/ ~ December 31, 1927 WINNETKA TALK DOES JAIL "STRETCH"; GIVEN LIFE SENTENCE Policeman Carl Bishop Bribes Way Out of Winnetka Cell to Meet Wedding Engagement Patrolman Carl Bishop, of the Win- netka police department, who in the course of his official duties is accus- tomed to "looking through the bars," but from the outside in, had the tables turned on him last Wednesday, by the entire committee of practical jokers at the Village hall. For three-quarters of an hour Bishop was held a prisoner, for ransom, and as he peered through the bars from the inside out, begged, then pleaded and finally paid the required ransom for his release. Wednesday was Bishop's wedding day. The nuptial hour was 4 o'clock p. m. At 2:30, he was flying around the of- fice getting ready to leave for the im- portant event. Eugene Schubert, former motor- cycle policeman of the department, now engaged in the battery business in Hubard Woods, dropped in to pay the bunch a friendly visit and to extend congratulations to the prospective groom. Schubert expressed a desire to see a prisoner who had been arrested at Hubard Woods and Chief W. M. Pe- terson suggested Bishop take his old friend Schubert down to the cell room. They were followed by a turnkey, and the moment Schubert and the soon-to-he groom were once inside the jail portals, the key was turned hold- ing them prisoners. Schubert was one of the conspirators and Bishop soon "tumbled." Now enters Motorcycle policeman Charles M. Bemus, innocent "Sparky," who was appointed judge, jury and go- between. "Five bucks," was the amount fixed by "Sparky" for Bishop's release. At 3 o'clock negotiations were still in progress when a check was tendered by Bishop. "Too late," replied "Sparky." The bank is closed. We want 'five bucks' in cash, and if you give us too much back talk, we'll make it eight." Groom Capitulates Fifteen minutes later Bishop handed over a crisp new five dollar bill, for the pleasure of hearing the big key open the lock which had detained him. And as he rushed out the door to keep his appointment with Dan Cupid, he was followed by a shower of old shoes and rice and a still greater quan- tity of good wishes from everyone at the Village hall. Patrolman Bishop and Miss Mary Elizabeth Noble, of 1010 Oak street, were married at Sacred Heart church, Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Scout Leaders to Meet at Dinner Next Friday Boy Scout leaders of the north shore are to meet at a testimonial dinner to Scoutmasters to be held Friday eve- ning, January 6, in the private dining room of the Green Tea Pot at High- land Park. Members of the executive board of the North Shore Area coun- cil, Boy Scouts of America, will be special guests. Mrs. Charles Byron, 768 Foxdale avenue, who has been confined to her home for the past few weeks with a severe illness, now is slowly convales- cing. SE baa Robert M. Telfer, Jr. 842 Cherry street, postponed his trip to Cuba and returned to Winnetka from the East to spend the holidays with his family. Evening Gowns--Daytime Frocks-- CLE HAL 565 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka Continuing Our CLEARANCE SALE 1/5 the Original Price Lr Sports Dresses ol This offering of Fall and Winter merchandise includes Velvets, Silks, Jerseys, and Novelty Sports fabrics. 20% Reduction on Leather Sports Coats Phones Winnetka $22 Contes St 1869--1870 ® Illinois 1871--1872 New Year's Specials--Saturday, December 31st Leg Spring I.amb, Ib. Shoulder Spring Lamb, Ib. ..25¢ Roasting Chickens, fresh We Wish to Thank Our Many Friends and Patrons Elgin Creamery Butter ..... Eggs, strictly fresh ........ Stewing Chickens, fresh dressed;:1b. ai... .... 00 39c | for Their Past Patronage ue Oranges, jucy, 3 doz. .......s $1 |and to Extend a Hearty Cash yours. LIdlT Turkeys, fancy, young, dry Greeting for the New Year Cf PE picked .... a nvsss. 55¢ - 45¢ Ducks, fancy, young, per lb. 39¢ SPECIALS FOR TUESDAY, JANUARY 3rd Pillsbury, Ceresota or Gold Medal American Family or Fels Naphtha Flour, 24%-1b. sack ......... $1.04 Seap, 10 bars ....... AE WE ..5%¢ Kelloggs Ce Flakes or Post % Chipso, large pkg. ........ pe ns 22¢ oasties PF ple. NS Pha al i Or Swansdown Cake Flour, pkg. ....35¢ Large Ivory Soap; 10ibars oh 21 $100 Shredded Wheat, pk. da 10¢ Scotch Bell Toilet Paper, 3 rolls ..29¢ Quaker Oats, stiali pk 0 I .10¢c Old Dutch Klenzer, 3 cans ...... 25¢ Batavia Special Rolled Oats, Large Lux, pkg cagusvvcresens 25¢ small py. hos iciidininns ns 12¢ Camay Soap, 3 bars=ue...... a .25¢ Best 'Lamb "Stew, Ib. ........0. 29¢ Best" VealiStew, 1b. ... ov... .. ..25¢ SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY, JAN 4th Alola Tomatoes, 2% Tin, 7 cans $1.00. Play Fair Cut Green Beans, GO CHARS i sna diiee,s Sera ven $1.00 : Kenilration, 6:cans 4 ....cou.. $1.00 Safety First Sifted Peas, 8 cans $1.00 Alola Special Peaches, No. 2% Tin, J cans... iene ss sarees Alola Pealed Apricots, No. 2% Tin, .~ KEY Li UN RR Ri dye