January 21, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 35 Youngsters Have Parts in 2 Plays at Children's Theater Thirty-five children players will ap- ear in "Dick Whittington" and "The hree Spinners," when the second of the Children's theater productions opens at the Haven school theater, Evanston, February 4. Never before has the Children's theater presented so many children in one cast. Miller school is the first school to be chosen to do an entire play. A cast of 25, under the direction of Miss Evelyn Brown, will present "Dick Whittington," a pantomime of the old story. The characters include, besides Dick, the good cat, Phoebe, Mr. Fitz- warren and his kind daughter Alice, Cicely, their cross cook, Captain Brown and his jolly sailors, King Moo Moo and his Queen, the rats who plagued the land, the screen shifters, and the children who tell and hear the story. The adult parts for the other play, "The Three Spinners," are cast from Thalian Dramatic club of the School of Speech, and the children's parts from upper and lower Haven. Several of these characters are tiny tots, the youngest who have ever appeared in a Children's theater play. The play it- self is a charming fairy tale in three short acts. The Haven school and orchestra, un- der the direction of B. F. Stuber, will play at all four performances of Feb. 4 and 11 One last opportunity will be given at the various schools to buy season tickets which enable children to see the plays at exactly half the regular rate. Purple Track Men Face Notre Dame Saturday Northwestern and Notre Dame will again meet in athletic rivalry Satur- day, January 21, when Coach Frank Hill takes his track squad to South Bend for a dual meet with the Irish. It will be the first track meet of the season for both teams. Last year the Purple speed artists trounced Notre Dame by a score of 46 to 39 in a meet which was not decided until the running of the relay, the last event on the program. The Irish are expected to stage a valiant attempt to even up matters and at the same time atone in part for the recent basketball drubbing which the Purple administered to Coach Keagan's bas- ketball proteges. For want of a nail, according to history, a battle was lost. For want of a few middledistance runners to back up a superlative group of field men, many a track team has met with adversity. In some respects this is the situation which faces the Purple this year. Out of nine letter men on the squad, six are field men and of the remaining three only one is a middle distance performer. Stamp and Coin Club Popular at New Trier The Stamp and Coin club of New Trier High school met Tuesday, Janu- ary 17. The club, popular from its start, has a large membership. Pack- ets of stamps are distributed among the members at the meetings follow- ing their donations, and lectures are given on topics of interest to the members. Several magazines on stamps and coins are available in the school library. The club was founded by students interested in stamps and coins, their study, and their collection. GLENCOE MOVIES "The Road to Romance," a picture of the good old swashbuckling buc- caneer days when pirates and "pieces of eight." "Long Toms" and "John Silvers" held forth, will be presented at the Glencoe Union church next Fri- day. Roman Navarro is the feautred player. 32 HELP WANTED--FEMALE COMPETENT WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework in small family. With or without washing--wages accordingly. References required. Glencoe 1218. 32TN45-1tc EXPERIENCED MAID WANTED FOR general housework. No washing. Good salary. 235 Hawthorne, Glencoe 1312, 32TN-45-1tc FOR SALE--HOUSES To Settle Estate ONE OF WINNETKA'S INTERESTING brick houses in choice East section. 5 bedrooms; 2 baths; h. w. ht.; 2-car garage; on 2-5 acres of superbly wood- ed grounds ; half way between Lake and transportation. $30,000 will buy it. All cash might get it for less. Heinsen Realty Co. 720 Elm St. 'Winnetka Phone 254 52L.TN16-1tc GENERAL HOUSEWORK MAID. REF- erences required. German or Scandina- vian preferred. Call Winn. 2843. 32TN45-1te WANTED -- NEAT MAID FOR GEN. hswk. Must like children. Refs. re- quired. Call Sunday afternon. Winn. 1879. 32TN45-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral hswk. to go home nights. Refs. Winnetka 1093. 32N1-1tc HUBBARD WOODS. OWNER LEAV- ing city. Seven room Colonial house. Four glazed porches. Two baths. Sealed garage. Wooded lot. Winnetka 1649. 521. TN16-1tc From Need to Find--in a hurry through the Classified Pages 41 FOR RENT__ROO. JN WANTED--FEMALE LLEGE LADY DESIRES overness. First class refer- I1 Sup. 3110 after 6 P. M. ne. 36LTN16-1tc R, 15 YRS. EXPERIENCE-- of car, do all my repairs, and garden. Best of refs. VY. 37LTN16-1tc VDRY TO DO AT HOME. 1 deliver. Phone Mrs. Cole- 3055, after 5. 36LTN16- -1tp RELIABLE, WHITE WOM- to take care of children by r 3 days a. week. References. 60. 36TN45-1tc ION WANTED--MALE FURNISHED ROOM FOR private home, with mother ter. Near transpor. For couple. Kitchen privileges. 278 or 1167. WELL APPOINTED LIGF keeping and sleeping room. all transportation and st Glencoe 770. FOR RENT--FURN. RM. V -bath and kitchenette. Wil LARGE FRONT ROOM FOF and $7.00. Phone Winn. 192 LARGE, FURN. WELL HE: near transp., private bat} 1543. , Furnaces, Trees TAKEN DOWN, WINN. 3TLTN15-tfe WANTED BY COL. MAN. oy the hour, window cleaning or general housecleaning. A-1 worker. Call Glencoe 987. 3TTN45-1tp FOR RENT--2 FURN. F neh housekeeping, private 42 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT--2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service, near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 42LTN2-tfc 3 ROOMS, HOT WATER HEAT. CALL Glencoe 301-M. 42N1-2tp 44 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT--7 ROOM HOUSE, 3 PORCH- es. Attractive lot. Near schools and transportation. $150. Concessions. Tel. Winn. 680. 44TN45-1tc CLEAN WINDOWS, POLISH FURN,, etc. Drive, wash cars. Winn. 1552. 37TLTN11-tfc CHAUFFEUR, HOUSE AND GARDEN work. Best refer. Call Winn. 2708. . 37LTN16-1tp 38 SIT. WID.--MALE & FEMALE SIT. WANTED--MAN AND WIFE FOR gen. hswk. and cooking. Willing to live on premises. Refs. Douglas 6872. 38N1-1tp MAN WANTS WORK BY DAY OR week. Also woman will get dinners in the evening. Best refs. Phone Glen- coe 1557. 38LTN16-1tc 45 FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSES FOR RENT IMM. UNTIL APR. AT- tractive furn., 8 rm. home. Janitor if desired. Reas. to responsible party. Phone Winn. 1692. 45L.TN16-1tc JUST CALL WILMETTE 4300, WINNETKA 2000 OR GREENLEAF 4300 WILMETTE LIFE WINNETKA TALK GLENCOE NEWS For the convenience of advertisers wishing to cover the Evanston territory we will also accept Want Ads for THE EVANSTON REVIEW.