WINNETKA TALK October 22, 1927 WLLL ET UL HTH, ET ET EEE EEE ERATE EE EE ERLE NORTH SHORE BOOTERY in the North Shore Hotel Davis St. at Chicago Ave. Evanston, Ill. Presents SUEDE COLONIALS in Black and Brown Suede at $1 1:2 per pair Buckles Are Extra Fashion says Suede--We have it--also in other models besides one illustrated. HOSIERY TO MATCH No. 710--Chiffon Silk from Toe to Top, $1.95 No. 850--Peco-Edge Sheer Chiffon, $2.45 LT TT RL FH Ia PHOTO BY REICK Miss Preston of Evanston Ethel has been recently honored by the pub- ication in Paris of a book about the technique of Balzac which has received ughest praise from French scholars ind which has been reviewed by im- ortant American critics, among them Ernest Boyd who reviewed the volume ior the Boston Independent. The title of the book is "Recherches sur la Technique de Balzac," its sub- title in English, "Reappearing Char- acters in Balzac's 'Comedie Hu- maine.'" Previously, in collaboration with Miss Elsie Schobinger of the Harvard school, Chicago, Miss Preston edited for the University of Chicago fod Tone wey ino thee coals now for the fire] fime. uly ane feature is perennial_the uniforaly. low. price level EVA KARON SCHUR Gowns and Sportswear NORTH SHORE HOTEL - 1605 CHICAGO AVE. EVANSTON Italian series. Farina's "Fra le cord: D' un contrabasso." Miss Preston, who is a sister of the Resume Swimming Classes for Children in N. T. Tank The swimming classes, conducted every fall and winter for children of the north shore at the New Trier High school natatorium, will reconvene Saturday, October 29, it was an nounced this week. As in previous vears the classes will be under the di rection of Edgar B. Jackson, New Trier swimming coach, who has had charge of the high school natatorium for the past eleven years and has supervised all New Trier swimming activities during that period. Both beginners' and advanced classes will be given for girls and boys six years and older and diving will be taught to all groups. The classes, for which a small fee to defray the ex penses of operation will be charged, will be given in courses of ten lessons and will be held each Saturday morn ing. Pupils may register any Saturday and are invited to call Mr. Jackson at Winnetka 2400 daily or in the eve | ning at University 6448. GIVES BUNCO PARTY Miss Florence Faber, who is presi- dent of the Mallinckrodt High schoo! alumnae, gave a bunco party on Thurs- day at her home at 911 Seward avenue, Evanston, the proceeds of which were donated to the building fund of the new Mallinckrodt school building which is soon to be built. Joseph Pick of Omaha, brother of Albert and Hugo Pick of Winnetka, is spending a few weeks here and is residing at the Georgian hotel in Ev anston. late Keith Preston, teaches French and Italian at Roycemore school. She is president this year of the Chicago So ciety of Romance Language Teachers and is vice president of Le Club Fran cais D'Evanston, and a member of tl. Music Studv club. Bridge Prizes China EV For "Worth-while" Spaulding and Company can furnish attractive things "mGlass "in Leather --Some quite attractive Playing Cards are featured at the Evanston Branch SPAULDING & CO. CHICAGO PARIS ' and tt 1636 Orrington Avenue A NST OuN i