------ . AJ November 19, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 47 VILLAGE PAYS TRIBUTE T0 WORLD WAR HEROES Gold Star Parents Among Fifteen Hundred Attending Cere- monies On the Green (Continued from Page 45) affords the greatest field for individual at- tainment and the greatest measure of social welfare, and to promote our growth in righteousness, freedom, and the arts of peace. GEORGE B. MASSEY (Chairman Memorial Committee of Fifty) Shortly after the Armistice, the Com- munity Council and the Village Council appointed a committee, of which Mrs. W. J. Huddle was chairman, to select a design for a Memorial for the men who served in the World War. This commit- tee held a competition in which this de- sign, anonymously submitted by Mr. Samuel S. Otis, was chofen. The ques- tion of whether a Memorial should be utilitarian or not was taken up several times and decided in the negative by majorities in open meeting. The question of the location far from being unanimous. This is the ideal spot. The question of the form was decided by the first committee as a platform or rostrum with a central flag- staff and a suitable provision for the names and inscription. The committee reported back to the Village Council, was not thereby completing the work for which they were organized. Since then the Winnetka Post of the Legion passed a resolution, declaring that only the names of the Gold Star men should appear on the Memori~]l and that the Memorial be for them only. To those who since then have striven to replace the model with marble and bronze, it was not a ques- tion of direction of effort--this had al- ready been prescribed--but a question of amount of effort necessary to obtain re- sults. A Beautiful Reminder It is a great satisfaction to them and, I am sure, to all of the Village, that Winnetka men, women and children have made possible the erection of this beau- tiful reminder that ten of our citizens have followed their high ideals to a glorious end. We are proud of them. We have planted trees in their memory and have each year placed wreaths at the foot of these trees. . But trees grow, covering the markers, -and wreaths are of a day. This Memorial will endure. Tt is not a tomb. It is a spiritual triumphal grouping of the sacred emblem of liberty and the ten names which will always be associated with it in our minds. On be- half of the contributors to this Memorial, I now present it to the Gold Star par- ents as a constant emblem to them of the immortality of their sons, to the men of the Legion, who fought shoulder to shoulder with them, as a rallying point consecrated to patriotic exercises through the years to come--the most important service this group of service men can perform. I also present it to the citizens of Winnetka, to cherish through their representatives, and to preserve forever, that whatever the racial origin, whatever the creed, our children may be imbued with a love of liberty, of high civic ideals, a determination to do their part and to win the respect and honor of their fellow-men, as have these ten sons of Winnetka. CARL J. EASTERBERG (Village Trustee) In the absence of President Tenney, it is my privilege on behalf of the Village of Winnetka to accept this Memorial. We stand here in the presence of a great fact and a great symbol. That fact is, that, at the call of Country, there have been found in this community numbers of its sons ready to hazard their lives for the preservation of that heritage of freedom which our Nation holds in keep- ing. That symbol is the reminder, which abides in this Memorial, of the priceless value of the citizenship which is our common possession. In this place there will be called forth, as long as this Memorial stands, those transforming emotions which are con- nected with words such as loyalty, cour- age, honor and self-sacrifice. These qualities are as much needed in solving the issues of peace as ever they were in surmounting the rigors of war. As we stand in this spot, therefore, it is with renewed appreciation of the example for our citizenship set before us by the men in whose honor this Mem- orial has been raised No words can be adequate for the celebration of their patriotism. We can but accept this Memorial conscious of the living symbol- ism of the gift and resolved that, so far as in us lies, there shall be, in this community, no future betrayal of the heroic virtues here commemorated. FRANK W. BLATCHFORD (Commander Winnetka Legion Post) In accepting this beautiful and appro- priate