penn I Tanuary 28, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 51 Burn the Fuel You Know --and be sure Every year unnamed coke comes into Chicago to be sold to any one at any price. It is not fuel you know. On the other hand, thousands of men and millions of dollars are engaged in Chicago to make clean, smoke- less Chicago Solvay Coke, so you can have low cost heat. Burn the fuel you know, used by thousands of satisfied Chicago and suburban families for 22 years. Order a few tons of Chicago Solvay Coke from your dealer. There is a correct size for your heating plant. Ask yourdealer to have a Solvay Service Man show you the most economical way to heat your home. Chicago Solvay Coke, the fuel you know, burns with no smoke, no soot and leaves few ashes to handle. CHICAGO Solvay Coke The Dependable Fuel for the Home Buy it-- Burn it-- You'll Like it BY-PRODUCTS COKE CORP. PICKANDS, BROWN and COV! Manufacturers Sales Agents Order from one of our Authorized Dealers E. C. WEISSENBERG Phone 12 WINNETKA COAL-LUMBER CO. Phone 734.