WINNETKA TALK October 29, 1927 So aee-- The New Electrola Radiola Two superb instruments, each having pre-iminence in its respective field--not merely combined, but unified in a cabinet of superlative beauty. With this instrument you may range the entire world of recorded and transmitted sound, selecting from it what you will of the music of the moment or of the ages. The Radiola Super-Heterodyne, unquestionably the finest Radio yet developed, is an integral part of the instrument. The Electrola places in your hands the power to call forth pre- cisely at the moment your mood dictates, the supreme efforts of the greatest musical artists of this generation. CONVENIENT TERMS OF COURSE North Shore Talking Machine Co. 712 Church Street UNIVERSITY 4543 Opén Evenings : New Sorority House Will Open for Hallowe'en Party Alpha Xi Delta sorority of North- western university will open its new house for the Alpha Xi Delta Mothers' organization Saturday evening, Octo- ber 29. The mothers are giving a Hal- lowe'en party to which all the fathers are invited. The host and hostess of the evening are to be Mr. and Mrs. B. I. Gibbs. Mrs. H. Anderson, Mrs. C. A. Bovee, Mrs. A. J. Apple, and Mrs. A. F. Bar- rows will assist. North Shore Garden Service VALLEY VIEW FARM--Waukegan Road--GLENVIEW Building and Construction of HOME GARDENS PARKS PLAYGROUNDS TENNIS COURTS GOLF COURSES FLAGSTONE SIDEWALKS DRIVEWAYS, ETC. Black Soil $7.00 truckload delivered. Telephone GLENVIEW 141-J Vv vv vvvvw rrr TTT YT roo Ten OIL TO BURN A GRADE FOR EVERY BURNER HUGHES OIL COMPANY General Offices, 844 Rush Street North Shore plant, Howard at McCormick Blvd. Superior 6481.2-3-4 Telephones: Niles Center 217 Rogers Park 0982 ME a Ed Enjoy the Quiet Charm OF A CO-OPERATIVE APARTMENT HOME Ideally located in Evanston's finest residential districts, close to transportation, schools, churches and shop- ping districts. For Your Inspection: 1017 GROVE STREET 1426 CHICAGO AVENUE 1430 CHICAGO AVENUE New, seven-story fireproof buildings -- large, beautiful rooms -- Otis Elevators. Equities $6,400 and up Cash required $1,920 and up Balance in 60 monthly installments Phone or write for beautiful brochure Victor C. Carlson Organization Inc. 509 Davis Street PHONE GREENLEAF 500 Now Ready for Inspection Public Forum Editor, WINNETKA TALK In the past year the Tri-ship Boy's club of New Trier has organized an employment bureau with the view of helping students to earn their own living while going to school. We have been fortunate in locating a large number of boys, in places along the north shore, and hope to increase our work this year. In order to do this, we are asking your readers to notify us of any posi- tions left vacant in their businesses. We will be in a position to give the best kind of help and will, at the same time, be giving a boost to fellows who otherwise would not be able to go on with high school. We will appreciate any aid which you will be able to give us and will try to do our part in carrying on this work. Yours very sincerely, Tri-Ship Club Employment Service, Preston Read, chairman. English Girls Like Their Bobs and Athletic Games The New Trier Girls' club was en- tertained in an assembly Friday, Oc- tober 21, by a talk on school life in England by Miss Bell, the teacher from a school in England, with whom Miss Wright of New Trier has exchanged for a year. Miss Bell proved herself to be a very interesting speaker. She told of the various kinds of schools in England, some of the differences from our schools here, and some of the similarities. Miss Bell said several striking things. She utterly shattered the popular notion that all English girls are letting their hair grow. Ac- cording to Miss Bell, almost all of them wear their hair short. They do not drive cars or play bridge which, in the expression of the American girl, they would term as dumb. All Children Smile for Bernie Three 7 x 11 BUFF ETCHINGS $5.00 Regular Price $10 For limited time only Adults and Children Included BERNIE'S 1623 Orrington Ave. Phone Univ. 8998 rd