54 A -- Therapist. WINNETKA TALK October 22, 1927 GLENCOE NEWS. CHARGE 50 cents. used. 109% discount on all cash with the WILMETTE LIFE or all WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS : Classified advertisements will be charged only General N otice " to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or 15 cents a line in one paper. Rates ~ papers. 30 cents a line in all Average of five words to the line. our office at 1222 Central Ave.,, Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka. - ; Classified advertisement vill Deadline for Insertions-- Cla: up to Wednesday 5 o'clock for three papers; Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. 256 cents a line in any two three papers. MINIMUM No black face type order advertisements when brought to be ac- Thursday 5 o'clock for the o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. 32 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 36 SITUATION WTD.~FEMALE REFINED WHITE GIRL FOR MOTH- er's helper. Good home for the right party. Refers. Winn. 1028, 32TN4-1te WHITE MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. 2 children. Good wages. Winn. 2457. 32T33-1te WHITE MAID, GENERAL HOUSE- work ; must like children; no laundry. Winn. 1970. 32LTN4-1te WANTED -- REFINED WHITE GIRL for gen. hswk.; must be good cook; no laundry. 1118 Forest Ave. Tel. Wil 1330. 32LTN4-1te WANTED -- EXP. WHITE COOK; 18ST FL. work; $20.00. Call Wilmette 313. 32LTN4-1tc YOUNG WHITE GIRL; GENERAL housework. Winn. 66. 32T33-1te 10 DRESSMAKING 30 PERSONAL FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKING, GOWNS | IF THE FOLLOWING PARTIES DO and coats. French models. Sigrid not call for watches left for repairs, Bengston, 379 Rosewood Ave. Phone within 3 days same will be sold for Winn. 10T31-tfe charges: Mr. Boring, Mr. Parker, and Mr. Holzman of Winnetka. G. W, LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR Ettinghausen, Jeweler, 574 Lincoln Ave,, dressmaking and remodeling. Phone Winnetka, IIL 30T33-1tp Winnetka 2022. 10T31-tfe GLENCOE PRIVATE LAUNDRY WILL DO ALTERATION ON COATS.| All hand work. Call for and deliver. Tel, Call evenings Rm. 55, Brown Bldg., 3len. 106. 30TN32-2tp Wilmette, 10T33-1tp ---- DRESSMAKING., COATS RBE-LINED. |! LOST AND FOUND Furs remodeled. Tel. Wil. 3464. LOST -- GERMAN POLICE DOG, 17 10LT4-1tp months old H male; black face, brown neck an anks; blac ack ; small WANTED--DRESSMAKING OR PLAIN| white spot in center of chest. Reward sewing. Call Glen. 280. 10T33-1tc| Return to Dr. G. F. Munns, Winn. 939. 31LTN4- 198 GARDENING he . LOST -- NIGHT OF OCT. 21-13--FOUR- JOHN OSTROWSKY months old hound puppy, white with black markings. Answers to name NURSERY "Lindy." Reward. Address: 535 Willow Real bargains in trees, evergreens, shrubs, and perennials. Phone Highland Park 2098-Y-1. West Park Ave, Highland Park. . 10BLTN2-tfe HEDGES--ARMOOR, PRIVET Now is the time to install your hedge-- we furnish and plant bushes, 2--3 ft. high, grown in Glenview, Ill. Price for 50 ®t TSN 520:00. Guaranteed. Call WiLL 10BLT-1te SHRUBS, PERENNIALS, BLACK DIRT and manure. And take care of any kind of garden work. Call Winn. 2888. : 10BT33-1tp -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EE ------------------------------------------ 18 INSTRUCTION MADAME MARIE THERESE--FRENCH teacher. Class and private lessons. Adults and children. Tel. Highland Park 883-M or write Talk B-464. 13T33-1tp SCHOOL OF DRESSMAKING. TERM opens October 17-27. Mrs. Sigrid Bengston, 379 Rosewood Ave. Phone Winn. 1681. 13T31-tfe 16 LOANS ANY AMOUNT YOU MAY NEED ON first or second Mortgages on Real Es- tate. Rates reasonable and all in- quiries held confidential. McKendry Realty Co. 1614 Orrington Ave., Evanston Un. 8383 REALTORS 16LTN¢-4tc 17 MASSAGE. GERDA --~M. NELSON, MECHANO- Massage and Hydro-thera- peutic treatment. Consultation free. 1005 Greenleaf Ave., Wilmette. Wil, 652. 17LTN4-2tc 19 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Road. Telephone: Winnetka 795. 