November 26, 1927 WINNETKA TALK Junior League to Present Play in Winnetka Nov. 30 North shore children and others who, although not children, can appreciate Thackeray's "Rose and the Ring," will have the opportunity to see the gifted Junior League players present this play Wednesday afternoon, Novem- ber 30, at 4 o'clock at the Skokie school auditorium, Winnetka. The play scored a great success when pre- sented last Saturday morning in Chi- cago, as the first Junior League play of the season. The hit of hits was Emily Hamill who, as Mrs. Gruffanuff, provided enough comedy for any one show. Frances Oliver, as Prince Bulbo, and Mary Louise Marshall, as the King, added to the comedy. Mrs. Charles Fargo made a beauti- ful, golden-haired princess. Brier Wright gave a delightful soft-shoe dance. Mrs. John R. Winterbotham was a fine Gruffanuff, and other Junior Leaguers filled up the most excellent cast. The second Junior League play of the season will be "The Land of Oz." This will be given in February. Season tickets for both may be bought from Mrs. Dudley French, Winnetka 395. Select Judges for Special Election on Mosquito Abatement Only a few residents of the north shore who have been interesting them- selves in the mosquito abatement work in the way of completing the perman- ent reclamation of the great skokie area, are able to fully appreciate the great possibilities ahead when the plans for permanent organization of the district are approved and in opera- tion. M. K. Meyer aad B. Schildgen, both of whom have been familiar with the Skokie history for many years, are able to recall when the Skokie was a lake and on which they used to sail boats. Both gave interesting and en- thusiastic talks on the Skokie, then and now, and also as they are able to vision it in the future, at the meeting Wednesday evening of last week at the Skokie Country club in Glencoe, held for the purpose of developing plans for raising funds to pay for the special election to be held on Decem- ber 6 and to carry on the work of the Mosquito Abatement district until its funds are available next spring. The polls will be open for the elec- tion on December 6 from 6 a. m. to 4 p. m. The following have been ap- proved by County Judge Edmund K. Jarecki as the election judges in the north shore villages: Wilmette, Paul A. Hoffman and Dr. Edward E. Moore; Kenilworth, C. A | Thorsen and Cora L. Thorson; Win- netka, Sanborn Hale and W. J. Carey; Glencoe, Mrs. John E. Marsh and Eu- gene K. Butler. An event of great interest to worth shore people is the wedding of Miss Jeanette Cherry and Marshall Branch, which takes place this Saturday eve- ning. Rt Mrs. C. D. Goodman gave a Thanaks- giving dinner for members of her family at her home, 519 Sunset road. Locate Trees Now and Plant Later with Snow Ball Elm Trees, 8-10 inches trunk diameter, $65.00 and up. Sugar Maples, Ash, Crab- apples; also Hawthornes, $25.00 and up. E. TILLMANN Phone Highland Park 965 C-0-A-L On Time Deliveries ANTHRACITE POCAHONTAS and GLENDORA CHICAGO SOLVAY COKE Telephone 653 Winnetka te NORTHSHORE c. "A Satisfied Customer Our Greatest Asset" 16 Prouty Annex, Winnetka Grace Herbst Gifts--Interior Decorations 563 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka I don't want to be trite but do start that Christmas Shopping Early while selections are Wide and Varied 511% and 69) Real Estate Loans Tuar we may serve the people of the North Shore in the most advantageous capacity, we are now prepared to negotiate Real Estate Loans--on certain classes of property--on a rate basis of 5%%, This basis is adjusted to co-ordinate with the present status of the money market, that we may co-operate most fully in your requirements for construction, refinancing, etc. Our facilities are fully at your service. 8 oS Lo » THE WILMETTE STATE BANK CENTRAL AVENUE AT TWELFTH STREET "Your Home Bank"