November 12, 1927 WINNETKA "TALK Experts Make Study of Future Needs of Northwestern Course The directors of the Northwestern Golf club are calling a meeting of the chairmen of the different committees to meet at the residence of Harry M. Bachman, 1249 Maple avenue, Wil- mette, chairman, Greens and Grounds committee, to discuss club matters for the coming year. The Northwestern Golf club is to be a permanent organization limited to 250 members, with advanced green fees and privileges it has always enjoyed in the past. The clubhouse is to be finished and to have all conveniences for the members. The large parking space around the clubhouse is to be concreted. The contract is let for the same. Commissoner Oscar W. Schmidt has given the club assurance that the course and grounds will be greatly im- proved. Some of the fairways will be widened and the dog-legs straightened. Commissioner Schmidt, Chick Evans, Golf architect, Ransom Kennicott, chief forester, and Harry M. Bach- man, Northwestern Golf club, made a trip over the course for the purpose of determining improvements which will be done at once. The golfers are assured that every effort will be made to make this one of the finest courses in Cook county and that the course will be put in such shape so that there will be no conges- tion of players. The Kenilworth Home and Garden club will meet on Monday at the home of Mrs. Alfred Hodge on Warwick road. This will be a very important meeting of the club due to the fact that Mrs. Emma Hodge, curator of ceramics at the Art institute of Chi- cago, will address the members on the interesting subject of "Old Glass." During the meeting, Mrs. Alfred Hodge will have on display her own valuable collection of lovely old glass- ware. Saturday evening the Kenilworth club is having a Football supper dance celebrating Homecoming day and the football season. HARTNETT RIDING STABLE Winnetka 437 Chestnut St. Open to the Public Riding Lessons Saddle Horses for Hire Under the personal direction of Mr. Hartnett former Riding Master of the Indian Hill Club. For Appointment Phone Winnetka 3040 BENEFIT FOR AGED The Cambridge chapter, Daughters of the British Empire, is conducting a rummage sale at the Economy Shop all day November 17, for the benefit of the British Old People's Home at Riverside, Ill, where seventeen Amer- ican men and women are residents. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Berglund will entertain thirty-five guests at dinner Saturday evening, November 12, at their home, 120 Green Bay road, Hub- bard Woods. Miss Elizabeth Jeanne Curll and Edmond Henry Berglund will be guests of honor. | 2» MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved Property at Attractive Rates WiLsHore BonDp & Mortcace Co. 1150 Wilmette Ave. Village Theatre Bldg. Ph. Wil. 2181 Evanston Shop Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings THE @) [AUB Henry C.Lytton & Sons State and Jackson --Chicago Orrington and Church--Evanston 7 Sr Giich 5) 5% In Our Evanston Shop Boys' Lytton Jr. OVERCOATS Double and Single Breasted Models $25 HERE are just three qualities a Boy's Fine Overcoat should have-- warmth, style, service. And Lytton Jr. Overcoats are fine Overcoats. Heavy, fleecy, full bodied woolens in smart mixtures and solid colors for warmth. Our alertness to new style trends assures smartness; careful tailoring adds to service. But here you pay less because we pay less--our tremendous merchandising resources see to that. Other Lytton Jr. Overcoats up to $50. Also Lytton Jr. Suits with two pair "nlus four" trousers, $15 to $40.