WINNETKA TALK December 17, 1927 NR . Na \ Ra Let Us Set Aside The Best Plants for You ANY Na In our greenhouse you will find a marvelous display of Christmas flowers and it will be a joy for you to make your selection. POINSETTIA that gorgeous Christmas Plant Cyclamen -- Jerusalem Cherry -- Begonias, and a host of others. . . .then too, there's all the cut flowers that you'll want. Deliveries will be made Christmas eve or morning, just as you prefer. Flowers by Wire. Deliveries made all over the country in just a few hours. BOROVICKA Florist FRANK 748 Center St. FER EER RR Tel. Winn. 843 | various activities that come within its | 142 Church road had as house guests Lewis T. Dodds Named President of Realty Board Officers elected at the meeting of the North Shore Real Estate board at Glengables, Glencoe, Tuesday evening, were installed at the annual banquet held at the North Shore hotel, Evans- ton, Wednesday evening. Lewis T. Dodds of Quinlan & Tyson's Winnetka office, was elected presi- dent; F. Coleman Burroughs, Wil- mette, vice-president; Robert H. Fla- herty, Wilmette, secretary; Harold R. Vant, of Vant & Selig, Deerfield, treas- urer; Robert L. Wyatt, of Glenview, the retiring president, a member of the board of directors. 3 Dancing followed the banquet and installation ceremonies. Skokie Music Club Assumes Charge of School Programs A new experiment in the way of pu- pils' clubs is being tried out at the Skokie school. Separate clubs in the various activities have been organized by the pupils themselves. One of these, the Music club, has assumed re- sponsibility for all musical programs given by the school, all assembly sing- ing, and all public announcements that concern musical activities. The club meets once a week and is presided over by the elected officers. Four committees are appointed each year, publicity, assembly, constitution and program; each group governing the jurisdiction. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Coambs of | last week Mrs. Coamb's brother and | sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Don | of Rock Island. The Dons returned {| home Monday. Ayers Boal, Jr., Freezes Feet on Mountain Climb A story carried in last Tuesday's issue of The Dartmouth, Dartmouth University students' publication, car ries the account of a thrilling experi ence in which Ayres Boal, Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ayres Boal, 701 Sheri dan road, Winnetka, sustained severely frozen feet, causing him to be con fined to the university hospital for medical attention. According to the report, Mr. Boal. who is a sophomore at Dartmouth, and a friend, F. Gulden, started from Han over, N. H, to climb to the peak of Smarts mountain, 3,200 feet above sea level. In attempting to take a short cut to the peak they became somewhat confused and eventually found them- selves at the top of an adjoining and smaller peak. Disappointed they start ed to return to Hanover but when they chanced to recross the regular trail to Smarts mountain they decided to push on to the summit. By the time they had gone about half way to the summit, however, a fierce gale and sub-zero weather had nearly exhausted their strength and throwing away food supplies and call- ing upon every ounce of strength they fought their way on to the top. Here they found the door to the cabin frozen shut and they were forced to crawl through a window. Efforts to start a fire resulted in a back-draft caused by the gale and their being driven from the cabin by the smoke. Realizing the futility of fire under such circumstances they returned and wrapped up in their blankets to keep warm. The blankets, however, were damp and Mr. Boal was unable to warm his frosted feet. After a miser- able and sleepless nicht they returned to Hanover and to the hospital. Make Our Store Your Headquarters Rapp Bros. can also furnish the best of all eat- ables for your Christmas dinner, including Tur- keys, Geese, Ducks, Chickens, to say nothing of the cranberries, nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables. for XMAS TREES Round, bushy Balsams, heavy with needles, the kind that will keep for weeks and not lose its needles and freshness. you've seen in years. The best looking, bushiest Xmas trees A WHOLE CAR LOAD Trees of all sizes and descriptions, from a small table tree to the largest outdoor community festivity tree. We would appreciate your ordering early! also--Bulk Holly and Mistletoe. Rapp Bros. Groceries and Meats 522 LINDEN AVENUE TELEPHONES: 1870-71 AEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EERE EY