31LTN-1te | LOST -- BROOCH, PIECE OF BONE set In gold; on Tower Rd. between Greenbay and Foxdale, or on west side- walk of Foxdale, Thursday, Oct. 20. Please return to 1031 Fishers Lane, Hubbard Woods. $5 reward. Winn. 733, 31TN33-1tc LOST -- ON LOCUST ST. BETWEEN Westmoor and Tower Roads, woman's pocket-book. Reward. Call Winn. 2068, 31T33-1te IST CLASS LAUNDRESS THURSDAYS ; references. Winn. 203C 32TN33-1te 33 HELP WANTED--MALE SALESMAN WANTED FOR SELLING OF IMPROVED AND vacant in finest development along the immediate North Shore. Every co-op- eration supplied. H. F. Ritter & Co. Wagner Rd. North of Lake Ave., directly west of Wilmette. Phone Glen View 26-R1. 33LTN2-tfe WANTED -- BOYS, 12-18 YEARS, TO take orders for Christmas cards; com- mission; give address and telephone number. Address Wilmette Life B-482, 33LTN4-1te WANTED -- CHAUFFEUR FOR PRI- vate family; 1st class mechanic. Tel. Winn. 58. 33LTN4-1tc BOY TO PUMP GAS AND HELP IN Garage. Apply to Richardson's, 726 Elm St., Winnetka. 33LTN4-1tc 34 HELP WTD.--MALE & FEMALE NORTH SHORE SALES REPRESEN- tative for Chicago manufacturer mak- ing 2 products of unusual appeal to children. Ideal for birthday and Christ- mas gifts. Many leads will be furnished and position offers unusual opportunity to man or woman to make splendid profits. Experience not necessary. No investment required. Give full informa- tion. Address Winnetka Talk B-484. 34TN33-1tc EXPER. COOK; BEST REF.; WAGES 325. Tel. Winn. 15. 36T33-1tp EXPERIENCED GIRL WANTS GEN. hswk.; good ref. Phone Greenleaf 1142 36T33-1tc HERR HAND LAUNDRESS WILL call and deliver. Wilmette 734. 36TN32-4tp MOTHER'S HELPER AND DAY WORK. Call Glencoe 647 36TN33-1tp 37 SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION WANTED--FIRST CLASS housecleaning, trimming of trees and taking down trees and cutting up by machine, housepainting. Han Jorgen- sen. 506 Oakdale Ave. Glencoe 1186. Call after 6 in the evening. 37T31-tfc BASEMENTS WHITEWASHED. CEIL- ings calcimined. Window washing. Odd jobs of painting. C. Caine, Winn. 2570. 37T33-1tp CHAUFFEUR; 2 YRS. ON N. 8.; 10 yrs. driving exper.; single; Swedish; N. S. ref. Winn. 692-J. 37T33-1tp GENERAL CLEANING BY THE DAY; exp. man. Phone Glen. 1244, 37TTN33-1tp WANTED -- HOUSEWORK BY EX- perienced man. Call Glen. 280. 37T33-1te FURNACE WORK BY RELIABLE white man; N. 8. refs. Call Rogers, Winn. 1343. 37T33-1tp TO TAKE CARE OF FURNACES; take down trees; housework by the day or hour. Winn. 1813. 377T33-1te AS A HOUSEMAN, FURNACE, AND garden work. Tel. Winn. 1552, 3TLTN2-tfc SIT. WTD--EXP. CHAUFFEUR OR butler; good ref. Phone Douglas 0372. Willie Gwynn. 3TLTN4-1te HOUSE AND YARD MAN. L. P, WADE, 4750 Prairie Ave. Drexel 5528, 3TLTN4-1tp CHAUFFEUR ; 10 YRS, EXP. DRIVING; 2 yrs. on N. 8S.; refer. : American, 33 yrs. old. Winn. 520-J. 3TLTN4-1tp 38 SIT. WID.--MALE & FEMALE THOROBRED POLICE DOG; 3 months old; no collar. Reward. 1173 Asbury Ave., or tel. Winn. 1444. 31TN33-1tc 32 HELP WANTED--FEMALE GIRLS SEEKING A PROFESSION, here is your opportunity for an inter- esting line of work. Telephone work is a very desirabie occupation and you have the advantage of working near home. We provide a vacation with pay each year. Also, a liberal benefit plan, pleasant associates and sur- roundings. If you are interested, come in and look over the office and have a personal interview with the chief oper- ator at 740 Elm St., Winn. 32T31-tfc EXPERIENCED GIRL; GENERAL housework; 1 o'clock through dinner hour; stay evenings when wanted ; small house and family. Winn. 2254. 32TN33-1tp MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, or cook, with downstairs work; small house; 4 in family; nurse kept. Mrs. Wertheimer, Glencoe 1450. 32LTN4-1tc EXPERIENCED COUPLE FOR COOK and butler. References. Winn. 1669. 34TN33-1tc 36 SITUATION WTD.--~FEMALE A SITUATION WANTED FOR A COL. couple; together or separately; ref. Highland Park 813-W. 38TN33-1tp 1 FOR RENT--ROOMS COMPETENT COLORED MAID WANTS place in small family; stay nights; good plain cooking; serves nicely; willing; neat; best reference. Lillian Somerville, Douglas 3511. 36TN33-1tp SIT. WTD.