RE" Ce TT Ta ay sy nat Te 10 i qu ARTI _ November 5, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 71 52 FOR SALE--HOUSES 53 FOR SALE--VACANT 71 FOR SALE--HSEHLD. GOODS 7 WANTED TO BUY--MISC. OUR BEST VALUES CHARMING 6 ROOM STUCCO; STEAM heat; lot 50x160; in choice northeast section. Built by Cadenhead ..$12,500 DELIGHTFUL SPANISH STUCCO; tile roof; 4 bedrooms, 2 baths 2nd floor; hot water heat; attached gar- A A Tr SL $18,500 AMERICAN BRICK COLONIAL; FIVE rooms; 3 baths; toilet and lav. 1st fir.; 2 car solid brick gar.; hot water heat ; tile rf.; Ige. sun rm.; all gutters, decks, etc. copper; metal lath ceilings; Flaxlinum Insulation; all walls and ceilings painted; steel construction; e LerIS |... os vid Pt sve $34,500 BEAUTIFUL BRICK ON TILE; 10 SPA- cious rms. ; 3 baths; immense playrm. ; 4 pchs.; hot water heat; 2 car htd. gar. ; butler's pantry; slate roof; won- derful grounds in choicest northeast section 5 BRICK AND STUCCO; 11 ROOMS; 3 baths; extra toilet and lavatory; hot water Kleen Heat; garage. Spacious, lovely grounds 189x200 ........ $50,000 HEINSEN REALTY CO. 720 Elm St. Phone Winn. 254 52LTN6-1tc NEW BRICK HOME IN NORTH "RIVER FOREST 45 MINUTES FROM LOOP Tiled roof; 2-car garage; immense liv- ing room with real stone fireplace; beautiful sun room; lovely dining rm., Pullman ceiling; breakfast room ; tiled kitchen; inclosed back porch; extra tiled lavatory on 1st floor; 4 lovely bed- rooms; 2 tiled baths on 2d floor; cozy study ; maid's room and bath, 3rd floor ; billiard room in basement; 5-ft. fron- tage ; canvased walls throughout ; metal weatherstrips ; not water heat (gas); all floors oak; electric refrigeration; beautifully landsca . On account of leaving town, I will sell at low cost of $46,000. Phone Forest 35064-J. 52L TN5-2tp Winnetka Home AT SACRIFICE A CHARMING NEW SPANISH RESI- dence with red tile roof ; located on cor- mer lot; 4 bedrooms; 2 tile baths; Ige. liv. room ; sun room ; and beautiful din- ing room; house thoroughly insulated; hh. w. heat; built by owner for his home ; he has been called out of state. $25,000. Terms arranged. Crosby & McKendry 566 Center St. Winnetka Phone Winn. 2032. 52LTN6-1tc FOR SALE -- HUBBARDS WOODS. English type brk, hse. with 2 solid tile baths and 2 showers; maids' rm. and bath on 1st; 4 master slpg. rms. ; ge. attrac. liv. and di TR e. butlors pantry; stove an Frigidaire ; attch. and htd. gar. ; lge. lot close to lake and Sheridan . Price cut to $28,500. Reas. cash payment. Buy this now at cut price for spring. Paul Schroeder & Co. SEL C1 mi or a ntment. ve he pp 52LT6-1tc NEW BRICK HOME TILE ROOF; LIVING ROOM 15x28; spacious central hall; 3 very large bedrooms; 2 colored tile baths; h. w. heat. Attached garage. Price just re- duced to $22,000. Terms. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 746 Elm St. Winn. 2198 52T35-1tc Hawthorn Lane--Sheridan BEAUTIFUL 10 RM. COLONIAL house ; at corner Sheridan rd.,, Winnet- ka; 2 car htd. garage with chauffeur's quarters; lot 121%x161 deep. Original cost $45,000. Owner wants best offer, Kildare 6197. 52LTN-1tp ONLY $11,500 GLENCOE--5 ROOM STUCCO WITH enclosed front porch; one car gavage. A desirable North Shore home for only '$2000 cash, balance $100 per month, which includes interest at 6g. Call Winnetka 2032. 52LTN6-1tc WINNETKA BEAUTIFUL NEW RESIDENCE JUST completed ; close to schools and trans- portation ; 4 bedrooms ; heated sun pch. ; first floor lav.; h. w. heat; well wooded lot ; only $20,000. Terms arranged. 3 Call Winnetka 2032. Y 52LTN6-1tc 100 200 FT. LOT, WITH 9 ROOM house; 3 baths; all modern conven- fences ; lot improved with trees, bushes. Kenil. 