18 WINNETKA TALK January 14, 1928 . . Piano Playing Positively taught any person IN 20 LESSONS Write or phone for FREE BOOKLET CHRISTENSEN SCHOOLS OF POPULAR MUSIC Piano, Saxophone, Banjo, all Instruments 20 E. JACKSON ST. HARRISON 5669 CHICAGO, ILL. Miss Beatrice Ripley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Ripley, 29 Indian Hill road, returned last week to Poughkeepsie, N. Y. to resume her studies at Vassar college. Wilder Ripley also has returned to the East, where he attends the Hill school, Mink Jap Mink Gray Persian Rm. 304--190 N, State St., FAGIN FUR SHOP (Est. 1912) CLOSING OUT SALE 33149) Reduction Coats Remodeling ¥ Repairing at Lowest Prices Chicago State 6008 Pottstown, Pa. Squirrel Fitch Black Persian EE ,,,,,---- State-Lake Bldg. "Russia" to Be Subject at Uptown Forum Sunday Prof.- Jerome Davis of Yale, will speak at the Uptown Forum, Sunday evening, January 15, on "Russia-- Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow." Pro- fessor Davis is one of the best in- formed Americans on Russia, having made almost annual visits to Russia since 1920, when he was associated with Herbert Hoover in the American Relief of Russia during the famine. He has previously become sufficiently acquainted with Russia to speak the language. This last summer he was one of the specialists associated with the unofficial American Trade Union delegation to Russia. The Uptown Forum meets in the People's Church, 941 Lawrence ave- Sie just east of Sheridan road, at 8 RAILWAY CLUB PROGRAM The Chicago and North Western Woman's club will have a reciprocity day program Wednesday, January 18. The club's guests at that time will be presidents or representatives of the other railway women's clubs. John McDonald, soloist, with Miss Corinne Byington at the piano, will give the program. the first Homestead apartment \&) see now how delightful it is! ON the second floor of The Homestead, one of the typical Early American apartments---of three rooms, with kitchenette & breakfast room---now awaits your inspection. On view morning, afternoon & evening. Chairs gay with glazed chintz. Comb -back Windsor chairs. Odd little tables. Quaint lamps. Book shelves. Friendly old prints on the walls. Interesting carpeting and draperies You may choose a Homestead apartment of twos three or four rooms, with kitchenette & breakfast room. Or a single room with bath. Every apartment is com- pletely furnished. The Homestead----a way of living! Telephone Greenleaf 3300 THE HOMESTEAD On Hinman Avenue, a few paces north of Davis Street Community House Calendar (Week of January 16, 1928) Monday Morning-- 9--Kindergarten 9--Women's gym class 9--Fancy dancing Afternoon-- 4--Social dancing 4--Meltzer school of music 4--Basketball Evening-- 7 :30--Young Men's gym class 8--Triangle club 8--American Legion 8--Boy Builders 8--English classes 8--Good Luck club 8--Modern Woodman 8:30--Business Men's class Tuesday Morning-- 9--Kindergarten 9--Brush and Pencil class All-Day Community sewing class Afternoon-- 3:45--Boys' gym class 4--Motion pictures 4--Fancy dancing Evening-- 7 :15-9--Motion pictures 7 :30--Young Ladies' gym class 7 :30--New Trier Rifle club 8--Troubadours 8--English classes 8--Community Drama club 8:30--Friendship circle 8:30--Business Girls' club Wednesday Morning-- 9--Kindergarten 9--Brush and Pencil class Afternoon-- 3:45--Boys' gym class 4--_Fancy dancing Fvening-- 7--Congregational annual church dinner 7:30--Young Men's gym class 8 Czecho-Slovakian club 8--North Shore Art league Thursday Morning-- 9--Kindergarten 9-- Women's gym class Afternoon-- 4--Camp Fire girls 4:30--Boys' gym class 5--Fancy dancing Evening-- 7 :30--Boy Scouts 8 North Shore Art league 8--Temple club rehearsal Friday Morning-- 9--Kindergarten 9--Fancy dancing Afternoon-- 4--_Motion pictures 4--Pathfinders 4--Bluebirds Evening-- 7:15-9--Motion pictures 7 :15--Fancy dancing 7 :30--New Trier Rifle club 8--Panthers 8--Real estate lecture 8--Scout Troop committee 8--Young men's gym class Saturday Morning-- 9--TFancy dancing 9--Meltzer School of Music 9--Basketball practice Afternoon-- 2--Boys' gym class Evening-- 8:30--Czecho-Slovakian club Mr. and Mrs. Mansfield Jones moved last week into their new home at 319 Sheridan road, from 878 Tower road. They bought the Sheridan road house recently from I. K. Friedman. --_---- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Willard Olson, Jr., 362 Hawthorn lane, announce the birth on Tanuary 9, of Charles Willard Neon. TTI, at the Evanston hospital.