November 19, 1927 WINNETKA TALK oe -- REVIEWS PROGRESS IN MOSQUITO ABATEMENT Chairman of North Shore Associa- tion Outlines Work Leading Up to Election At the meeting held at the Skokie Country club, Glencoe, Wednesday evening for the purpose of formulat- ing plans for raising money necessary to defray the expense of the special election approving the North Shore Mosquito Abatement district and tq carry on the work until funds thus authorized are available, the follow- ing review of the mosquito abate- ment campaign on the north shore was given by Chairman William Edwards: "As you probably know, mosquito abatement work is not a new thing on the north shore. In 1925, George A. Hughes, of Riverside, spoke before the Glencoe Men's club on mosquito abatement work. At that time, Glen- coe formed the Glencoe Mosquito Abatement Association, with Arthur Burrage Farwell as president. We raised a fund during that year of $7,500, but when the year was over, we realized that our territory was too small to do effective work. "Through the untiring efforts of Mr. Hughes, former Senator Thurlow G. Essington and Senator Arthur A. Hue- bsch, on June 29, 1927, a bill was passed in Springfield, providing for the establishment of mosquito abatement districts, the bill being signed by Gov- ernor Small on July 7, 1927. Form Association "Shortly after this time, a meeting of representative citizens of the north shore was held at Evanston, at which time the North Shore Mosquito Abate- ment association was formed, with a view of establishing a permanent abate- ment district and carrying on the work of the Gorgas Memorial Institute. Of- ficers of this organization were ap- pointed, with myself as chairman; John F. Hahn, as treasurer and James A. Williams as secretary, together with a board of twelve directors, as fol- lows : "H. W. Butler, J. F. Calef, L. W. Coons, A. B. Farwell, John F. Hahn, 4 lm Lynch, Paul A. Hoffman, George Loutsch, H. C. Phillips, Arthur String- er, F. L. Streed and A. J. Therrien. "lI wish, at this time, to extend my appreciation for their loyal help and co- operation in bringing this organization to its present state of success "The territory included in this district comprises the townships. of Evanston, New Trier, Niles, and Northfield east of Pfingston road. In that territory we have secured, as required by the statute the signatures of more than 5 percent of the legal votes, the number secured being 3,059. These petitions have been filed with County Judge Edmund K. Jarecki, who has set Tuesday, Decem- bed 6, 1927, as the date for the election on the question of establishing a permanent Mosquito Abatement dis- trict. Much Work Ahead "We are now confronted with the task of providing polling places, judg- es of election and election supplies, the Stops Coughs In Five Minutes THE first spoonful brings relief. Breaks up Chest Colds, relieves Hoarseness, Hacking and Sore Throats. Creo-Lyptus Palatable combination of Creosote and Eucalyptus, recomended for children and adults by physcians everywhere. For Sale By © COMMUNITY PHARMACY 750 Elm St. Winnetka 33% -- expense of which will have to be borne by this association. We will also be|| confronted, after election, with the task |! of proceeding with the organization of the district, making surveys and exam- || inations and providing labor and equip- ment to carry on the work. "This work must be done through the winter, so that actual field opera+ tions may be initiated in the spring, as early as the weather will permit, and it will be necessary to employ com- petent engincers, experienced in mos- quito control to work with the trustees of the district. There will be no funds available from the county treasurer to] meet the expense of this work until May, 1928. ! Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sancher of Evanston left Monday on a trip to New Orleans and Florida. --O-- Illinois spends $140,000,000 annually on its public schools. Salaries take 53 per cent of the expenditures. Evergreens and Privet for Hedges We have received a carload of Evergreens, that may be pur- chased at an extremely reasonable rate, also Privit for hedges, and a full line of fall shrubs. Evergreens are on display at 1036 Oak St., Winnetka Phone Winnetka 2435 FRANZ KRENN y Landscape Gardener Black Dirt for Bare : 1036 Oak St. "I Sell Vigoro and Fertiluvia, the Lawn and Plant Fertilizer Food" Garden Planning a Specialty Failures console SAVE! goal. plans, YOU'LL SAVE! COUNT now! R\ "IF" Is Hostile to I did this," or "If I did that." you want to buy a home, an automobile, send the children to college or take a long trip, you don't want to say, "We could do it, If--" SAVE! REGULARLY! And when the time comes for you to carry out your SAVE! REGULARLY! At this bank where you will find the services friendly. "home Dank [or Wineltka Feople" Qficers and Directors HENRY R. HALE Fresidlent L. B.KUPPENHEIMER Vice-President SANBORN HALE Costicr GEORGE W. MEKINNEY Asst Coshier VICTOR ELTING ~~ NOBLE HALE Happiness themselves with the excuse of "If." "If When the time comes that Towards. a definite DOIT.. Start a SAVINGS AC- a L = | WINNETKA STATE BANK LIM ST. LAST OF LINCOLN . 4 VE. 8A. , oe [ 8am lo 12-30pM. and 7 lo Brm. BANKING HOURS A.M. lo SP.M.