WINNETKA TALK November 26, 1927 SPECIAL! $42.50 Value JOHNSON'S WAX Clectric floor Polisher Complete 392 .50 Polish Your Floor: by Electricity Here is a wonderful new invention that takes all the work out of keeping floors beautiful and makes this household task apleasure.Ten times faster than present methods, it enables you to polish all the floors and linoleuns im your home in the timeit formerly took to do a single room. Sturdily built to last a lifetime and guar- anteed absolutely. JOHNSON'S WAX The regular price of the Johnson Electric Floor Pol- ishing Outfit is $42.50, but we have a limited supply which we are offering at $24.50 each. This price in- cludes a beautiful nickel- plated Electric Floor Pol- isher, a half-gallon (2.40) of Johnson's Liquid Wax and a $1.50 Lambs-wool Mop. The Outfit is packed com- plete and makes an ideal Christmas Gift. E. B. TAYLOR COMPANY Hardware 546 Center Street Phones Winnetka 998-999 Steals Wilmette Car to Rob Evanston Gas Station Stealing a car belonging to C. R. Springtime Brides Johnson, 923 Greenleaf avenue, Wil- mette, and utilizing it as a means of getting away following a hold-up at a gasoline filling station at Ridge avenue and Clark street, Evanston, were trace- able accomplishments of a bandit last Monday night. Early in the evening Mr. Johnson reported the theft of his car from in front of the Brown building on Wil- mette avenue to the Wilmette police who immediately broadcast the news to the police departments of surrounding cities. Some time later the machine was again heard from when the Chi- cago police called to state that atten- dants at the filling station had given the car's license number as that of the one used by a hold-up man who had re- lieved them of $25 in cash. Photos by Casebeer Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Metzel of Kenil- worh recently announced the engage- ment of their daughter, Winifred, to Ballard V. Higbee, son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Higbee of Wilmette. Their marriage will be a spring event. Announcement was made last week by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duane Buck- man of Wilmette of the betrothal of their daughter, Eleanor Anabel, to John A. Thompson, also of Wilmette. Miss Buckman and Mr. Thompson are to marry in the spring. Orders Installation -of Emergency Valves for Water Systems Village Manager George R. Young was directed by the village board of Glencoe at its postponed meeting last Saturday evening to proceed with the work of providing valve connections | between the water systems of Glencoe and Winnetka. This action was taken on a favorable report from Alvord, Burdick and Housen, consulting en- gineers who designed the new Glencoe waterworks now in course of construc- tion and which plan has also been ap- proved by Winnetka. With the connection of the two sys- tems, either village, in case of emer- gency, will be enabled to aid the other and will provide for almost any imag- inable contingency which might arise, it is said. For instance, if, during the winter time, the intake at either plant should become clogged with anchor ice, water Heraldic Artist Book Plates Crests Coats of Arms Etchings Artistic Lamp Shades Studio 17 Rapp Building Winnetka supply from the other plant would be available, as it is not probable that both plants would be so crippled at the same time. Two sets of filtration plants are also available. The Win- netka plant has steam and electric power equipment and the Glencoe plant will have gasoline and electric power. Announce Boy Scout Board of Review on December 14 Scouts who are advancing in rank, either to Second or First Class rank, or who are earning Merit badges or higher ranks, will appear at the Board of Review, held at the office of the Byron Stolp school Wednesday, De- cember 14. The ocmmittee of Wilmette men in charge of the Board of Review are: J. R. Harper, Daniel Skelton, J. G. Seyfried, Dr. G. D. Upson, Dr. R. W. Rapp, H. J. Leach, Dr. W. W. Haw- kins, Lea J. Orr, Frank A. Wilson, A. IL. Miller, Fred S. Rye, and Walter McPeek. Mr. and Mrs. I. Portis of 822 Tower road have purchased a new home at 1162 Tower road. Welding. Cutting, Straightening TOWING WRECKS A SPECIALTY Body Building, Upholstering, Top Work, 554 LINCOLN AVE. DENT SHOP Supervision of: C. Blomgren Washing, Greasing, Polishing 24 HOUR SERVICE Black & White Garage Service Overhauling, Gear Set Work, Truck Repairs, PHONE WINNETKA 74