State of Illinois ) . County of Cook | ss. October 22, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 57 NEW TRIER GRID TEAM PREPARES FOR WHITING Coach Aschenbach Polishes Up Deferse and Offense for Game With Indiana Eleven With the week-end un-encumbered by the usual football engagement, New Trier coaches and gridders are already it work preparing for the invasion of the Whiting, Ind., eleven on Saturday, October 29. While it is not expected that Whiting will present a very for- midable line-up, there were several defects in the New Trier work in the Waukegan tilt last Saturday that must be polished off to assure a perfect per- forming machine in the coming game. There was a slight lack of speed last Saturday in the charging of the line and the backfield was also somewhat slow in their offensive play. Then the New Trier eleven became a little loose in defense, and in the second quarter this resulted. in the Waukegan touch- down that won the game. With these problems in mind, it is probable that Coach Aschenbach will put his boys through a pretty steady work-out dur- ing the coming week. Lose to Waukegan While New Trier lost to Waukegan on a 7-6 score last week, the game was far from a set-un for the Wisconsin eleven. Breaks--in this instance un- fortunate breaks--and not a lack of stiff, conscientions drive and determi- nation lost the tilt. The first period of the game went all New T-ier"s way. New Trier kick- ed off to Wan egan hut soon recovered possescion of the ball and with machine (OFFICTAT, PUBLICATION) Report of the condition of Win-etka State Bank located at Winnetka, State of Illinois, at the close of business on the 10th day of October, 1927, 'as made to the Audi- tor of Public Accounts of the State of IMlinois, pursuant to law. RESOURCES l.oans on Real Estate (1a)..$217,050.00 l.oans on Collateral Security § 4) SEER a 86,670.00 Other Loans (1¢) .......... 227,311.4" Overdrafts €2Y 0. 2... 00 4,392.35 U. S. Government Invest- ments SY vivian 3,644.40 Other Bonds and Securities 4) vss ay Pa pi 663,488.00 Bankine House, Furniture and Fixtures (5) ......... 34,000.00 Due from Banks, Cash and other Cash Resources (7, Bo.) reise nese 372,400.28 Total Resources ... .....$1,608956.43 LIABILITIES Capital Stock (Four. ive $ 75,000.00 Surplus £2) =... 5... ee 40,000.00 Undivided Profits (Net) (3) 34,090.09 Time Deposits (4a) ......... 550,576.38 Demand Deposits (4b) ..... 892,276.64 Reserve Accounts (6) ...... 17,013.32 Total Liabilities ........ $1,608,956.43 I, Sanborn Hale, Cashier of the Winnetka State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the hest of my knowledge and be- lief, and that the items and amounts shown above correspond to the item: and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, . State of Illinois, pursuant to law. SANBORN HALE. | Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this: fifteenth day of October, 1927. (Seal) Notary Public FRED R. HAVILAND, | like precision marched down the field to drive across the goal line for a touchdown in the first four minutes of the game. Fred Smith, New Trier fulback, carried the ball. Late in the second quarter Levan- dusky of Waukegan received a New Trier punt and was downed on his 33 yard line. lowed a splendid exhibition of football There immediately fol and in the face of strong New Trier opposition, Gordon, halfback, plunged through for a Waukegan touchdown. He followed through with a correctly placed goal, placing Waukegan in the lead 7-6. Pass Called Illegal The third quarter was a battle royal, neither team gaining greatly over the other. In the final period, however, New Trier plungers wrecked havoc on the Wisconsin line and the local line proved an insurmountable obstacle to the opposing tackles who strove to break through and get the ball carrier. Finally working the ball down to the Waukegan 10 yard line, Nelson, New Trier halfback, received the pass from center and dropping back a few paces dropped the pig skin into the waiting arms of Markley who dashed across the line. And here was where "Lady Tuk hung the Indian" on the local for Referee Rich ruled that Nelson had not been far enough behind the line of scrimmaee when he passed the bal and forthwith called it back. The bal was handed to Waukegan and thr Wisconsin eleven drove back to mid field where New Trier again gained nossession. Determined not to allow the mishap to take away the laurels of victorv, the locals bucked the line massed and again ran the ball to the 10 vard line but with the winning goa' within reach, the "Indian again too! his seat" and the game ended in Wau- keoan's favor. PEST Tongregational Church SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1927 :30 All departments of the Church School. :30 Men's Class, Women's Class. :00 Young Men's Class. :00 Morning Worship. Sermon, Mr. Richards. "Wealth Inexhaustible." :00 Young People's Club. :00 Evening Worship. 'In League With the Universe." Mr. Goodwin. Tuesday-- 10:00 Lecture by Mr. Richards. "The Mind of Christ." 8:00 Meeting of the Church Council in Scout Room. 8:00 Study Class under Mr. Goodwin on "The Best Known Disciple." (Also Wednesday and Thursday). Wednesday-- 8:00 Lecture on Psychology of Teaching by Miss Louise Farwell in Church Library. Would You Make the Most of Your Beauty Then consult the specialists of beauty and hairdressing here. An ~ppointment may reveal many un- known subtleties in the modes and manners of beauty culture. There are several good reasons why it behooves you to let us care for your beauty needs--two very im- portant ones being that our oper- ators are specialists and our prices are always the same and always right. Scalp Treatments, Shampooing, Marcelling, Permanent Waving Marinello Beauty Shop Phone Winnetka 822 Peters' Market FreshlyDressed Roasting Chicken Juicy Roast of Beef ... and when you have ordered from Peters' Market you always know that every one at the table has more than enjoyed the meal. When you serve our meats it makes the entire dinner a pleasure. ~The Sanitary Meat Market 734 Elm Street Meats of Quality Phones 920-21-22