A WT ts ta a 4 I --_--__ WINNETKA TALK December 3, 1927 Many Denominations at Garrett Biblical School Dean F. C. Eiselen, president of Gar- rett Biblical Institute, on Northwest- ern waiversity Campus, Evanston, gave out the following statement today: 'An analysis of the enrollment of Garrett for the Autumn quarter shows that there are 264 students, 93 of whom are new. There are 17 students in the diploma school. More than a doz- en denominations other than Methodist are represented. There are six mar- ried women taking work, and seven single, one of whom is working for the Bachelor of Divinity degree. There are 128 married men and 114 single men. Either as a licensed or or- dained, there are 186 who have some form of ministerial credentials. There is one woman local preacher. Over one hundred of the mena hold ministeri- al charges and many others are as- sistants in various local churches. There are fifty-two conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church represent- ed and several foreign conferences. Seven Foreign countries are repre- sented with students. - 4-55 3 4s ATI NEES Vive VETS OTD a. ( 1d Sr OE bills" happy. Tio 4) Tov AEST 0555 WIEST OTT We A-E0P WETS 9-5 ie 4) a. Woy "ON Cl Never Hesitate to Call WILMETTE 145 Forty years of Quality Work is your guarantee of satisfaction . . . . The cost of each service is in keeping with the family budget It is genuine '"'clean clothes" satisfaction to give the family washing to a Wash- ington Laundry Man, to know before- hand that everything will be returned on time, sweet and clean, just as though you yourself had done, or personally supervised, the work. More than 3000 housewives agree that our Quality Work is the solution of the Washday problem; Time for pleasanter duties; and the fam- ily bundle is returned each week at a figure that makes 'he who foots the Don't Forget to Send Curtains, Pillows, Quilts, Rugs, Blankets --anything else that is washable. Phe ashington Laundry 700-704 Washington Street EVANSTON, ILL. Phone Wilmette 145 1887 . Forty . Years . of . Quality . Work . 1927 HL) DD 0) EDD 0)-L2D 4) 9) a 9) i -- - they enjoy more OEE OATES OF 2h CALL VT ODO DIOS \ = -_ i rT GWT PY " i» 24a E210 ST 0 2X0 ERESD NZD AD DEL NTD 4 In Rosenberg's Play Photo by Bernie J. Lincoln Gibson, Evanston player, will take the role of Jones, the "gabby" hymn-book and playing-cards drum- mer, in "What Happened to Jones." This three-act farce will be presented by the Rosenberg Players Thursday evening, December 8, at the Evanston Woman's club. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Adair, 320 Melrose avenue, Kenilworth, left short- ly after the Thanksgiving holidays for New York, where they will make a ten days' visit. There are 12 times as many owners of public utilities in Illinois as there were inhabitants of the state when it was admitted to the Union. About 90 per cent of the land area of Illinois is used actively in agricul- ture. TO TEACH BY RADIO Garrett Biblical Institute to Wireless Instruction to Ministers J Garrett Biblical institute will begin Dec. 5, a new venture in theological education, when the Garrett Radio course for pastors and others interest- ed in modern religious thought will begin. The course will be given over station WCFL, meters 483, and will continue for twelve weeks with a lecture each Monday at 1 o'clock. The lecture subjects for the course will be of general interest. Most of them are: "The Present Day Use of the Bible," "What Happened Between the Old Testament and the New," "The Early Church and the Problem of Christian Unity," "Faith in an Age of Science," "Messiahs New and Old," "Christianity for Export," "Can We Follow Jesus Today?" and "The Spirit and the Sword." The addresses will be given by the following members of the Garrett faculty: President F. C. Eiselen, Professors Schermerhora, Fuller, Whitchurch, and Rall, and Dr. Ernest F. Tittle. Letters and questions are invited, and suggestions of suitable books for further study will be made. The addresses or lectures will be given from Grace Methodist church, Chicago, of which Dr. C. Copeland Smith is pastor. The program is as follows: Dec. 5--The Use of the Bible Today, President F. C. Eiselen; Dec, 12--The Prophet as Preacher, Pres. F. C. Eiselen ; Dec. 19--What Happened Between the Old and New Testament, Prof. Leslie E. Fuller; Dec. 26--What the Old Testa- ment Gave to the New, Prof. Leslie E. Fuller; Jan. 2--Christian Unity and the Early Church, Prof. Harris Franklin Rall; Jan. 9--Faith in God in an Age of Science, Prof. Harris Franklin Rall; Jan. 16--Messiahs New and Old, Prof. Harris Franklin Rall; Jan. 23--Shall We Export Christianity? Prof. W. D. Scher- merhorn; Jan. 30--Christianity and the Nations, Prof. . . Schermerhorn ; Feb. 6--Changing Moral Standards, Prof. Irl G. Whitchurch; Feb. 13--Can We Follow Jesus Today? Prof. Irl G. Whit- church; Feb. 20--The Spirit and the Sword, the Rev. Ernest F. Tittle. SMAI SHOES Alfred 60 E.- WASHINGTON ST. shipper trimmed with an im- buckle to match the natural lizard. i . RUBY |i ING EDGE WATER BEACH HOTEL . ------ 1563 EAST S3RR ST, HYDE PARK ORRINGTON HOTEL, EVANSTON Ese