P.- October 22, 1927 25 WINNETKA TALK Public Service Co. Holds Night Classes on Utility Subjects Instruction of employees in subjects relevant to public utility industries started last week in night classes at the Evanston office of the Public Ser- vice company of Northern Illinois with nearly 150 enrolled. Courses in the economics of the public utility in- dustry, the fundamental electrical principles and single-phase meter, and effective speaking are the three being offered to the employees by the com- pany through the Central Station in- stitute. The aim of the course, explains T. G. Howard, personnel director, is to give employees understandable, non-tech- nical information about their company and to inform them of the industry and its operation. The courses are valuable in that the employees receive information which they may pass on to outsiders, he explains. Paul McCleur, formerly at the Uni- versity of Illinois, is instructing the class in economics of the public utility industry. Ninety are enrolled in the course which meets each Monday night and will continue for twelve lectures. Stress is particularly laid on the features peculiar to public utilities. Material included is the historical de- velopment of the utility industries, or- ganization, legal status, regulatory bodies, ownership, industrial and pub- lic relations. Twenty meter-department employees are taking the Tuesday night course on fundamental electrical principles and single phase meter. Subjects studied are fundamental electrical units, generator action, motor action, construction and operation of single phase meter, rations and constants, ad- justments and maintenance. J. S. Strong is instructing the course. Effective speaking is being taught to thirty-five employees in a class meet- ing each Tuesday evening. A. E. Selcer is the instructor. Courses given at the Evanston branch are attended by public utility employees from Waukegan, Park Ridee, Highland Park and Evanston. Additional courses given in the city by the Central Station institute num- ber more than twenty-five and have been conducted for at least ten vears. N. U. Receives Fund to Search for Life on Mars An interest in the possibility of life an Mars and the other planets prompt- ed the late Walter M. Camp of Chi- cago, editor of the Railway Review, to leave a trust fund of approximately $25,000 to Northwestern university for planetary research. The income from this trust fund is now available and re- search in planetary radiation will be begun at Northwestern university at once bv F. D. Urie, director of the El- gin Observatory. This announcement was made todav by Philip M. S. Fox. professor of astronomy and director of the Dearborn Observatory at North- western. Mr. Camp, who died two years ago, had long been interested in the possi- bility of life on the planets, and it was his original intention to leave a trust fund income from which was to be used exclusively for research into the inhabitabilitv of the planets. He decid- ed later, however, to broaden the field to include all work in planetary re- search. MARRY OCTOBER 26 Announcement is made of the ap- proaching marriage of Miss Elaine Brown of Chicaco to Lawrence Thal- mann, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thal- mann of Wilmette, which will take place October 26. The voung couple will motor to the Pacific coast, and upon returning, Mr. and Mrs. Thal- mann will make their home in Wil- mette. Huge Shipment of Candy | Bars Betrays Sweet Tooth The su sweet tooth is revealed in the size of a | shipment enroute Western Lake Cit October carload total of 213,600 bars--If placed end to end they bar twelv they would tower over twice as high as the tallest mountain in the world. We'd say liked the The Association of Motion Picture Producers, Inc., has decreed that here- after profanity, ridicule of the clergy and snee the Volstead act in particular, shall be barred f stam y. This shipment left Chicago rprising capacity of America's of Baby Ruth candy bars | over the Chicago and North and Union Pacific to Salt 4 and consisted of one solid of Baby Ruth--a staggering would make one great candy e miles long; piled end to end the people of Salt Lake City | ir candy. rs at the Federal constitution, rom films. Aprreintments dvisable Wilmette Avenue WILMETTE Ph. 2766 SE EE EE EC ET TE TT TT TTA ET HT TT FT TE BT RT URETHRA EE RR Evening Art He who sits yonder--in the not distant future his name will be signed to illustrations for out- standing national advertisements -- there, intent upon her sketch, is a girl who will create exquisite covers for magazines--style shops before long will bid eagerly for this woman's work--that young man is on the threshold of a career in advertising layout--they are typical of those who are invest- ing several evenings a week, here in Evanston, to acquire practical proficiency in Commercial illus- trating. Each student follows a program arranged ac- cording to his or her ambitions and ability. Draw- ing from life, some evenings. Other evenings-- evolving layouts for advertising, studying color Classes in Evanston theory and practice, composition, design, symmetry, lettering. Carefully directed indiviqual progress, under skilled tutorship. 1 The beginner, the art student, or the profesional is welcome to join the classes, Monday, Wednes- day and Friday evenings, 7 to 9:30. Tuition is nominal. Spare time Saturday morning and after- noon classes may also be attended. Enrollments now. Evening and Saturday afternoon classes, in In- terior Decoration, Dress and Costume Design, are also open at this time. Call, write or telephone. Day classes are in session, Monday to Fridays in- clusive, 9:00 to 12:00, 1:00 to 4:00. Children's classes, Saturday forenoons, 9:30 to 12:00. Visitors are invited The EVANSTON ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS CARL SCHEFFLER, Director Carlson Building Tower, Church and Orrington Telephone Greenleaf 1674 Hi