~ * Ak | i November 12, 1927 WINNETKA TALK Trustee Arthur Andersen, 930 Chestnut ave- nue, Wilmette, has been elected a trustee of Northwestern university to fill the vacancy on the board of trus- tees created by the death of Judge Elbert H. Gary. Mr. Andersen is a member of the firm of Arthur Ander- sen and company, certified public ac- countants. He received his degree of bachelor of business administration at Northwestern university in 1908 and was for many years professor of ac- counting in the School of Commerce. The Ridge Avenue circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Oscar Moore, 667 Garland avenue, Monday, November 14, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Sidney Ander- son, 638 Elder lane, will assist. "A Satisfied Customer-- Our Greatest Asset" Steam and Hot Water Plants for Prompt and Courteous Service Call Winnetka 653 The NORTHSHORE CO. HEATING CONTRACTORS Estimates Installations 16 Prouty Annex WINNETKA Ethel Kawin to Address Glencoe Parent Groups Winnetka mothers will be interested in the series of talks being given at Central school, Glencoe, by Miss Ethel Kawin of the Mary Crane branch of the Illinois Institute for Juvenile Re- search. Miss Kawin's subject next Monday will be "Intelligence Tests." Lectures for other dates are: "Train- ing Children for Health and Happiness," Nov. 21; "The Emotional Life of the Adolescent," Nov. 28; "The New Disci- pline," Dec. 8; "A Brief Survey of Some Schools of Psychology," Dec. 12; "What May a Child Expect of His Parents," Dec. 19. Burton Thatcher, Soloist, Sings for Skokie Pupils Burton Thatcher, prominent soloist and vocal teacher of Chicago, sang for pupils of the Skokie school at the as- sembly last Monday, giving a pro- gram of songs of varied types. Accom- panied at the piano by Miss Mary van Aiken, Mr. Thatcher sang a number of German compositions and then, switch- ing suddenly in mood and tempo, pre- sented several Negro spirituals. He preceded each selection with an ex- planation of its meaning and qualities. Chicago League of Women Voters Holds Forum Today The Chicago League of Women Vot- ers forum will be held this Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Floren- tine room of the Congress hotel. The meeting will be presided over by Miss Mary McDowell and will be held in the interest of a better world under- standing. Dr. Ellsworth Faris of the Anthropology department of the Uni- versity of Chicago will speak on the subject, "The Natural History of Race Prejudice," Mrs. Mary McLeod Bet- hune, director of a technical school for boys and girls in Daytona, Florida, will speak on "The Negro in Art," and Appadurai Aaron of Madras, India, will speak on "East Indian Progress." Read the Want Ads TOUPEES and WIGS as the Halr a' ra he your own, Phone Central 0604 FUNK. & CO. 86 So. State St. Reom 412 Chicago "GRANITE FURNISHED AND ERECTED BY J. H. ANDERSON MONUMENT CO. FINEST DISPLAY OF MEM- ORIALS IN CHICAGO 5751 RAVENSWOOD AVE. Phone RAVenswood 3523 Announcement We wish to announce that we are opening new Under- taking Parlors at 554 Center Street, Winnetka. Thus we will be able to more efficiently handle our fast increasing Winnetka business. With our Funeral Chapel in Evanston, our Funeral Home in Wilmette and our new Funeral Parlors in Winnetka we : feel that we have built up an organization that is the peak of our profession along the North Shore. Superior Ambulance Service cfeott *~ UNDERTAKER The House of Personal Service 554 Center St. For the present call Wilmette 654. Winnetka