December 101927 RL. ewes et? . Staccato Etude OPEN FOURTH SEASON OF VESPER CONCERTS Wilmette Baptist Church Secures Chandler Goldthwaite as So- loist December 11 (Contributed) The Fourth season of Vesper con- certs at the Wilmette Baptist church, under the direction of William Harri- son Barnes, will begin Sunday, Decem- ber 11, with the first recital of the year at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. For this concert, Mr. Barnes is bringing for a return engagement, Chandler Goldthwaite, the brilliant young musician, who is still remem- bered for his startling artistry a year ago when he made his first appearance in Wilmette. Mr. Goldthwaite is not yet 30 years old. He is a natural musician who, although entirely self-taught, was found to have developed at the age of 16 a remarkable piano technique which furnished the foundation of his WINNETKA TAKLK" 53 Woman Passenger Hurt When Automobiles Crash Automobiles driven by A. V. Hors- man, of 1110 Elm street and A. G. Kieson, of 839 Ash street, collided at . : Elm and Birch streets, Thursday after- THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL noon of last week. Mrs. Jeseson, who '"THE GUEST?" was in the car with her husband, was cut on the hands by broken glass from APRICOT, VANILLA 8 COCOANUT CUSTARD the windshield, according to the report Orders Taken for Fancy of Police Sergeant Harry Enault. Ice Cream Moulds Miss Jane McKinney, daughter of SNIDER-CAZEL DRUG CO. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. McKinney of 1215 WILMETTE Tower road, returns December 20 from Bradford academy at Bradford, Mass. y 2 ad Did Vo ddd dy dy 4) 4d) 4) d dd dr dd) dy dd) < a " = aa " "r "> » » : nd If Christmas Came but Once a Lifetime Compton's Ns stinas Lame du mp ; 0 . - R i Would Still be the Greatest Gift That Any i 3 ive His Child! | Parent Could Give His ! great success as an organist in later | ¥ years. Before Mr. Goldthwaite was 23 years old he had been chosen city organist in St. Paul, Minn., one of the most prominent positions to be held by any organist in this country. Symphony Soloist For the past four years Mr. Gold- thwaite has devoted himself to con- certs in America and Europe. At home and abroad he has appeared both in recitals and with some of the leading symphony orchestras. He has recent- ly been appearing with Gabrilowitsch in Detroit and with the symphony or- chestras of Minneapolis and Cleveland. When one remembers how rarely it-is that organists are asked to have a part on symphony orchestra programs, one appreciates how rare is Mr. Gold- thwaite's genius. In fact, Mr. Goldthwaite's popularity is almost unparalleled in the history of the American Organ. Repeatedly when he was in St. Paul, the crowds were so great that special police were called upon to handle the situation. The same situation has developed else- where when his name is advertised. Mr. Goldthwaite has made records for five different organ companies which is acceded itself to be a record. He has been heard on the air from many stations. It is only through the long-time friendship with Mr. Barnes that there would be any possibility at all of hav- ing Mr. Goldthwaite for the local pro- gram. He will appear unassisted in the following arrangement of attractive numbers : The Program Piece Heroique ......iviss ns Adagio--Sixth Symphony Fugue in B Alex Guilmant C. Goldthwaite Berceuse i... de vsrvncvisy Louis Vierne Pantomime ........ cv ns H. B. Jepson Oapriees, vv vais C. Goldthwaite Adagioissimo ............ Marcel Dupre Toccata "Ave Maris Stella" ............ Raita vs ahve s u's cue tes sok Marcel Dupre Amarylis ..... o.oo anna Ghys TOCCALA. . cv unsiavernaidnas C. M. Widor VISITS BROTHER HERE Dr. C. E. Lucas returned to his home' in Olney, Ill, after having spent a week with his brother-in-law, William D. Cazel. of 882 Oak street. Dr. Lucas, who is field manager under the state department, in the southern Illinois district, over veterinarians testing dairy cattle for tuberculosis, attended the International Live Stock Show in Chicago last week. Mrs. Andrew Maloney of Kenil- worth entertained her sewing club at luncheon last Friday at the Cradle Maisonette in Evanston given prior to her leaving for Philadelphia. where she will make her permanent home. 51 ICOMPTONS {COMPTONS {COMPTONS. | COMPTONS | COMPTON {PICTURED PICTURED {PICTURED PICTURED | { PICTURED { PICTURED ICTURED i} ONLY $3590 Brings This EDL 4 Month after month for five years --either through national maga- zines, newspapers, teachers, libra- 4 rians, enthusiastic owners, or public leaders--the parents of America have been hearing about Compton's Pictured Encyclopedia. TE a. 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Mail coupon or phone for full facts about this greatest gift for children. often thought about it--hoped to Lifetime Gift in Time orXmas It's easy now for Compton's to Just a few dollars down and the reasonable balance in small monthly payments you will never miss--about the price of a soda or a cigar each day. This eoupon--without cost or ob- ligation--wlill bring you the Ias- cinating Information-game, The Questionario. This game divides children Into age-groups, gives questions and answers on varied subjects, provides an automatic way to give the proper mark, and then tells the average school mark, Mail coupon at once for YOUR copy. Now get the facts on how easily you can put it into YOUR child's life. Address F. E. Compton &Co., Compton Building, 1000 North Dearborn St., Dept. 35, Chicago, Ill. Tel. Superior 8270 You've get it. FREE TO PARENTS MAIL ' COUPON 4 NOW VF Fd 4 4 4 Vd Ld hd ~The clopedia. PEEPLES ACA x P= " +! FE COMPTON #8 Co.. Dept. 35, 1000 North Dear- born St., Chicago, Ill Please send me at once-- & without cost or obligation Questionario Game & and full facts about Xmas of- fer Compton's Pictured Ency- ' COMPTON'S % PICTURED ENCYCLOPED "4 Address IA ton... State