WINNETKA TALK December 3, 1927 I Wi || \ i il Hi i I Lago Sheridan Road in "No Man's Land" Between Wilmette and Kenilworth Ph. Kenilworth 3980-3981 MATINEES SATURDAY, SUNDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Doors 1:30 Show Starts 2 p. m., Continuous Evenings During Week Doors Open 6:30 Show Starts 7 p. m. PROGRAM FOR WEEK ENDING DECEMBER 9 Saturday, Dee, 3 Tom Mix "ARIZONA WILD CAT" "Seeing Stars" Educational Comedy "Jewels of Venus" Oddity "Marvel 'K'" Specialty Sunday, Dee. 4 Lloyd Hughes & Mary Astor "NO PLACE TO GO" "Smith's Pony" Smith Comedy "Restless Race" Grantland Rice Sportlight Fox News & Dally News Mon., Tues., Dee. 5-6 Lillian Gish "ANNIE LAURIE" "Haunted Spooks" Lloyd Comedy Paramount News Wednesday, Dee. 7 Marie Prevost "GIRL IN THE PULLMAN" "Seared Silly" Edueational Comedy "Topsy Turvy" KoKo Cartoon Fox News Thurs., Fri, Dee. 8-9 Richard Dix BOUND" "Putting the Pants on Phillip" M-G-M Comedy "Will Rogers in Dublin" Will Rogers Paramount News COMING ATTRACTIONS "Gentlemen of Paris" Adolph Menjou "Woman on Trial" Pola Negri "Spring Fever" William Haines Reviews At the North = O_o Laura LaPlante in "Cat and Canary" at Norshore Everyone who has taken an interest in attempting to solve mysteries is promised the thrill of a lifetime when "The Cat and the Canary" opens as the feature attraction at the Norshore Theater starting Sunday. "The Cat and the Canary," a Univer- sal production with an all-star cast headed by Laura La Plante, is said by those who have seén its previews to be by far the most mysterious mystery ever filmed. "The Cat and the Canary" is a screen adaptation of the great stage success of the same name by John Willard. It was directed by Paul Leni, perhaps the most famous of a score of foreign di- rectors who have come to this country in the past two years. In addition to Miss La Plante, the cast embraces some of the best known names of filmdom, including among others, Arthur Edmund Carew, For- rest Stanley, Creighton Hale, Gertrude Astor, George Siegmann, Flora Finch, Martha Mattox and Tully Marshall. There will be a new stage revue headed by the clever clown conductor, Al Kvale and his sensational group of jazz stars. The stage offering will be in keeping with the spirit of the fea- ture picture, exciting and spooky. A number of new song-hits, fresh from the pens of America's leading song writers, will be played by the band and Al will present a fast flood of stage stars who will offer a merry melange of song, comedy, dance and syncopation. y GLENCOE MOVIES "The Frontiersman," with Tim Mec- Coy, has been chosen by the Glencoe Union church as the feature attraction for Friday, December 9. In addition a program of "shorts" and news has been provided. Village Theatre J. RB. Koppel, Mana Director Phone Wilmette 1441 Fvenings 7:16 & 9; Mat. Tues. 3:30 Saturday Mats, 2 and 4 Villon Hosking at the Welte Grande Organ Mon., Tues.. Dee. 5-6 Please Note. Commencing with Monday our prices in the future will be: Eve. Adults 30ce--Children 10¢ Under 12 Yrs. Old Mat, Adults 25e--Chlldren Ive Buster Keaton in "COLLEGE" Also "Fighting Finish"--No. 4 of the Collegian Series "Assorted Bables"--Novelty Reel Pathe News Wed., Thurs.,, Dee. 7-8 Rudolph Sechildkraut and Junior Coghlan in "A Harp in Hock" Also "Love & Hisses"--2 Reel Hal Roach Comedy and Pathe Review, Chicago Daily News Bill-O-Fare Saturday, December 3 "Arizona Wildcat" ....Teatro del Lago "Sailor Izzy Murphy" s.ceeesss. Village "Spring Fever" ..... .Norshore "White Cargo" ...... . Chateau Bound" .. Varsity "Shanghai Sunday, December 4 "Phe Mystery Ship"?, Chateau "Cat and Canary" ......ssecss Norshore "No Place to Go" ...... Teatro del Lago Monday, December 5 "Annie Laurie' iveeove Teatro del Lago CCOICHE!" "vss ss is «vn Hus vntasiva Village "A Gentleman of Paris" ........ Varsity "Phe Mystery. Ship" ......n... Chateau "Cat and Canary" si.....s.s . . Norshore Tuesday, December 6 "Foreign Devils" ....Community House "Annie Laurie" ........ Teatro del Lago #College'" +...%..8:.... ... Village "A Gentleman of Paris" .. Varsity "The Mystery Ship" Chateau "Cat and Canary" ......:«++s.]1 Norshore Wednesday, December 7 "Harp in Hock" ......e evan. Village "Girl in the Pullman" ..Teatro del Lago "A Gentleman of Paris" ........ Varsity "Phe Mystery Ship" ..........Chateau "Cat and Canary" ..........5. Norshore Thursday, December § "Harp in HOCK" «+e venvrmeness. Village "Shanghai Bound" ...... Teatro del Lago "The Mystery Ship" .......... Chateau "Cat and Canary" ............ Norshore Friday, December 9 "No Man's Law" ......co00000n Village "Service for Ladies" ..Community House "Mystery Ship" Next Minturn Presentation "The Mystery Ship," the melodrama produced by Gustav Blum, with a dis- tinguished cast at the Garrick theater in New York, will be the attraction next week at the Chateau theater. The mystery melodrama has been justifiably popular during the past four or five years but it remained for the authors of "The Mystery Ship" to write a play on board a trans-Atlantic steamer two days out of New York and bound for England; a ship in mid- ocean that offered the villain of the play no means of escape. You will suspect practically every member of the ship's company and such passengers as you meet before you reach the final curtain of "The Mystery Ship." Then out of a clear sky will leap the simple explanation of all that has gone before--but it will not be the explanation that you have worked out. That is one of the great- est charms of this melodrama, it sweeps alnog without a dull moment and then presents an unexpected de- nouement. The S. S. Mongolia, on which the action takes place, is feeling its way through a dense fog. There is a pistol shot in a cabin on the C deck. In rushes a steward. Mr. Levering, a passenger, has been shot. He lies dead in his bed. Five minutes later the lights on this section of the vessel go out and when a lantern has been lighted the body of the dead man has disappeared. That will give you a suggestion as to the start of "The Mystery Ship." Three acts loaded with thrills and laughs work up to its solution. COMMUNITY HOUSE Fri, Sat., Dec. 9-10 "Rex" The King of Wild Horses n "NO MAN'S LAW" With Barbara Kent Also Charlie Chase in His Latest 2 Reel Comedy Football Field Official and Pathe News TuEes., DEC. 6 | FrL, DEC. 9 Tim McCoy Adolphe Claire Windsor Menjou in mn Peter B. Kyne's "Service "Foreign for Ladies" qo? and Devils "Collegians" Rex, Hal Roach's Acting Horse, in Picture at Village An unscheduled thrill which nearly resulted disastrously for Buster Keaton and a number of famous athletes, oc- curred during the filming of the frozen- faced comedian's latest United Artists picture, "College," which will be pre- sented by the Village Monday and Tuesday. One of the exciting events in the comedy is a race between two shells, sixty-two foot craft manned by noted oarsmen who won fame at Yale, Co- lumbia, Washington, Syracuse, Cali- fornia and other universities. Hun- dreds of launches, barges and canoes were stationed along fhe race course on historic Balboa Bay, on the Pacific coast, where many of the scenes were made. At the height of the race a fishing boat slipped anchor and drifted into the path of the boat which Keaton was piloting in his role of coxswain. Un- able to avoid a collision, Buster yelled for the crew to jump--and they did. A moment later the shell was overturned and wrecked by the impact. What? Oh, no, the scene was re-taken. x x He had the reputation of being a Shylock, but he paid the rent of many a poor neighbor. Rudolph Schildkraut, featured with Tunior Coghlan, in "A Harp in Hock," enacts the role of a New York East Side pawnbroker who is despised hy the entire Ghetto. He drove a hard bargain when any of the neighbors pawned their belongings, but when one of them did not have the money to pay the rent, he paid it for her! "A Harp in Hock," adapted for the films by Senya Levien, depicts the as- sociations of a young two-fisted Irish lad who comes to America and is adonted by the pawnbroker. Renaud Hoffman. director of "The Unknown Soldier" handled the megaphone on "A Harp in Hock," which comes Wednes- day and Thursday. Bessie Love, Jo- seph Striker, May Robson, Louis Na- theaux, Clarence Burton, Mrs. Chas. Mack, and Lillian Harmer play prom- inent roles in the production. "No Man's Law," a story covering but twenty-four hours in its action and presenting only four human and four animal players, is the novel feature showing at the Village theater on Fri- day and Saturday. It is Hal Roach's fourth Pathe feature starring Rex. king of wild horses, and Barbara Kent, James Finlayson. Oliver Hardy and Theodore Von Eltz give really excel- lent performances. Ladv., the white mare seen previously with Rex, and two comic burros complete the cast. F. Richard Jones, supervisor and au- thor, should come in for a big share of the plaudits for his unusual. concen- trated and dramatic plot in "No Man's Law." It is a story without a regular hero, Von Eltz playing the role of a man too bad to be a good man, but not bad enough to be a real bad man of the West. The few characters, short time lapse and one general location so concentrate the action that real acting is called for--and delivered--by the players. Free from the claptrap of sets, extras and irrelevant details which so often feature big pictures, the story gets down to facts and the situations round out their dramatic meanings with surprising speed and suspense. Excellent scenic backgrounds, found somewhere in the most sparsely popu- lated sections of Nevada, produce photographic possibilities well used by Floyd Jackman and George Stevens.