--BY SWEDISH GIRL; UP- stairs work and sewing; responsible; wages $15.00. Tel. Winn. 60 after 9 a. m. mornings. 36LTN4-1tc MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN; PRACTICAL nurse ; as companion to elderly woman or care of convalescent. Phone Win- netka 1160. 36LTN4-1tp FOR RENT--ROOMS IN THE NORTH Shore Montessori School, 761 Cherry St., Winnetka. Suitable for dancing or other classes. Children's parties or for afternoon or evening entertainments, For further information apply to Miss Dorothy Sears. Tel. Kenil. 163. 41T29-6tc LARGE PLEASANT FRONT ROOM with good closet; twin beds; centrally located ; one blk. to Lake; 3 blks. to transp.; ladies or couple. Breakfast and late dinner if desired. Call Glen- coe 1160. 41TN32-tfe LAUNDRING OR CLEANING; WED, Thurs.,, Fri.; by A-1 colored woman; N. 8S. refs. Call Greenleaf 4470 after 6. 36LTN4-1tp CHILDS' NURSE, PRACTICAL, EX- perienced ; short time cases. Christian Science preferred. Address Winn. Talk B-481. 36TN33-1tp WANTED -- EXPERIENCED GIRL, white, over 20; cooking and first floor work. Apply 614 Essex Rd. Phone Kenil. 1514. 32LTN4-1te FOR SALE -- VEGA TENOR-BANJO; used only 3 times; will sell 3% price. Telephone Wilmette 1647, 191/N4-1tp 21 PAINTING & DECORATING YOUR DECORATING -- NOW'S THE time. Get estimate. IT save you money. Brandt. Winnetka 185. 21TN31-tfe 22 PETS FOR SALE -- PEDIGREED POLICE puppies. Glenview Rd., 2nd east of Hibbard Rd. 221. T4-1tc SALE -- THOROBRED SCOTCH lie ; housebroken; year old. Ch GERMAN GIRL WHO SPEAKS ENG- lish ; gen. housework ; good wages; ref, req.; own room; nurse-maid kept. Tel. Winn. 242. 32LT4-1te WANTED -- WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework; 3 in family; small house. $18.00. Good ref. req. Call Glen. 577. 32TN33-1te EXPERIENCED WHITE MAID FOR general housework; 2 in family; ref. req. Tel. Glen. 154. 32T33-1te GIRL WANTED TO ENTER BILLS and answer phone. Call at 899 Linden Ave., Winnetka. 32TN33-1tc Tel. Winn. 662-J. 22LTN4-1tc 28 WINDOW SHADES WHITE GIRL OR WOMAN TO COME evenings to wash dishes. Protestant preferred. Winn. 1704. 32T33-1te SHADES CLEANED. NEW SHADES made to order. Skokie Shade and Awn- ing shop. Winn. 1994--14 Prouty Ct. 28LTN2-tfe EXPER. WHITE GIRL FOR GER. housework ; small family; no laundry; good wages. Call 1035 Dinsmore Rd. NEAT COLORED GIRL WISHES place in Indian Hill or Winn.; refs. Univ. 5917. 36T33-1tc LAUNDRY WORK BY DAY OR WILL take home; or cleaning by day. Tel Wil. 3600-Y-4. 36T33-1tc WANTED -- WASHING AND IRONING to take home. Will call for and de- FOR RENT -- FURNISHED HOUSE- keeping rooms; 1 or 2 with kitchenette & enclosed porch; hot & cold running water in rooms; gas, light, heat and bath ; block from depot. 1230 Wil- mette Ave. 41LT4-1tp CENTRAL HOTEL -- LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms for transients and residents, 629 Main street. Phone Wilmette 1080. 41LT2-tfe FOR RENT--LARGE FURN. ROOM with lge. closet and priv. bath; 3d fir. in priv. home. Space for car. Tel Wil. 1253. 41LTN4-1tc FOR RENT--2 ROOMS FOR LIGHT- hskpg. or dble. room for sleeping. Phone Wil. 3429 or call 1138 Oakwood Ave, 41LT4-1te liver. Wil. 210. 361. TN4-1tc EXPERT LAUNDRESS WANTS WORK Mon. and Tues. Tel. Univ. 4402-M evenings. 36LTN4-1tp DAY WORK; LAUNDRY AND CLEAN- ing; ref. Call Univ. 8101. : 36LTN4-1tp EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WANTS work to take home. Will call and de- liver. Call Wil, 834-M, 36LTN4-1tp IST CLASS GERMAN LAUNDRESS; work Mon. and Tues. Winn. 2776. 36LTN4-1tp COLORED GIRL WANTS 2 MORNINGS gen. housework. Glencoe 1272. SUITABLE FOR SMALL CLUB OR meeting place. available evenings only. Gray studio. Rapp Bldg.,, Winn. 41T33-1tp FURNISHED SINGLE ROOM; 1 BLK. from Elm St. station. $3 a week. Schroeder, 854 Spruce St., Winn. 41T33-1tp FOR RENT -- PLEASANT ROOM; double bed; for 1 or 2 men; 1% blks. from train station; board if desired. Tel. Winn, 519-M. 41T33-1tc WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping room. % block to all transportation and stores. Phone or phone Winn, 2313. 32TN33-1te 36N41-1tp Glencoe 770. - 41TN31-tfe