WINNETKA TALK November 19, 1927 Choice Flowers for Thanksgiving Flowers by Wire Henry Ilg Florist Established 25 Years CENTER ST. AT PINE TEL. WINNETKA 313 Leonard Company Starts Work on Apartment Block Part of the contracts have been awarded and the work of excavating was begun this week for the $200,000 business and apartment building which the E. T. Leonard company of 556 Cen- ter street, Winnetka, is erecting on Linden avenue and Tower road, in Hubbard Woods. The building will have a frontage of 100 feet on Linden and 40 feet on Tower. It will be three stories in height and comprise eleven shops and twenty apartments. It is planned to have it completed by May 1. It will be known as the Hubbard Woods Court. The name of Tower Court had been selected, but when it was found this name was the same as an apartment building in Evanston, the Hubbard Woods Court name was chosen. 317 Parents Attend "Open House" at Hubbard Woods Over 317 parents visited the Hub- bard Woods school last week when an "open house" was held and parents were invited to atfend classes with their children. A prize of a plant of- fered by the P. T. A. for the room hav- ing the largest attendance of parents was won by Miss Edith McKay's com- bined fifth and sixth grade which had an attendance of 25 parents. The room enrollment is 29 children. Business Girls' Club Plans for Christmas Twenty members of the Winnetka Business Girls' club attended the Tues- day evening meeting and participated in the pleasure of making plans for a part of their Christmas activities. Their efforts this year will be cen- tered in making some worthy and needy family in Chicago happy at this gladsome holiday time. The girls in a body will deliver numerous and prac- tical gifts to every member of the fam- ily, and, in addition, will supply the necessary food for a real Christmas dinner. Mrs. Edgar Dale, who is leader of the club, was unable to be present Tuesday evening, and in her absence, Miss Margaret Carswell presided. Offer Training Course for Camp Fire Guardians A training course for all Camp Fire Guardians, prospective leaders, older girls and interested friends of Camp Fire Girls will be conducted in Com- munity House beginning Monday, Nov. 21, by Miss Estelle Farley, Chicago field secretary of Camp Fire Girls. This course will meet for six ses- sions, Monday and Thursday afternoons, from 2:30 to 4 o'clock. All those interested in girls are asked to keep this in mind, and are invited to take advantage of this course. There is no charge. THANKSGIVING POULTRY Delicious and Tempting The pleasure of anticipation and the joy of reali- zation are both to be had with our tasty Water- town Ducks and Geese, our nice young plump Turkeys and our ever-good Chickens. Order from Peters' and be assured of best--and--ORDER EARLY! PETERS' 734 ELM STREET Quality Meats MARKET PHONES 920-21-22 TURKEY DUCK GEESE CHICKEN and other FINE MEATS President Urges Co-operation in Preventing Rabies Residents of Winnetka who own dogs are being requested by a letter from President H. F. Tenney to co- operate with the village authorities in seeing that all dogs are either immun- ized against rabies or are muzzled. Fail- ure to do so will result in more drastic measures, which the police department has been instructed to take, after November 25. A report from the health department reveals that only 40 per cent of the dogs in the village have ben immun- ized. There is another outbreak of rabies among dogs in the village and it is impossible to determine how many canines have become infected. The village council, which discussed the situation at considerable length at its meeting Tusday evening, feels that it dos not wish to appear arbitrary in its orders, but at the same time appre- ciates the danger to its citizens and especially to the children of the village and asks that all citizens who own dogs lend their prompt and hearty co- operation to check a further spread of the disease. Plan for Extension of Municipal Breakwater Plans are to be prepared and bids taken for the extension of the break- water at the municipal plant in order to carry out the next step in the de- velopment of the harbor program as approved by the Winnetka plan com- mission. Procuring of the plans and bids was authorized by the village council at its meeting Tuesday evening at which time Village Manager H. L. Wool- hiser was authorized to proceed with the same. Thanksgiving DINNER Served in a most exact holi- day manner. Turkey, cranberries, sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie. . .pre- pared in a most appetizing manner. Plan to have a good old fashioned Turkey Dinner with us. We'll be serving this delicious dinner both on Wednesday and Thursday. CHAMBER'S CAFE 552 Center Street WINNETKA