WINNETKA TALK 45 Scouts do Christmas "Good Turns" Boy Scouts of the nine Wilmette troops have been helping Mrs, Lillian D. Northam, Wilmette social worker, in the gathering and distributing of materials in connection with Christmas help. Scouts will also co-operate in serving as ushers and distributing song sheets at the Wilmette Community Carol Sing. One hundred and ten scouts from eight Wilmette troops gathered at the Byron Stolp school last Saturday night for their monthly rally and Christmas party. The attendance by troops was as follows: Troop 1, American Legion Byron Stolp school, 4; troop 2, Con- gregational church, 25; troop 3, Metho- dist church, 7; troop 4, Episcopal! church, 23; troop 5, Presbyterian church 11; troop 6, Lutheran church, 12; troop 8, Baptist church, 8; troop 9, St. Joseph's Catholic church, 16. Karl D. King, president of the North- shore Area council, awarded Eagle Scout Badge to Robert Crawford of troop 2. Coming Events December 26--Winter campers leave. for Wilderness, Michigan. December 27--Winter campers leave for "Cabin in the Woods." January 3--Kenilworth® Court Honor and committee meeting. January 6--Scoutmasters' Testimo- nial dinner. January 9--Highland Park Board of Review and Court of Award. January 11--Wilmette Board of Re- view. January 20--Highland Park Father and Son banquet. January 21--Wilmette monthly rally. January 27--Coun jl First Aid con- test. ( February 5-12--'Boy Scout Eigh- teenth Anniversary week. At the Wilmette Board of Review held Wednesday evening, December 14, Robert Crawford's application for Eagle Badge was approved. The large number of scouts who appeared for review were awarded their badges at the Wilmette Rally which is held on the third Saturday of each month, on December 17th at Byron Stolp school. The men who conducted the Board of Review were Mr. J. R. Harp- er, chairman, and Messrs. Wilson, Upson, Rapp, Hawkins, Leach and Siefried and McPeek. The badges approved were as fol- lows: Second class--Angus Stevens, troop 4; Laurence Buchmaster, troop 4; Tan Denholm, troop 5; Roger Fried- man, troop 5. First class--Bill Morris, troop 5: John Miller, troop 9; Adam Bauer, troop 9. Application for merit badges as fol- fows : Robert Crawford, troop 2, Hand- icraft, Carpentry; Paul Sterner, troop 4, First Aid to Animals, Carpentry; David Henderson, troop 4, Handicraft. Pathfinding: John Fowler, troop 4, Signaling, Handicraft; David Harper, troop 4, Conservation; George Busch, troop 4, Conservation, Music; John Gilroy, troop 4, Conservation, Music: Don Miner, troop 5, swimming; James Hoffman, troop 9, Carpentry, Pathfind- ing; James Rowe, troop 9, Cycling; Adam Bower, troon 9, Pathfinding, Carpentry; John Millen, troop 9, Path- finding. Application for Star Scout: David Henderson, troop 4; Paul Sterner, troop 4. Application for Eagle Scout: Rob- ert Crawford, troop 2. Audit Reported to Public Brummel, Curran and company, ac- countants and auditors, with offices in the of ERROR TTI AEIET SETI Conway building, Chicago, have submitted the following report: "Executive board--North Shore Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, Highland Park, Illinois. Gentlemen : rursuant to the request of one of your officers, we have made an audit of the Cash Receipts and Disbursements of your organization for the fiscal year ended November 30, 1927. As a result of our audit, we are pleased to report that our findings are in agree- ment with the records of the Treasurer, there being no errors or irregularities of any nature. Appended hereto are the following statements reflecting the results referred to above: CASH RECEIPTS UP TO AND INCLUD- ING NOVEMBER 30TH were as fol- lows : Highland Park Wilmette Lake Forest Glencoe Deerfield Kenilworth Lake Bluff Glenview Highwood Miscellaneous Supply--Sales of Badges, Books, etc.............. 403.00 TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS. ....$7,137.09 CASH DISBURSEMENTS: Executive Salaries ............... $2,725.00 Office Salaries, including special help at the set-up of the various financial campaigns ........... 1,334.92 Rent, Light, Heat, ete. .......... 433.50 Supplies, for resale, including Euipment furnished to troops by the Council Office, office sup- plies, stationery, ete. .......... 