1499. 52LTN6-2tc ONE-ACRE ESTATES IN BEAUTIFUL Indian Hill section. Priced much lower than surrounding property. Call Wil- mette 1340. 53LTN5-2te BEAUTIFUL PIECE OF PROPERTY for sale. 100x200 ft. deep. Kenil. 1499. 53LTN6-1te = BA BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE -- HUBBARD WOODS business property by original owner. Lowest price on street. Write Talk B-489. 54ALTNG6-1tp -- 56 REAL ESTATE Smart & Golee 1564 SHERMAN AVENUE, EVANSTON are increasing their sales territory to include North Shore properties. We will welcome your listing with us real estate that you may have for sale or for rent. Telephone University 285 Direct Chicago wire--Rogers Park 0272 56LTN5-tfe FOR SALE WINNETES HOMES VACANT P. W. Bradstreet & Son Insurance and Loans 788 Elm St, Winnetka Phone 162 56T35-1tc CALIFORNIA ! [F YOU WANT AN HONEST OPINION of values and future possibilities in Southern California by one whose real- estate reputation has been established for years on the North Shore, write Arthur E. Hill, 511 Rodeo Drive, Bev- erly Hills, California. (Formerly with Hill and Wheeler). 56LTN5-tfc EE ---------------------------------- 57 WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS SELLING OUT 10 ROOMS OF FINE, high-grade furniture, consisting of Oriental and plain rugs; green, ivory and walnut bedrm. sets; mah. dining rm. set; couches; fancy chairs; book- cases; paintings; fireplace sets; mir- rors; floor lamps; radio; Chickering Grand Ampico Reproducing piano; 6- hole gas range; Judd Power washer; garden tools; etc. Essley, 234 War- wick Rd., Kenilworth. 71LTNé6-1tp TO BE DISPOSED OF REASONABLY-- children's screened house ; slide ; velocipedes ; doll buggies; wagons, etc. Bird bath and stone bench. Also side saddle and riding habits, size 36. Rugs, 9x10 and larger sizes. Curtains and bedspread to match. Kitchen cabinet. Winn. 523. 71LT6-1tp 10 PCE. SOLID WALNUT DIN. RM. set; davenport and chair to match; upholstered chair and footstool; dress- er; all in perf. cond. Winn. 867. 71ILTN6-1tc FOR SALE--8 PIECE DINING-ROOM suite, $50; liv. rm. upholstered daven- port and chair, $50; 2 odd tables and 2 mirrors, $10; chifforobe, $5. Glen. 1166. T1TN35-1tc DINING ROOM SET, SACRIFICE, WIL- liam and Mary, table, sideboard, china cabinet, servette, and 8 chairs. $200 complete. Phone Winn. 966. 71T35-1tp FOR SALE -- GULBERSON & DICKIN- son player piano, good cond., reas.; also 9x12 Wilton rug. Call Wil. 3466. 71ILTN6-1tp VICTROLA IN PERFECT CONDITION, with records, very reasonable; brass bed and springs, cheap. Winn. 1646. 71T35-1te FOR SALE--ENEMALLED 4 POSTER 3% bed; new mattress and box springs; $45. Call Winn. 821. T1TN35-1te THOR WASHING MACHINE AND mangle. Phone Winn. 2265. 71TN35-1tc FOR SALE--CHEAP--WALNUT DIN. table; good cond. Winn. 1287. T1TN35-1tc YOUNG BUSINESS MAN DESIRES room with private family; prefer with breakfast and dinner, but not essential ; best refs. Write Winn. Talk B-491. 57TN35-1tc 68 FOR SALE--USED CARS HUPMOBILE 6 CYL. SEDAN. DEMON- strator. Driven only 400 miles. A bar- gain at $1325. Wills Saint Claire tour- ing, run only 10,000 miles, orig. tires and paint, only $550. Star 4 cyl. coach, run only 500 miles, cost $750, bargain at $625. HANSON MOTOR CO. 557 Chestnut St. Ph. Winn. 330 68LTNG6-1te | FOR SALE--WILLYS KNIGHT SEDAN, 1924. Lots of extras. Take roadster or touring car in trade. Going south. Winn. 2482. : 68LTN6-1tc PRIVATE FAMILY WILL SELL Studebaker sedan or Oakland sedan at a bargain. 603 Central Ave. Wilmette 2682, 6SLTN6-1tc FORD TRG. CAR, 1926; GOOD COND. Call Winn. 1333. 