k WINNETKA TALK October 22, 1927 WINNETKA WOMAN'S CLUB has been entirely decorated. The stage is completely equipped for dramatics. The Bowling Alleys in perfect condition. Rooms are available for Classes. Children's Parties and all kinds of social gatherings. Rental Charges Reasonable. For reservations, call Mrs. Eloise Wortley Winnetka 538 a Infants Hand Made Dresses Come in and see the new arri- vals of Infants' hand-made Dresses, Gertrudes and Gowns. Some are trimmed very prettily with hand-made lace. Come and see them-- they're moderately priced. The Leonard Shoppe 795 ELM STREET WINNETKA 5 W. H. Barnes, Baptist Organist, Weds Oct. 21| On the eve of his marriage in St. | Paul, Minn., the choir of the Wilmette Baptist church tendered a reception to | W H. Barnes, organist, on Tuesday | | evening, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | | Frank G. Guthridge, 917 Greenwood | avenue Mr. Barnes has been the organist and musical advisor of the Japtist | church for more than three years, per- sonally supervised the installation of the church organ and has made gifts of two special stops to the complete- ment of its equipment. In the course | of the evening, the choir presented to Mr. Barnes a beautiful traveling clock with a gold face and red leather cas- ing. Mr. Barnes responded with ap- | propriate remarks. On Saturday, Mr. Barnes will be mar- | ried at the House of Hope Presby- | terian church, St. Paul, Minn., to Edith | McMillan Robinson. F riends of Junior School | Opens Season With Lecture The North End branch, Friends of Chicago. Junior school, will open its season's activities with a very interest- ing program to be given at the first monthly meeting, Tuesday, October 2 at 8 o'clock, at the Sovereign ho- tel. W. O.- Hodgdon, assistant warden under the late Warden E. J. Murphy of the Joliet penitentiary, will give a talk on "Crime, Criminals and the Penitentiary." Sals. Bostwick, the well-known cartoonist, will give a chalk talk, assisted by Howard Dodge. Eugene Feuchtinger has -just com- pleted the sale of his home at 947 Oak street to Mrs. Hildegard Marsh, for- merly of 458 Ridge avenue. Mr. Feuch- tinger has bought the home of Earl 1. Ellison, at 378 Hawthorn lane, and will improve it with a sun parlor and a garage. --O-- Mrs. Clarence Goodman entertained her bridee club at luncheon at her N we're not offering any great price 9 reduction, but we want you to know that we still wash and polish automobiles-- day and night service and . . . . home, 519 Sunset road, Friday of last week, | Realty Board Wins Numerous Honors at State Convention Some of the enthusiasm so mani fest at the recent state convention of real estate men at East St. Louis, at- tended by a large delegation from the North Shore Real Estate board, was reflected at the October meeting of that body last Monday evening, and those who did not attend the conven- tion this year have solemnly resolved never to miss another. Twenty-five members of the North Shore board Monday evening heard reporis from the convention where its members were awarded second place in the appraising contest; won second prize in the matter of numerical at- tendance from one organization and | last, but not least, were accorded sec- ond honors in the parade. Stereoptican views of the parade were shown by Mr. Vant, of Deerfield, a member of the board. The board meeting was held at the Lake Shore Terrace, Chestnut avenue and Sheridan road, Wilmette, where dinner was served at 6:30 o'clock, fol- lowed by an interesting business and social meeting. Among the guests were Warren 7T. Easter, vice-president of the First district; J. J. Frawley, field secretary: Max Murdock, executive secretary, and Mrs. Deitrich and Miss Wight, members of the staff of the state as- sociation. The visiting officials in their talks praised the attendance and enthusiasm of the North Shore board members the state convention. The board this year, under the presidency of Robert IL. Wyatt, has shown a steady increase in member- ship and attendance and the meeting this week was one of the best the board has enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Ball of 361 Hawthorn lane left the village Sunday to spend a week in New York City. --_--0-- Mr. and Mrs. James Fentress of 1127 Sheridan road have returned from their summer abroad. Mrs. Fentress will stav in the Fast until October 25. . . we're still selling Chevrolets --they're a dandy good buy. Richardson's Garage Phone Winnetka 25 726 Elm Street