOW CLEANING, floor shellacing, varnishing and wax- ing. Wil. 3428. 3TLT2-tfc MAN DESIRES RE, HOUSEMAN janitor. Excellent refers. Ca 7 N11. 37TN32-1te 35 SIT. WID.--MALE & FEMALE SIT. WTD--EXP. COUPLE WILLING : vy kind o SW! e n a 38LTN3-1tp 1 FOR RENT--ROOMS FIRST-CLASS GERMAN LAUNDRESS wants work Mondays and Tuesdays. Call after 9 p. m. Winn. 1560. 36T32-1tp EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER, SEW- ing at home or by the day, $5 a day. Also care for children nights. Call Winn. 2411. 36T32-1te GENERAL HOUSEWORK; COMPET- ent maid; best of ref. $20 a wk. No laundry. M. J. Salisberry. Univ. 10257. 36T32-1tp srr WTD.--COMPANION TO ELDER- GIRL, WHITE, TO ASSIST WITH cooking and take care of 3 yr. old child ; good home. Call Glen. 1466, 32TN39-1te WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE maid for gen. hswk.; small family; no washing. $20. Call Winn. 680. 32TN39-1tc WANTED--EXP. GIRL, WHITE, OVER 20: 2nd work and care of children. Apply 614 Essex Rd. Phone Kenil. 1514, 32LTN3-1te WANTED -- YOUNG WHITE GIRL: general housework ; upstairs work and and waitress preferred. Write Wilmette Life B-473. 32LTN3-1tp y w n or care of children; well- educated Protestant woman; refs. Wil- mette Life B-471. 36LTN3- -1tp GENERAL HOUSEWORK, COOKING & downstairs work; exper.; refers. $20 a week. M. Ross, Victory 1781. 36LT3-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- LAUNDRY & cleaning on Tuesday and Friday. Call evenings Lincoln 4951. 36LT3-1tp EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WANTS work to take home. Will call and de- liver. Call Wil. 834-M. 36LTN3-1tp EXPER. GERMAN COOK. GOOD RE- fers. Call Winn. 573-R after 6 Sat.; other days, any time. 36LTN3-1tc WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- GENERAL OFFICE WORK WANTED FOR RENT--ROOMS IN THE NORTH Shore Montessori School, 761 Cherry St., Winnetka. Suitable for dancing or other classes. Children's parties or for afternoon or evening entertainments. For further information apply to Miss Dorothy Sears. Tel. Kenil. 163. 41T29-6tc LARGE PLEASANT FRONT ROOM with good closet; twin beds; centrally located ; one blk. to Lake; 3 blks. to transp.; ladies or couple. Breakfast and late dinner if desired. Call Glen- coe 1160. 41TN32-tfe FOR RENT -- ATTRACTIVE ROOM; private entrance; 5 blocks to transp.; girl or woman preferred. Tel. Wilmette 3570. 41LT3- -ltp FOR RENT -- 2 ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping everything furnished. Ph. Wil. 3429 or call at 1138 Oakwood Ave. 41LT3-1te CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms for transients and residents. 629 Main street. Phone Wilmette 1080. 41LT2-tfe FOR RENT -- 2 NICE FURNISHED rooms ; suitable for light housekeeping. 310 Park Ave. Wilmette 1958. 41LT3-1te FOR RENT -- NICELY FURNISHED, clean bedroom ; well heated house; hot 30 PERSONAL Wilmette Life B-478. ing shop. Winn. 1994--14 Prouty Ct. work. Small family. Good wages. Call by young girl. Phone Glencoe 544, water all the time. Tel. Wil. 2587, 28LTN2-tfe| Lake Forest 1617. 32LTN3-1te 36LTN3-1tc 41LTN3-1tc WANTED--EXP. WOMAN; COOKING|DAY WORK, LAUNDRY OR CLEAN-| WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- and serving; 2 in family; best wages. ing. Good worker. Delaware 4184, keeping and sleeping room. % block to WOULD LIKE TO PLACE My 17| Tel. Winn. 58. 32LTN3-1te 36LTN3-1tp Gi transportation and aid FT months. baby boy in a private home a Ctr - zlencoe #40, dhe " . WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN.|NURSE TO 1 OR 2 CHILDREN; EX- where he will be well cared for, Write | "hewk. : must be fond of children. Cali| perienced: excellent references. Tel | FURN. ROOM; 1 BLOCK FROM INDIAN wil. 3571. . 32LTN3-1tc| Winn. 620-W. 36LTN3-1tp| Hill station east. Tel. win, Te In . -1te LENCOE PRIVATE LAUNDRY EXPER. WHITE MAID FOR GENER. | SIT. WTD. -- LAUNDRY, CLEANING AE work. Call for and deliver. Tel housework. No laundry. Winn. 2226. or extra dinners. Call Univ. 5569. FOR RENT -- ROOM. 882 PINE ST. 30TN39-2tp 32LTN3-1tc 36LTN3-1tp 41T39-1tc Glen. 106. fi)

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