50 WINNETKA TALK December 10, 1927 MANY STUDENTS WIN HONOR ROLL PLACES The honor roll and the list of stu- dents receiving honorable mention be- cause of the scholastic high average maintained in school work at New Trier High school has just been issued for the second month of the current semester. Pupils receiving grades av- eraging over "3 point" are eligible for a place on the honor roll. Those maintaining an average of exactly "3 point," while not making an average quite high enough to make the honor roll, receive honorable mention. The honor rolls and honorable men- tion lists by classes are as follows: Senior Boys Honor Roll--Frank Gilchrist, Victor Deinlein, Stoddard Small, Jack Leach, Clarke Munn, Edward Patek, Dean Vail, Peter Wagner, Leroy Stoker, Warren Fuerman, Wallace Miller, George Patti- son, Edward Phillips, Preston Read, Da- vid Schmid, A. Van Deursen, David Wanger and Elmer Rich. Honorable Mention--Clarence Ander- son, Steve Harwood, John Iliff, Haydn Jones, William Larkin, Robert McNie, George Myer, Ralph Netterstrom, Robert Nord, Drake Older, Hiller Olsen, John Patterson, Tom Sellery, Harry Wilson and Rich Younkers. Junior Boys Honor Roll--Robert Marcus, Morton Mergentheim, George Brown, Paul Drebes, Jack Kaufman, Kenneth Moeller, Duncan Jennings, Robert Brown, Frank- lin DeBeers, John Fetcher and Stephen Windes. Honorable Mention--Robert Ellis, Bentley McLeod, Robert Simmons, Charles Smith and Louis Weber. Sophomore Boys Honor Roll--Bob Forster, William McAllen, Park Chamberlain, Robert King, Ted DeLang, Art McIntosh, Tom Hicks, Phil Brooks, Swabacker, Robert Krieger, George Borsch, Robert Pearse, Paul Powell, Christie Townsend, Frank Heineman and Robert Roschke. Honorable Mention: David Riddle, Charles France, John Rutledge, Gerry Schnur, Dick Barnard, Fred Fielding, Paul Seligman, Eugene Derlacki, Cecil Cox, Bernard Cram, Robert Schoenbrun, Dick Longini and Norman Roos. Freshman Boys Honor Roll--Paul Gilbert, Edwin Ball, John Howe, Julian Peterson, John Bar- Albert Bows, Phil den, Gerald Parker, David Crawford, Barclay Jones, Olin Sethness and Phil VonAmmon. Honorable Mention--Norman Bruedi- gam, Joel Dickenson, George Eaton, Clark Gapen, Hugo Hartman, Robert Hughs, Louis Kuppenheimer, Davis Lott, Treat Lind, Eugene Mancinelli, Charles Paterson, Harry Richards, Alan Robin- son, Gordon Ruff, Robert Schabino and Harold Schauffler. Senior Girls Honor Roll Adelaide Childs, Viette Count, Margaret Gillson, Lorrain Jannes, alure's OYE. Winter Ballroom lites You . « « and here are just the skates to wear . . . . The perfect fit and correct bal- ance make skating a pleas- ure. You'll be proud of these fine tubular skates attached to shoes. Sizes for everyone, for every kind of skating. ) Manufactured by Alfred Johnson Skate [Company (lofeecs 2848 W Nerth Ave. Chicsag U.S A. Net (onnected With Nestor Johnson Mfg Ca FLASH ) Send for this Free ( ® Book on Skating ~~ Por sale by Leading Sporting Goods, Hardware and Department Stores = Doris Demling, Dorothy MacFarland, Jane Philbrick, Anne Pfeiffer, Virginia Cordell, Helen Gates, Mazie Lesher, Alice Odhner, Madelon Beall, Jean Clagett, Beulah DuSelle, Barbara Holden, Ray Kriete, Anna Larner, Helen Mac- Morran, Ryth Mayer, Alice Walton, Jean Watson, Inez Webster and Nellie Louise Weil. Honorable Mention--Adelia Barroll, Betty Brown, Edwina Cadmus, Bernice Carlstrand, Bernice Cole, Alice Donahue, Avis Grant, Theo Hirsch, Margaret Hud- dle, Frances Jonas, Evelyn Lawritsen, Barbara Lawson, Herma Logan, Jane Moist, Ruth Randall, Laura