Memorial in the name of the Win- netka Post of the American Legion, it is with a feeling of gratitude and great appreciation for the wonderful spirit in which it has been built. Practically the entire Village was behind this project and by many small gifts showed that it was the unanimous wish of the com- munity to accomplish this work. You do not need a Memorial to help Fruit, Maple & Vanilla THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL "THE HOSTESS" FOR FUEL--USE OIL "A Correct Grade for Each Burner" Two Bulk Plants--Eight Trucks operated ON the north shore to assure PROMPT, EFFICIENT SERVICE Braun Bros. On Co. 723 Oak Street, Winnetka Winnetka 3020 -- Telephones -- Highland Park 3290 you remember these men whose names are inscribed on the cenotaph, because most of you knew them personally. Nor do we of the Legion need anything tang- ible to keep us from forgetting who these men were and that they are no longer with us. They were our brothers! It is the coming generation who must have something of this nature because they must never be allowed to forget, not who these men were, not that they fought in the war, not that they died, but what they died for--OUR COUNTRY. CARL H. ZEISS (President Winnetka Park Board) This park in which this beautiful Memorial stands belongs to the Village of Winnetka, but for some years the Park Board has had the duty of taking care of it. Up to this time this duty has been a more or less routine matter without anything particular to brighten it. Today, however the Park Board has its reward, for today there is entrusted to its care one of the most sacred things in Winnetka. The Park Board is grateful for this trust, because of the opportunity that it affords and I want to say on behalf of the Park Board that it will be its con- stant aim to be worthy of this trust and to guard and care for this Memorial at all times faithfully and efficiently. Trinity Lutheran Greenwood and Hawthorne avenues, Glencoe L. H. Nauss, Ev. Luth. pastor Sunday, November 20, 1927-- English services at 10:30 A. M. Text Luke 17, 26-37 Theme: The Last Days of This World as They Are Described by Jesus Himself in Our Text He describes them-- 1. As days of worldliness and wicked- ness; 2. As days which ought to remind us of His coming to judgment; 3. As days which we should improve for our final salvation. Sunday school every Sunday at 9 A. M. Special Thanksgiving services Thurs- day, November 24, at 10:30 A. M. in the English language. Everybody welcome. Try this new mechanical sieve in your kitchen. THE SEPROSIY Separates and Sieves Approved by Good Housekeeping Institute Carefully tinned -- three sieves, coarse, fine and medium -- Completely eliminates from your kitchen all hand sieving, grating, scraping, straining and mixing -- just turn the crank. GUARANTEED to remove at marvelous speed in one operation all seeds, skins and cores from cranberries, grapes, tomatoes, apples and other raw fruits and vegetables. Recommended by Physicians in the daily preparation of food for chil- dren--splendid for prune and apricot pulp, scraped apple and meat, and sieved vegetables. ALSO recommended in the preparation of diets for convalescents, sufferers from Colitis, Gastric Ulcers, and other stomach dis- orders, where roughage must be removed from food. FOR SALE AT Chicago's leading department stores and the following North Shore hardware stores: E. B. Taylor Co., Winnetka Eckhart Hardware Co., Winnetka Central Hardware Store, Hubbard Woods Hubbard Woods Electric and Hardware Co., Hubbard Woods AMERICAN UTENSIL CO. Room 1449--10 S, La Salle St. Phone Franklin 4465 % (LLL ELLE LL LLL ELLE EL LLL ELE EEL ET to be had. tribute to the long-felt need, service. Mrs. F. E. Lewis Attendant La AA LLL LILI III LE EE EY TT) 5 ALLTEL EE TEE EEL TELL LL LL ELLE EE EEE LEE EEE ELE LL LLL Frederick E. Lewis Co. Funeral Directors and Morticians "We Understand" Twenty-three years of careful, scientific research in this field have enabled us to surpass in our profession the re- quirements of the most exacting public. . . qualifying us to render a carzful, courteous and conscientious service. Our new fleet of DelLuxe Limousines is the most dignified Ambulance Service DeLuxe, located in Wilmette, is a shore towns. . .assuring immediate and moderately priced New enlarged Chapel, Parlor and Display Room. Parlor Phone Wilmette 3552 Residence Phone SFR EFREFFRRR RFR RRR RIE RRR RRR RR FERRER RRR RRR RR centrally located to all north 1124 Central Ave. Wilmette EET TL LL EY YF LL Le LL LT)