52 WINNETKA TALK November 12, 1927 V ROSENBERG'S Davis Street, Downtown Evanston Odeurs to Express Your Own Charm North Shore Artists Will Broadcast Program Monday Mrs. Fay Palmer Kreer of Winnet- ka, contralto, accompanied by Dorothy Riley Brown of Kenilworth, will give the sixth of a series of programs at 9 o'clock Monday morning over WMAQ. This will be a special Thanks- giving program, depicting the first Thanksgiving in a New England home. Mrs. Kreer and Mrs. Brown will go to Woodstock next week to give a program before the Woodstock Wo- man's club. VISIT IN KENILWORTH Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chandler, well known former residents of Kenilworth, who now make their home in Freeport, Ill, passed through here recently om their way to Portland, Ore., to spend the winter with Mrs. Chandler's sister. Because of the disappointment of their many friends who had hoped to inter- rupt their hasty trip west with dinners and teas in their honor, Mr. and Mrs. Chandler are planning to stop off in Kenilworth on their way home in the Elect North Shore Man to Northwestern Trustee Post Arthur Andersen, 930 Chestnut ave- nue, Wilmette, a member of the firm of Arthur Andersen and company, certified public accountants, 111 West Monroe street, Chicago, has been elected to the board of trustees of Northwestern university to fill the va- cancy_ created by the death of Elbert H. Gary, President Walter Dill Scott of Northwestern university announced this week. Mr. Andersen took his accountant's degree at the University of Illinois in 1908 and his degree of bachelor of business administration at the school of commerce of Northwestern univer- sity. From 1909 to 1922 he was profes- sor of accounting in the school of commerce. He is a member of the Midday, University, Attic and Chicago Athletic clubs. "Mr. Andersen is rapidly taking an outstanding place in the business life of Chicago and is highly regarded by financial leaders," said President Scott. "His judgment is sought in many large undertakings. He is deeply loyal to Northwstern university." Resume Ambitious Building Operation on Vista del Lago After a successful and colorful sum- mer season Club Vista del Lago is closed during the resumption of build- ing operations by the McLennan Con- struction company of Chicago. Greatly increased facilities are promised by the board of directors for an early date. The construction program has been planned to permit the use of the club later during the erection of the main building which is to contain 258 bedrooms, spacious lounges, ballrooms and dining rooms which will accommo- date 1,200 guests. L. L. Arms, managing director of Club Vista del Lago, announces a club report shows that during the season just closed a total of 16,876 persons swam and bathed at the club property, more than 30,000 were served in the dining room and the beach grill, and that seventeen successive open air din- ner dances were held on the Esplanada without rain. The club register showed that 2,738 persons from various parts of the United States and abroad £% "0 spring. visited the club as guests of members ok Pg 0p Miss Clarabelle Russ, niece of Mrs. " a i SORT G56, Miss Anne L. Whitmack of the Or- | Frederick D'Aix of Kenilworth, has| ei e hen, Gene Tuunes, heavy CONS Bday 3 . : t abd weight pugilistic champion, Misses Ser> Car oF 2 rington hotel entertained several guests | left for New York City to join a house- Dorothy and Lillian Gish, Miss Bev- Os FoR, at luncheon at the Vera Megowen Tea | party that will attend the Yale-Prince- erly Bayne, Sir Thomas Lipton Miss Qe , Ney shop in Evanston Tuedsay in honor of | ton game. Miss Russ will remain in 5 crcl RE 0. PARC Ww Br Miss G Fa f Wil ! ; Mae Marsh, Richard Bennett, Owen RES 5500S, Miss Grace ger o ilmette. New York for a fortnight. Davis, Jr., and General Crowder. Re Sar - _ Since early September club opera- WE onlay ta tions have been under the direction of Lees RIN H. W. Albert, for five years manager «Os ® Oz of the Chicago Yacht club. er C er I want the Evanston Shop of Spaulding & Company GIVE DINNER PROGRAM onqu to be in the truest sense of the words, "A SERVICE ii, and Mrs, Herbert U. Neon of ; : unset road, Winnetka, entertaine Wrinkles BRANCH FOR THE NORTH SHORE" for every forty directors of the National associ- Crowsfee ; ation of Real Estate boards, and their pir need which can be met by the resources of our RE gas an Ir Chicago Store. 3 vember 4. After dinner the guests Flabbiness Henry GC. Tzlden were entertained with a program of with Pp S &C | old fashioned songs given in costume - RESIDENT OPAULDING 0. bv F > P 1 K f Wi tk d Helena Rubinstein's CuicaGo : EvanNsToN : Paris rv RTE. en on Dorothy Riley Brown of Kenilworth. Valaze Pasteurized Face Cream--cleanses, soothes, molds out tired lines, re- plenishes, protects. 1.00 Valaze Grecian Anti- wrinkle Cream (Antho- gsoros)--supplies rich nutri- tion to tissues--filling out hollows and smoothing crinkled-Jooking eyelids and aging hands. 1.75 Valaze Astringent Ro- man Jelly -- patted in, braces and tautens the Miss Charlotte Weinberg of 95 South avenue, Glencoe, is attending the Chi- cago-Illinois game at Champaign this week-end. WATCHES : drooping chin ' ; ; CG a for Anniversary or Christmas Gifts youthful contours. 1.00 "Parasol Cruises" The watches of Patek-Philippe, of Ed Kochn, of Longines and other famous Swiss makers, can Like stepping back into 17th Century Europe...old Spanish, old French, old En life, romantically bl semi-tropic sun. Two cruises Special --Thurs., Friday, Saturday 50¢ XKolynos Tooth de luxe, sailing January 26 and Baty 28¢ be purchased at our Evanston February 20 fom New York on $1.75 Boeabelll . » the cool-ly luxurious Montroyal 3 ot, Bone $1.39 I Branch. The leading American 23:300 tans displacement), $1.00 L is, - Want to go! Phone or write B10 Lovers, spe DHE watches are also featured. Want 10 gol, Bacue or weit R. 8S. Elworthy, Steamship General Agent, 71 E. Jackson Blvd.,, Telephone Wabash 1904, Chicago, IIL Canadi Paina World's Greatest Travel System Carry Canadian Pacific Express Travellers anad " ood the orld . 50¢ Orphos Tooth Paste at......... 27c| 37c 69c Toiletries--First Floor 60c Pond's Cold or Vanishing Cream at SPAULDING & CO. 1636 Orrington Avenue CHICAGO 90¢ MaeclIntoeh's Im- ported Toflee, 85¢ & PARIS ---G Over