Richards, Maxine Salinger, Betty Scrimgeour, Mar- ion Schumann, Marjorie C. Smith, Mar- jorie M. Smith, Florence Taylor, Vera Thaleg, Lila Ulrich and Gertrude Win- zenberg. Junior Girls Honor Roll---Annie McDonald, Janet Marshall, Margaret Belote, Grace Cooke, Margaret Gordon, Virginia Taylor, Eva Berndston, Lucille Blumenstock, Ruth Drayer, Mary Forrest, Marion Hilpert, Lottie Kuenkele, Reba Michener, Ruth Olson, Mary Alice Stoddard, Jane Weil- ler and Marie Koepke. Honorable Mention--Marie Broun, Ruth Bucher, Faith Burge, Harriet Christie, Martha Etzbach, Marjorie Evers, Jose- phine Farley, Selma Flesham, Kathryn Gerken, Eldora Hopkins, Elizabeth Kelly, Lenore Lorimer, Helen Nygaard, Doro- thea West, Kathryn Wilbur and Harriet Young. Sophomore Girls Honor Roll--Ernestine Herman, Gene Paddock, Dorothy Taylor, Harriet Wil- Mary Niestadt, Patricia Oliver, Ruth Scribbins, Betty Johnson, Anne Sherwin, Caroline Richards, Wilma Borovicka, Dorothy Darby, Mary Beam, Silva Bruns, Ivy Crawford, Elizabeth Haack, Janet Healy, Louise Hubsch, Jean Forest, Mar- jorie Mead, Janet Shepard and Emilie Eckart. Honorable Mention--Marion Anderson, Betty Ball, Dorothy Bersch, Alice Burk- hardt, Grace Clucas, Rosemary Ellison, Banche Forth, Katherine Heinig, Marian Langdon, Isabel Macalister, Mary Jane Maloney, Elizabeth McCann, Florence McCoy, Virginia Rich, Helen Reinhardt, Marian Rockafellow, Dorothy Schoen- field, Lotta Stern and Jeanette Wurth. Freshman Girls Honor Roll--Barbara Cooke, Janet Sanford, Patsy Boylston, Lois Goldstein, Betty Seery, Louise Wagner, Ethel An-< derson, Amy Clagett, Mary Ferrarini, Ruth Jackson, Virginia Jenkins, Frances Lutz, Heeln Maloney, Marion Nettleman, Jane Pridmore, Ardis Reid, Claire Simon, Anne Tourtellot, Harriett Webster, Mar- tha Wilen, Betty Buckett, Florence Sternberg, Betty Bruen, Theda Child, Sally Clark, Muriel Colby, Alice Con- haim, Victoria Dieball, Betty Ketcham, Hazel Latham, Katherine Maxwell, Mary Melvin, Marjorie Mergenthaler, Jane Norman, Marion Popper, Anita Watson and Dorothy Winzenburg. Honorable Mention--Kathryn Anderson, Lora Baughman, Ernestine Behrens, Kathryn Benson, Louise Fetzer, Edith Green, Virginia Hansen, Betty Henning, Effie James, Sara Lindahl, Jean Meck, Ruth Offner, Jane Orr, Ethel Pierce, Elizabeth Porter, Virginia Preston, Vir- liams, Georgia Schoenthal, Mary Keith, | ginia Rietheimer, Sara Rossman, Julia Helen Bosley, Harriet Postle, Alice ' Schaefer, Caroline Schwarm, Louise Flesch, Lorraine Meister, Barbara Miner, Shephard and Betty Stephens. GE) -- ~ Gold Silver~Platinum and Now[ WITH DIRIGOLD HAS COME THE GOLDEN AGE OF TABLEWARE 4 Cy / || ¢/) IRIGOLD--the fashionable and exquisite ware that possesses the color and lustrous beauty of gold! It has been so universally accepted by social leaders and all women who take pride in beautiful appointments for the home, that we take great pleasure in announc- ing our display of this wonderful ware. Like the precious metals, gold, silver and plati- num, Dirigold is solid clear through. Its beauty is everlasting--but it costs little more than the best grades of plated ware and much less than Sterling. No home need now be denied the rare luxury and beauty of gold on the table. In addition to tableware and hollow- ware, there are many useful and decorative articles in solid Dirigold which make ideal gifts. If you haven't seen Dirigold, by all means do §0 at once. BEAUTY AND USEFULNESS Eo HUNDRED YEARS xd Hallmark Jewelers 809 DAVIS STREET The Dirigold Corp. Display Salon 70 E. Jackson Blvd, Chicago a