1,556.29 ($403.00 of which has been re- i ceived and is to be eredited to- ward this item) .. .. .. .. .. Postage Educational Publicity ........... 22.30 Transportation'... i.d.i 0.0 150.62 Leadership Training ............. 100.99 Rallies, Field Days, Demonstra- tions, ate... .. 3 00 ia 71.69 Quota paid to National Council... 162.50 Miscellaneous Expenses ......... 38.29 Office equipment ................. 137.71 TOTAL CASH DISBURSEMENTS ......... $7,091.85 BALANCE--CASH IN BANK AT NOVEMBER 30, 1927. (Boned le--1) . .onzuns von svieis $ 45.24 This report gives the public a bird's eye view estimate of the work that has been carried on by the North Shore Area Council during the past year. New Trier Glee Club Entertains Rotarians The Boys' Glee club at New Trier High school, under the direction of Mrs. Marian Cotton, supervisor of music at the school, entertained the Wilmette Rotary club at its annual Christmas luncheon in the Shawnee club Wednesday of this week. Miss Winnifred Mickey of the high school music staff was the accompanist. Three past presidents of the Rotary club were in charge of the program while arrangements were made by the program committee of which Robert M. Johnston is chairman. A feature of the program was a group of selections sung by Joseph Kutten, a member of the Rotary club. Women Voters Arrange for National Parley Arrangements for the convention of the National League of Women Vot- ers, which is to be held in Chicago, April 23-28, were considered last week by the board of directors of the Na- tional League of Women Voters meet- ing in Highland Park. Three Illinois women are to serve on the program committee for the con- vention announced as follows: Miss Elizabeth J. Hauser, Ohio, chairman, and Miss Ruth Morgan, New York, Mrs, W. W. Ramsey, Illinois, Mrs. William G. Hibbard, and Miss Bertha Bidwell, president of the Illinois League of Women Voters. Mrs. George Gellhorn of St. Louis will be the chairman of the nominat- ing committee which has the respon- sible task of recommending candidates for the offices of the National league. The terms of all the present officers expire in April. Other members of the committee will be from the various regions by which the league is organ- ized and include, Miss Mary Bulkley, Connecticut, Mrs. Harriman Simons, New Jersey, Miss Anita Williams, Tennessee, Miss Olive Colton, Ohio, Mrs. S. T. McKnight, Minnesota, and Miss Alice Burr, California. The Illinois Bell Telephone company installed its 900,000th telephone in Chi- cago recently. Beauty Lies in Healthy EYES It's not so much the size or col- or of the EYES that makes them beautiful. Rather, it's the glow which radiates from them. Unless kept always clean and healthy, EYES lack this allur- ing lustre. Millions of women throughout the world promote EYE health and beauty with Murine. It cleanses EYES of irritating par- ticles and keeps them clear and bright. Contains no belladonna. The Murine Company Dept. 33, Chicago Our illustrated books on "Eye Care" or "Eye Beauty" are FREE on request. JR iy 5 EYES EET 909 Linden Ave. LOOK THE BODY & FENDER SHOP Specializing in AUTO BODY AND FENDER REPAIRING JESSE LOWE For five years foreman and manager of Evanston Bump Shop. Hubbard Woods Winnetka 686 SKATING POND READY The Kenilworth skating pond has been flooded and is now ready for use, it was announced this week by Jacob Baker, under whose supervision the rink has been prepared. Cash for Future Delivery J. E. SWIFT TEAL INSURANCE WRITER NEW YORK LIFE 1017 Central Avenue WILMETTE, ILLINOIS Telephone--Wilmette 37 Christmas Decorations Cut and potted flowers and bright colored evergreens enter largely, if not entirely, in home decorations for Christmas holi- days. If you want your home to look as beautiful as any let us suggest that you leave your order for floral and evergreen decora- tions with us as soon as possible. In this way you will get the best. Flowers by Wire LE Sah DESIGNS -- DECORATIONS Henry Ilg Florist Established 25 Years CENTER ST. AT PINE TEL. WINNETKA 313 RMR Sh a Heraldic Artist Book Plates Crests Coats of Arms Etchings Artistic Lamp Shades Studio 17 Rapp Building Winnetka