68T35-1tp EE 70 ANTIQUES TO COLLECTORS The North Shore's largest, finest and most complete collections of Early American antiques--three floors--unique displays. New pieces arriving daily. Every article personally selected by Mrs. Dicke. Your inspection is cordi- ally invited. MRS. MARY ANN DICKE 808 Washington St. 1 bl. So. Main St. Near Sherman. Phone University 9840 T0LTNS6-1te ANTIQUE FURNITURE INCLUDING chests, tables, water bench, fireside seat, Windsor chairs, ete. ; china, glass, pewter and many small objects of in- terest. Christmas cards of 1 de- $25. Phone Glen. 1374. MAH. LIV. RM. FURN.; REAS. PH. Wilmette 2310. TILTN6-1tc FOR SALE--COPPER EDEN WASHER, 71TN35-1tc i WTD. TO BUY--HSHLD. GOODS WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St, Ev- anston, Jll. Phone Univ. 189. Glencoe 292. 72LTN5-tfe 3 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE -- BOY'S BLUE CORDUROY coat with sheepskin lining, 10-13 yrs. practically new. Girl's black velvet coat and hat trimmed with chinchilla fur, 8-10 yrs. Both very reas. Tel. Wil, 1507. T3LTN6-1tc FOR SALE--LARGE HOLLOW, STEEL crib; also Pine's Winterfront for 1926 Advanced Six Nash; each at a bar- gain price. Phone Winn. 1519. 73T35-1tc FOR SALE CHEAP--WINTER EN- closure for Auburn Eight, 1927 roadster. Perfect cond. Phone Winn. 931 or resi- dence, 650-M. T3TN35-1tc WANTED--CLEAN RAGS. WILL PAY 5c a lb. Wersted Motor Con, 562 Lin- coln Ave.,, Winnetka. 4TN34-tfe 7% EXCHANGE NEW 24 APARTMENT BUILDING IN CENTRAL PART OF Evanston. Income $32,000. Equity about $60,000. Will consider North Shore home or vacant as part payment. Hokanson & Jenks, Inc. 513 Davis St.,, Evanston Greenleaf 1617 T5LTN6-1tc VILLAGE OF WINNETKA Notice, Winnetka, Illinois, November 4, 1927. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids for the construction of Port- land cement concrete walk approaches at Oak Street and Glendale Avenue; Oak Street and Berkeley Avenue; Oak Street and Hibbard Road; Cherry Street and Glendale Avenue; Cherry Street and Berkeley Avenue; Cherry Street and Hib- bard Road; Ash Street and Glendale Avenue; Ash Street and Berkeley Ave- nue ; Ash Street and Hibbard ; Wil- low Road and Glendale Avenue, and Wil- low Road and Berkeley Avenue; by ex- cavating, filling, preparing the subgrade, placing a foundation of boiler cinders six (6) inches thick after being thorough- ly compacted in place upon said sub- grade, constructing a Portland cement concrete walk, five feet four inches in width and four and one-half inches thick, upon said foundation of cinders, in- cluding protecting and cleaning said walks, and removing all surplus ma- terials, cost of engineering services, all labor and materials, and all other ex- penses necessary to construct said local improvement, all within the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, said improvement and assess- ment being otherwise known as Winnetka Special Assessment: No. 464,293 in accord- ance with the ordinance heretofore passed therefor, will be received by the Board of Local Tmprovements of the Village of Winnetka by or before eight o'clock P. M., on Tuesday, the fifteenth day of Novem- ber, A. D. 1927, at which hour all bids will be opened at a meeting to be held in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall, in the said Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois. 4 The specifications of said improvement are on file in the office of the Clerk of said Village of Winnetka. : In addition to the usual bond for con- struction and maintenance in the sum equal to the amount of the bid accepted by the Board of Local Improvements, the successful bidder will be required to furnish an indemnity and defense policy in some reliable company, indemnifying the Village of Winnetka against loss from liability for damages on account of injury or death suffered by reason of the performance of the work required to be performed by the said contractor, by any person or persons, including such liability imposed under the employers' liability and workmen's compensation law of the State of Illinois and the amend- ments thereof, in the sum of Ten Thou- sand Dollars ($10,000.00) for injury or death of any one person, nor less than Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) for injury or death to more than one person in any one accident. HENRY F. TENNEY, President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Winnetka. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney. FOR SALE--MOTION PICTURE KO- dak and projector; like new ; used only 4 times. $50.00. Winn. 1919. T3LTN6-1te FULL LENGTH BROWN CARACUL coat, fox collar, size 38, good cond. very cheap. Phone Winn. 2251. : T3LTN6-"Lt: DARK GREY RIDING HABIT, SIZE|d 36, perf. cond., $20. Also covert-cloth breeches, size 14, $7. 558 Center St. Tel. Winn. 1522. T3LTN6-1tp FOR SALE --NATIONAL CASH REGIS- ter, $125.00. Guaranteed perfect condi- tion ; cost $250. Wilmette 3689 or Sheld. 8016. T3LTNG6-1tp sign. 312 South Ave.; Glencoe. Tel. Glen, 732. T0TN35-1tp WANT TO DISPOSE OF SOME ENG- lish and Colonial antique furniture, in- cluding unusual set of 2 arm-chairs and 6 straight chairs; an Empire bed; bow chest of drawers, suitable for hall, liv. rm., or bedrm.; also table. Highland Park 2. T0LTNG6-1tp FOR SALE--BUHL AND MARQUETRY cabinets; rare old set of china (Peru- vian Horse Hunt pattern) ; early Ameri- can furn., glassware and hooked Glen Brook Acres, Pfingsten Rd. near Dundee Rd., Northbrook, Ill. Phone Northbrook 161. TOLTNG6-1tp SINGER SEWING MACHINE AND motor in exe. cond. Winn. 973. 73TN35-1te COMPLETE SET "JOURNEYS Through Bookland," perfect cond.; reas. Winn. 2221. T3TN35-1tp FOR SALE -- CLOTH COAT, FUR trimmed ; sport suit; both size 36-38. Phone Wilmette 67. T3LTN6-1te 2 OIL TANKS--50 GAL. AND 100 GAL. Very reas. price. Winn. 694. T3LTN6-1tp FOR SALE--11-13 YR. BOY'S SUIT & raincoat. Winn. 2220. 73TN35-1te PROCLAMATION Dogs Must Be Muzzled Whereas, there has again been an out- break of rabies in Winnetka and Whereas, it is the judement of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Win- metka that it is necessary for the safety of the inhabitants of said Village that all ogs running at large in said Village shall be muzzled or immunized against rabies by a licensed veterinarian, and Whereas, Section 204 of Chapter XIV of the Municipal Code of the Village of Winnetka authorizes the Village Presi- dent to require the muzzling of dogs by proclamation, whenever, in his opinion, the inhabitants of the Village are in dan- ger from unmuzzled dogs; I therefore declare from the fifth day of November, 1927 until further notice, all dogs found running at large within the Village of Winnetka shall be subject to the penalties provided in Chapter XIV of the Municipal Code of the llage of Winnetka, unless such dogs are securely muzzled or immunized by a licensed veterinarian as evidenced by a certificate of Tmmunization to be filed at the office of the Chief of Police at the Villaze Hall. HENRY F. TENNEY, President. This proclamation will be enforced by the, Police Department without further notice. . Dated, Winnetka, Illinois. Nov. 5, 1927.